Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


New member
May 2, 2011
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC


New member
Nov 14, 2011
I am going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I enjoyed the demo and I am looking forward to the conclusion.

If there is all this extra DLC giving new guns, art books etc. etc. I don't really care, I don't have to buy it, I'm not being forced, so I won't buy it.

It doesn't seem any different to Shale DLc or any of the character DLCs for ME2 or DA2 or anything.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
i'd watch the video but truth be told it wouldn't change a thing i still have it preordered on origin hope those bastards don't screw me over with the free bf3 thing


New member
Dec 10, 2009
The lack of or overabundance of DLC plays no factor in my decision on purchasing a game. So long as they don't sell me 1/2 a game at full price and require DLC to get the other 1/2, I don't care what they do. I'm sure I'll still get ME3 as I really enjoyed the first two and look forward to seeing how the story is concluded. I'm less thrilled about Origin so I doubt I'll get it on release day. I'll probably wait for a sale of some sorts.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Yeah, the Prothean DLC thing bugs me as well. As much as I love the ME series I don't think I'll be buying ME3 for the time being. Considering that I just got a PS3 with a bunch of exclusives it won't be a very difficult decision to make, though.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
@antidonkey, it's not half the game, but it is a (presumably) extremely important character, in terms of the story, that only people willing to shell out extra money have access to.
Doing that sort of thing after 6 months, when people have already completed the game, and simply want more of it? Fine. No problem at all. Welcome, in fact. Doing it on the day of the launch? Unacceptable.
What they did with Shale (DA:O) and Zaaed (ME2) was very different. First, those characters were free for anybody who bought a new copy of the game. On launch day, that's pretty much everyone, except pirates. Second, whilst those characters did have their own quests and story elements, those stories were not massively integral to the lore of the entire series of games!


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010

Origin alone affected my decision on the game. I only recently got over it to find out the world didn't end and my computer didn't explode when I installed it.

This however leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. I have always been fascinated with the protheans, and I don't want to pay $10 just to find out about them.

I don't know if I will still be buying the game, I am glad I didn't bother pre-ordering it though. I will definitely not be buying the DLC though, and I will just hope we can see some more protheans in the actual game.

I hope I can find something that makes up for it, to give me a reason to truly want to experience the conclusion of the mass effect trilogy. If not, I am waiting for the game to go on sale.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Well balls, I was just about to make this thread.

It is indeed a fucking disgrace and I am this close to cancelling my preorder. I haven't yet because I'm hoping that EA decides to just say "fuck it, let us placate the Internet and make it free".


New member
Aug 19, 2011
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
And this is why I hate EA. Im sorry but something like this should not be DLC. *sigh* I wanted to buy Mass effect 3 and finish the series but EA are making that as hard as possible for me. It doesn't help that I didn't enjoy the demo that much, but now they are actully going to charge extra for important pieces of the story like this?

Dammit EA, this is one of the many reasons that people hate you.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Loop Stricken said:
Well balls, I was just about to make this thread.

It is indeed a fucking disgrace and I am this close to cancelling my preorder. I haven't yet because I'm hoping that EA decides to just say "fuck it, let us placate the Internet and make it free".
Yeah good luck with that .

Well i want to see the ending . So... I'll buy the game used out of spite . And not download the dlc , it might not change anything but at least they won't see a dime of my money. And for those that will say that i will punish the developper for the publishers action , well i don't care , they are under the EA brand they shall suffer the consequences.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Inithra said:
@antidonkey, it's not half the game, but it is a (presumably) extremely important character, in terms of the story, that only people willing to shell out extra money have access to.
Doing that sort of thing after 6 months, when people have already completed the game, and simply want more of it? Fine. No problem at all. Welcome, in fact. Doing it on the day of the launch? Unacceptable.
What they did with Shale (DA:O) and Zaaed (ME2) was very different. First, those characters were free for anybody who bought a new copy of the game. On launch day, that's pretty much everyone, except pirates. Second, whilst those characters did have their own quests and story elements, those stories were not massively integral to the lore of the entire series of games!
Except this is much more comparable with Katsumi than Zaeed. Why are we assuming the Protean is going to be a huge importance to the game? It's just an extra character to end up in your list of characters, with an extra quest/planet. I mean sure the protean is going to have input on the entire invasion, but otherwise we have NO IDEA what he knows, and what he doesn't. Just because he's prothean doesn't make him integral to the core game. And at least they aren't saying it's CE only and everyone who missed out on the CE is screwed.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
well I wont be buying it for a fair while as there are other games I want to play instead Ill just pick it up when it gets cheap about 12 months or so later as for DLC well I think I have bought about 3 things this console generation and none of those were for Mass Effect I dont care how cool it is I just see 99% of DLC as pointless rarely adding much to the game so I just ignore it.

But hey if you are really upset about this then just follow through on youre threats and not buy the game if enough people do it they will have to take notice they just want to see how much they can get away with like all businesses and generally the bigger the business the greedier it is.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.
You have my whole-hearted agreement and support. Props to you for sticking to your guns and following through with your beliefs.

For me, my love for the Mass Effect story outweighs my outrage over this business practice, so I will not be canceling my pre-order. However, since BioWare also pulled this with Dragon Age 2 and the "Exiled Prince" DLC, I will be cutting off all business with BioWare until they terminate this exploitative policy. However, if I could offer a request, please take the time to send a formal e-mail to BioWare, explaining your actions and your concerns. If we are lucky, the outcry will be enough that they rescind their policy, reinstating something similar to the model demonstrated with Dragon Age: Origins' "Stone Prisoner" DLC or the Mass Effect 2 "Price of Revenge". (To those who don't know, these DLC were free with new game copies, rewarding loyal customers while discouraging used sales without invasive DRM). To me, BioWare has always been one of the few game companies with a good DLC business model, and I would hate to see them succumb to the same practices as those that plague games like Call of Duty. As consumers, we can stop this, but we need to tell them. Silent objections will gain us nothing, so let's make like TotalBiscuit and object, and tell as many people as we can.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Coreless said:
The industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money.
No shit. I don't mind that, but this move is effectively holding content to ransom.
tendaji said:
Why are we assuming the Protean is going to be a huge importance to the game?
Because he's a Prothean, plain and simple. Without the Protheans we'd effectively have no Mass Effect games.


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
pre-comment comment:
I think there is/should be some forum etiquette that if you post a 25min video and want to discuss the points of the video, you should at least allude to what the video is about. Granted the video gets into it quickly, but still.

comment comment:
I can see how this would bother people. Protheans in general are a big deal, so the chances of this character having some important part of the overall experience is at least higher than if it was a 'normal' character. That's fine. I get that. It doesn't mean it will, but it some decent chances.

However, I take issue with the fact the guy in the video assumes that since it will exist at launch that it means it was 'cut' from the rest of the game. Could it be? Yeah it could be, but it could also be an entirely separate piece from the get go. If a publisher gives the devs X amount of money to work on the main game and Y amount of money to work on DLC projects for the game at the same time, we are not entitled(for lack of better word) to get everything developed under the X+Y budget. The fact is we do not know how or when money was allocated for the development.

I'm not saying I like the idea of Day 1 DLC. The fact that the DLC character is a Prothean either means it is a deal of noteworthy size or a very poor implementation of what should be a big deal. At best it's a bit of cheap move and at worst it is a ripoff, but it really hurts the argument (to me) to say that just by existing on launch day, it means we should get it.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
burningdragoon said:
pre-comment comment:
I think there is/should be some forum etiquette that if you post a 25min video and want to discuss the points of the video, you should at least allude to what the video is about. Granted the video gets into it quickly, but still.

comment comment:
I can see how this would bother people. Protheans in general are a big deal, so the chances of this character having some important part of the overall experience is at least higher than if it was a 'normal' character. That's fine. I get that. It doesn't mean it will, but it some decent chances.

However, I take issue with the fact the guy in the video assumes that since it will exist at launch that it means it was 'cut' from the rest of the game. Could it be? Yeah it could be, but it could also be an entirely separate piece from the get go. If a publisher gives the devs X amount of money to work on the main game and Y amount of money to work on DLC projects for the game at the same time, we are not entitled(for lack of better word) to get everything developed under the X+Y budget. The fact is we do not know how or when money was allocated for the development.

I'm not saying I like the idea of Day 1 DLC. The fact that the DLC character is a Prothean either means it is a deal of noteworthy size or a very poor implementation of what should be a big deal. At best it's a bit of cheap move and at worst it is a ripoff, but it really hurts the argument (to me) to say that just by existing on launch day, it means we should get it.
Here's the problem. If you're a Mass Effect fan, like me, a Prothean is a huge deal. Granted, if you're someone new to the series, or if you're not really a fan, you'll probably just shrug and not worry about it. However, this DLC is going to be considered a must have by ME fans, and BioWare and EA knows this. It's nothing short of an attempt to exploit loyal customers. Such practices are, in my opinion, shameful and immoral, and that's the reason why I object. It's not the content I object to, its the intent behind it.