Why is America so awesome?


New member
Feb 10, 2011
"America" is not a country. America is two continents. One is called North America. The other is called South America.

One: You can not crap on America. I highly doubt two whole continents are completely worthless! Two: The United States Of America are awesome!


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
JakubK666 said:

EDIT: Also I love how few people realizes how badly that song mocks USA...
I'm American and find the song hilarious. It is a parody with just enough truth to kill me every time.
OP: We're awesome because....uh....we said FU to the letter u in certain words like color and ardor.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Sensenmann said:
America grew quite the ego when it "won" WW2 (I.E. claimed that it was the guys who curve stomped Hitler ignoring all those other guys in Red) and it became the World's Leading Super Power because the American dollar was and still is (for now) the reserve currency of the world.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
I forgot which country killed Osama Bin Laden.

TheBaron87 said:
Bill of Rights.

AmeriCANS suck, AmeriCA is awesome.
Of course it's okay to be hateful and bigoted toward a given people based on their national origin.

And you suck too.

Odgical said:
Negatives like hating the idea of a National Health Service
Apparently you were either too lazy or too stupid to do enough research on Americas stance on national health insurance. There is a huge push by Americans for America to have a single-payer health plan. Oh, and I support this idea.




New member
Feb 10, 2011
It seems like it is fairly popular on this forum to be hateful toward Americans or America. This is hate based on a persons national origin. As an American, I can say that most Americans don't repay the favor. We like other countries. That's why we allow ourselves to be influenced by other countries.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
I live with someone who at the behest of the United States military built schools in Costa Rica and Panama. They also helped to rebuild in Honduras after a mudslide. We also promised to help Japan after the Earthquake.


New member
Jun 3, 2008
There are many reasons why the US is not awesome. Off the top of my head? The fact that they have monopolized the term "Americans". Mexicans are American, Brazilians are American, Canadians are American. Get over it.

However, then I remember that they have cheese in a can. Cheese. In. A. Can.

That's awesome that you can not buy!


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Look, there are alot of problems with America. I know, because I have spoken them and so has every member of my family at great length. HOWEVER, the awesomeness is a matter of factual data, not opinion. A lousy day in America beats some of the best days in another country. People who live in a ghetto can still have it better than a great ton of people in the world. It's a rather unfortunate detail, but it is true.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
AdamKane said:
I live with someone who at the behest of the United States military built schools and roads etc in Costa Rica and Panama. They also helped to rebuild in Honduras after a mudslide. We also promised to help Japan after the Earthquake.
I know it looks tacky quoting myself. But, this brings a question to mind. When is the last time another country has offered to help the United States when we have had a problem.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
We have some nice mountains and forests! And deserts!

And, uh, that's about it, really. Otherwise it's pretty much the bottom rung of the first world. We just have the biggest guns so we think we're the best.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
1. We like other countries and like to help them. (Even though other countries like to speak ill of us.)
2. We are pretty darn free.
3. We don't usually speak ill of other countries.
4. We welcome people of any nationality, religion, gender, socioeconomic background etc. (Pretty much any type of human being.)
5. We have been heavily influenced by other countries.
6. We heavily influence other countries.
7. We are much more intelligent than a lot of people understand.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
AdamKane said:
1. We like other countries and like to help them. (Even though other countries like to speak ill of us.)
2. We are pretty darn free.
3. We don't usually speak ill of other countries.
4. We welcome people of any nationality, religion, gender, socioeconomic background etc. (Pretty much any type of human being.)
5. We have been heavily influenced by other countries.
6. We heavily influence other countries.
7. We are much more intelligent than a lot of people understand.
1. Like the middle east? nah i'm just joking.
2. yep, those TSA people can spare you a trip to Taiwan!
3. Really? french stereotypes beg to differ.
4. (Who doesn't? besides crazy-ass countries) Americans loose their shit over muslims building a mosque and generally have a pretty strong disposition towards people who do not share their religious views (atheists and such are the most hated group in america right now)
5. Cannot fault you there.
6. True, but most of it comes from the fact that the US sold weapons to both sides in WWII and entered the war pretty late, not to mention its imperialistic intervention in Latin America (they have seriously fucked south america for some 100 years).
7. I think the US needs to pull its education system up by the bootstraps and face facts: during WWII, all of the world's smartest people had to flee from war-torn Europe to America in hopes (cause no one likes to get bombed), this gave the US an advantage in the following decades intellectually. But this advantage wasn't going to last forever without strong education, something that you guys have been lacking. Now with giants like India and China the US has to seriously prove themselves, if they do not want their best and brightest to leave.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Hyper-space said:
3. Really? french stereotypes beg to differ.
What bad things do Americans say about French people?

Hyper-space said:
4. (atheists and such are the most hated group in america right now)
Really now? Aetheists are also hateful to non atheists by calling them things like stupid or ignorant!!