Why is America so awesome?


New member
Nov 2, 2010
LegendaryGamer0 said:
GreyKnight3445 said:
we`re awesome by means of our nuclear arsenal
we are quite literally the Russia of the Western World
no offense to Russians on this thread, i love you you sexy vodka humping fuckers ^^

America. :p

I'm sorry, I just had to do it. XD
you know, i wouldnt be surprised. This thread is like a flame to every apple pie humping patriot who was able to tear themselves from humping the flag post and google search Americs


New member
Feb 9, 2011
savandicus said:
fullmetalangel said:
savandicus said:
America is great because their adverts are HILLAROUS, i saw an advert there once for a 4 by 4 that was 'now able to hold up to 4 tonnes' and looking around you see that a large chunk of americas have these and i bet the heaviest and biggest thing they've ever carried with it is a broom. If anyone on the escapist can think of something a normal person would need to move a 4 tonne object then i'll give them a cookie.
how about a boat? where's my cookie :O
No cookie to you, normal people dont have boats that they need to use a car to drive around. Boats can move themselfs :p. Feel free to try again though.
We need it to carry our gigantic balls because god know its not for our collective brain cell, we have Fox News for that.

Oh, by the way, I have his cookie and it's delicious. :p


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
the idea that "AMERICA IS THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" is a throwback to the olden days when it was absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, the truth.

There was a time just after the great depression where the US was the leader in EVERYTHING, from the sciences, industry, education, military, economy..

That's not really the case anymore, but americans are proud people and they're not going to give up that mindset without many decades of proof to back it up.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Wabblefish said:
The US is a good country with great advanced technology but I wouldn't say they are worlds greatest super power anymore, the most skilled economists have come to the conclusion that China is slowly rising and becoming a greater super power...too bad the country is overpopulated and a lot of the people are poor.
noone cares about those people.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Aardvark said:
There's no such thing as the USA. It's a myth perpetrated by the leaders of the Muslim world, who are in need of a Great Satan to keep the people distracted while they live like kings. They have callcentres and datacentres dedicated to generating all correspondence reportedly from America. All those US soldiers wandering around Iraq? Mercenaries paid to be there, pissing people off.

Between Canada and Mexico, there's a great rift that leads to the centre of the Earth. Canadians and Mexicans, the superstitious lot they are, keep well away from the precipice and don't mention it to anyone, for fear of demons stealing their souls.
This seems accurate to me. Though I heard it was a barren region filled with flesh-eating flamingos, not a great rift in the earth.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
As a New Zealander who has been to america on three occasions and Australia 10 I feel comfortable saying there will crazy people wherever you go and in America there are more microphones around for them to be crazy in the presence of. It is true that America has a lot of dumb stuff going on but it is blown out of proportion by the media around the world and by smart Americans.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
I think America is awesome and I will NOT be apologetic about it. I am tired of Americans being the only ones on this site who are all but forbidden to show any national pride without getting shouted down from all sides. The British, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and effectively anyone else on the site can spout as much patriotism and national pride as they want without consequence, but the moment an American speaks up, they are berated to no end. I am sad yet not surprised in the slightest to see that a thread on positive things about America has been derailed into the opposite of what it's supposed to be.

I will say it, and proudly. I love my country, no matter what anyone else thinks. No country can claim to be the "best", but damn it, we are awesome. We have produced many great things in a vast number of fields, and funded many more. Our people have a strong work ethic and are quite a bit smarter than the rest of the world gives us credit for (because all they see are the stupidest 5% due to "creative" video editing). We look out for our own self-interest, but every nation on Earth does the same. Our culture is truly a wonderful mix of the cultures of so many other nations' people who have come to this country, and has taken on its own unique character because of it. Our people are free to achieve as much as they put in the effort to achieve. Other countries may be awesome too, but America is no less awesome because other countries are awesome.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Deadman Walkin said:
Neosage said:
I am British but I think I know why Americans are so awesome, warning: contains swear words.

Edit: They aren't Canadian!
Yay us Canadians would never make such a thing about ourselves (or about another country)
Have you ever heard of a band (definitely from Canada) called Moxy Fruvous? About 1/5 of their playlist is politically inspired. Some even about the states. Okay so their best song is a spoof of Rush Limbaugh but they still have some very funny (and constructive) things to say about Canadian politics/life.

So if anyone ever asks you one of the reasons Canada is awesome just yell "Moxy Fruvoooous" and break into a rousing chorus of "King of Spain."


New member
Mar 8, 2010
(ZHU) Michael said:
Because we invented the orgasmatron as well as self-microwaving bacon hotdogs
Bacon..... Hotdogs ..... Together!!!! I SIMPLY MUST HAVE!!!!!! :D

I'm british and i don't particularly think America is awesome, but on the other hand i would still love to visit there, just to say i have experienced what is america and lived to tell the tale :)

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
I think it's awesome that it's both the single greatest force for evil in the world today, and still manages to hog most of the stupidity.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Shiny Koi said:
I will agree, at least partially, with that assessment of public schools. I can't say as to your specific examples with the math (though I'm wondering what all you take, considering those 3 and geometry is the entire curriculum. I'm wondering if yours is just integrated), but they have issues with anything other than the norm, and are focused on getting people graduated. I had some issues with grade school, but those are mostly gone at this point (High School)

Back on topic:

America is, shall we say, unique. Most of everything in this thread is a result of holdovers from the post-WWII era, where the US was largely dominant in everything. Russia was the only competitor, and look what happened to it. Our culture is ridiculously widespread - just think of the fact that other countries have to have their own domain extensions to specify that they AREN'T US.

Militarily and politically (international politics), I believe that the States are meddlesome - we are acting as the "world police", something that is literally the job of the UN. Even in the Cold War, we were trying to "protect" the world from communism, and failing miserably at it. (See: Vietnam. Originally there were two countries, just like Korea, but we dumped millions of dollars and thousands of troops into aiding the representative state against the communist state, which was backed by the USSR, and lost.) Any victories on that front were mostly in spite of ourselves. For proof of that, look at the aforementioned USSR.

Apart from this, it is undeniable that the U.S has made more than its fair share of contributions to the world stage - technologically, socially, politically. America had one of the earliest truly representational governments (dang it, it's a republic, not a democracy. The difference is we elect the people who actually make the decisions, because having EVERYONE vote on EVERY decision is just impractical, and has been since the origin of democracy in Athens of ancient Greece), and was key in the development of modern physics (especially electricity) and computers (including the internet)

Despite all of this, the main issue here seems to be the attitude of Americans and other people towards them. To this, I say we are all people - neither saints nor devils, some of us idiots, some of us not. We're no different than the rest of the world, we just have our own (sometimes egotistical) quirks.

TL;DR version:

America has made some amazing accomplishments, but that doesn't mean we're better than everyone else. We're human, too, and our people and our government make mistakes.

P.S. That was the most amazing necro I've ever seen, good job! Been dead over a year and only lasted a few days, even if there were 400+ posts... been going pretty well, too.

P.P.S. Some of the sarcastic stuff on here was massively entertaining, and the serious (rational) stuff was also massively educational. Nice waste of a couple hours, I guess. (Except I want to get up in 5 hours to listen/watch to Notch live. Dang.)


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Toriver said:
I am tired of Americans being the only ones on this site who are all but forbidden to show any national pride without getting shouted down from all sides.
i think that is less to do with the americans being patriotic and more to do with the way they seem to do it. like on the forums they wont just say america is awesome they will say america is the best and every other country can suck on one of my and then post america fuck yeah videos.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
Merkavar said:
Toriver said:
I am tired of Americans being the only ones on this site who are all but forbidden to show any national pride without getting shouted down from all sides.
i think that is less to do with the americans being patriotic and more to do with the way they seem to do it. like on the forums they wont just say america is awesome they will say america is the best and every other country can suck on one of my and then post america fuck yeah videos.
But the point is, anyone else can do the same to Americans with no consequence. I see it all the time. Just look at some posts in this very thread for examples! It's a huge double standard. Anti-Americanism is A-OK, anyone can have a go at the US. But don't you dare say anything mean about the UK unless you actually live there, or you'll be torn a new one! Actually, TBH, as much as many European and other Western countries' citizens here decry nationalism, I find bouts of nationalism in their own rants against the US all the time. In stuff like this... "Canada is awesome because we have so much better healthcare and education than the US. (Insert Canadian gloating here)" In other words, they seem to say, "Nationalism is wrong... as long as it's American nationalism." Nobody likes to be talked down to... Americans included. Americans can be more blunt about our nationalism, but although other countries are not as in-your-face with it, they are very smug and condescending about their nationalism which is just as grating as when an American shouts it to your face.