Why is Gordon Freeman so popular?


New member
Oct 14, 2009
He's one of the first that have made a silent character so successfull. Plus... he can kick ass with crowbars, I mean, cmon. The fact that they can make a story so good with silent character is amazing.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Dr Poochenstein said:
It's because Gordon Freeman can't talk and annoy us with retarded shit.
That too. You don't have a douchebags voice talking out loud to the player.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Mr. Gency said:

Dr Poochenstein said:
It's because Gordon Freeman can't talk and annoy us with retarded shit.
Master Cheif doesn't do this either, instead CORTANA does that for you! Grumble grumble....

My bit: Mr. Freeman was just around when FPS shooters were just taking off again, after the short fad that was Doom. It's a matter of he was there first.... plus he only needs a crowbar... ah hahaha, kidding.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
simple because we see ourselves as him. he is a nerd that knows more about things than the people that souround him and feels like he is either around retarded monkeys (human allies) or tigers (baddies).... hungry tigers... in short he is at its truest form a Super-Ultra-badass nerd acction hero. kind of like James bond, the difference is that bond gets laid... ALLOT... while freeman has a more subtle personality more common to nerd culture.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Bludgeons things to death with a crowbar and random objects with the gravity gun?
-all without saying a single word.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Well, you have to take him as a whole into consideration. Gordon's childhood consisted mostly of quantum physics and worshiping Einstein and Stephen Hawking. He graduated from MIT with a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. The dude is more than just a nerd, but a flat out genius scientist. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was the youngest scientist in all of Black Mesa. When you looked at everyone else in that compound, almost everyone was pushing 50, at least.

Even with all that gray-matter, physically, he is a force to be reckoned with. The crowbar is a good example. In the first Half-Life, while all his scientist colleagues were hiding like scared little boys, he was the guy who took matters into his own hands, brandished a freaking crowbar as a weapon, and took out his rage on those damn aliens. I doubt you could ask any of old geezers to do a single pull up, let alone everything that Gordon went through.

His stoic, silent nature is a defining characteristic of him. But, if you really want to give him a voice, I say look no further than Ross Scott:



New member
Mar 2, 2009
Dr Poochenstein said:
It's because Gordon Freeman can't talk and annoy us with retarded shit.
This is exactly why the first Saint's Row is better than the second one.

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
I'm not completely sure. I think it might be hat he is the classic main character. He's quite, stern, and has gone through hundreds of combine soldiers, even though he is just a guy with a crowbar and a fancy suit of armor. He's just classic.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Because he is like Chuck Norris
Nobody Really knows why hes awesome...He just is


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Because the games are popular, that's it.

Also I don't understand why people consider using a fucking crowbar to be badass.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Because half life is so popular. He is the main character of one of the best fps series ever. Since he doesn't talk, people can't find him annoying and so he is loved.

aztec coyote

New member
Mar 10, 2010
there is a great percentage of people that say freeman is greater than the chief (which we all know is a lie) but i can see why they would think that. he is not a macho hombre with bad dialogue and unrealistic melon sized biceps. he is a nerd like most of us out there. he fills us with pride when we see him kick but like the best of them and give up hope that we can do the same. and if it werent for a few but very big reasons, i would probably agree with the freeman lovers out there.

1. the vast array of weapons and ammo he carries.

i'm getting tired of seeing everyone praise him and his crowbar but have you ever taken the time to notice that he is carrying over 10 weapons at one time? where is he keeping them all? i havent seen any games completed with the use of nothing but the crowbar. you know you are using every available to your disposal and you know you have everything available.
plus, the grav gun seems to have replaced the crowbar in purpose.

the chief on the other hand only carries two weapons at a time (3 when dual wielding) with only a reasonable amount of exaggeration with the ammount of ammo he carries. and the grenades too i guess.

everyone wants to see freeman as the everyman but he's packing more firepower than 3 rambos.

2. the voice.

yes, sometimes hearing your character say the corniest thing can get on your nerves but so can not saying anything at all. we all think of us as him but we know we would have some corny comeback or atleast a "gasp" "not again" or "(insert love interest or female counterpart's name here)" the chief says and only says what's needed.

freeman says nothing. he comes off as nothing more than a robot, or at the very least, a bored guy with nothing better to do. say something. give the go, tell someone to stop, express how you feel every once in a while. unless you have no tongue you dont go about like you have no personality.

that's all i can think of right now. i will post other points when i think of them and would really like to see other people's views on this subject. i would gladly aknowledge other peoples opinions favoring freeman so long as they have valid points and not just disses against the chief


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Mainly because he's such a bad ass and most consider the games good. IMO he's a bad character, no better than master chief.


New member
May 1, 2009
If you really have to ask that question-- let alone create an entire thread devoted to asking it-- then you really don't have any business being within half a mile of any of the Half-life games. If you've played it, then you already know and understand how this phenomenon came about. If you haven't, you're just doing this for pageviews. I could explain, but doing so would be a lot like explaining why GTAIV is funny: it would take a lot of words, most of which don't exist; and it would be for the benifit of someone who really should be finding this out first-hand.

No offense intended.

If you really want it, further explanation can be found here.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
A nerd with a crowbar battling evil nazi-like combine, zombies and aliens? I think he has a valid reason.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Gordon isnt a generic character he is the primordial soup from where all of then spawned. Too bad most came out with chronic retardation cancer.