Why is it so hard to get away with hating the Beatles?


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Another thing is that most of the music itself, regardless of whether you like their version or not, can be done so well in so many ways. Examples, Ofra Harnoy who did the string quartet album cover, Aerosmith did a couple, Chet Atkins, David Bowie, Sinatra, The Muppets, Count Basie and Jimi Hendrix. If you can find a Beatles Song not covered in a style of musc that you like, then you haven't actually looked.

While the musical stylings themselves might not be your thing, the lyrics and music itself can be used in so many ways for so may things.

Amusingly, many people have mentioned Elvis. All he did was take what was considered Black peoples music and do it as a conservative White person (close to what eminem has done with his career).


New member
Mar 5, 2009
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that, at least for people in who grew up in North America or western Europe, The Beatles are a cultural icon. Saying you don't like the Beatles is like saying you don't like the Marx brothers.

It doesn't just mean you have bad taste in music (though it clearly does also mean that). It means that you fail to really understand the last forty years of music. Not liking the Marx brothers is like failing to understand the last ninety years of comedy. It certainly doesn't mean that they never wrote a bad song or, respectively, told a bad joke. But it does mean that the broad range of their work is so culturally important that if you want to get other cultural items you kinda need to learn how to like it.


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
I don't like the beatles either, I much prefer the heavier sounding music of Queen , and their own influence on music is huge.

If someone ever tells me that I have to like the beatles I would just tell them to F off.

And funfact they are named the beatles because Lennon liked buddy hollys crickets.


New member
May 16, 2008
See also KISS. I have been told that I am not a fan of music purely on the basis that I don't like them.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
the_tramp said:
See also KISS. I have been told that I am not a fan of music purely on the basis that I don't like them.
Some of their tracks are okay, but alot of it is pretty samey and not really influential. They're only big and well known because Gene Simmons is a marketing machine and Kiss is designed to be a Brand as opposed to a Band, I guarantee unless they had the crazy outfits, no one would've payed them any attention.

filonafee said:
ThatDaveDude1 said:
If you don't like The Beatles, then you clearly worship Satan.

Are you suggesting that we tolerate Satan Worshipers?
Even on the internet, there is no excuse for not realising he was taking the piss. Calm the fuck down dude.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
What did the Beatles ever do to be hated? I mean, if you don't like them, you don't like them... but do have any reason to HATE them?
They've done an awful lot for music.

I'm fine with someone disliking the Beatles... so long as they have a valid opinion to back it up.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
They revolutionised music of that time period (the 60's, music was just starting to branch out), invented a few genres on the way there (Helter Skelter and Heavy metal) and did in about half the time faster than anyone else.

The only other band I can think of that really tries to make each song count and distinct from eachother like the Beatles atm is Gorillaz, and it takes them 5 years to do it ._.


New member
Dec 19, 2008
My compromise is that I've nothing against The Beatles (other than McCartney being a prick) but I can't stand the music; it's slow, dreary and vocal harmonies always give me a headache.

Oddly enough, I like some covers, chiefly those Madness/Suggs did.


New member
May 28, 2009
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
I thin it's mainly cause some of the members are dead and dead people always become more famous and more untouchable, in a sense.
Also it's because they were kind of the precurser to all modern rock and pop.
It's due to their aid in "revolutionising" music, they things that few bands did before and became globally popular for it. Although it may not seem it they are still great musicians (well the ones who are alive), and just a influential as before.

Though I can see where this thread is coming from I am from Liverpool and people of an older generation tend to bite my head off when I question their "greatness".

The Beatles are very influential (music wise) and help shaped the musical genres of today, from pop to metal (believe it or not). But I my self am not a big fan.

Samuel Cook

and Greg Puciato.
Jan 2, 2009
I for one can't stand the Beatles, although I do respect what they have done for music and wont put down anyone who does like them. My friend from secondary school thought I was just trying to be controversial. He was a shit friend.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Matt_LRR said:
No one would argue you have to listen to the beatles, or obsess over them, but they are most definitely a band that shouldn't be written off with a "the beatles sucked".

They had an industry shaking influence that is still felt today.

Pretty much this.
As a band to sit down and listen to, I really can't stand the Beatles.
But I'd be a total moron to just dismiss everything they did.

And that's the problem with saying 'The Beatles sucked'. You might be referring to your view of their music as a personal taste, but that sentiment carries with it that 'it wouldn't have mattered if they never were around'. Which is beyond ridiculous, and makes you look like an idiot.

As Matt said, regardless of whether you find their music good to your tastes, nobody can deny the impact of their music.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
dogstile said:
I have this problem with Nirvana.

"I don't like the way they sound"
"you have to, they changed music for the better, without them you wouldn't have bands like..."

No, shut the fuck up mr Nirvana fan. I do not care, they sound like ass. Seriously, just ignore those people, they're just dicks.
I knew people who said the same to me until I told them that the only thing Nirvana had influence on was the idea that giving head to a shotgun might not be the best idea in the world.

They shut the fuck up and left me alone after that.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Firstly, I am a big fan of the Beatles. Favourite album = The White Album.

Secondly, that there are Beatles fans that try to force their opinions on others to the point where it causes a heated argument and distress to the recipient, I think that speaks more about the person as a whole and less about the person as a Beatles fan (ie : they have some issues they need to sort out). Personally, I don't care if people bag the Beatles... each to their own, their opinions aren't hurting anyone, this is music and enjoying one's own tastes, it doesn't need to turn into a history lesson.