Why is it so hard to get away with hating the Beatles?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I think its cause tehy're so revolutionary (in terms of the stuff they did) and it would be like saying... I dont know. Saying you hated Stephen Fry on here*.

*Its hard to think of someone that is so universally liked.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Gxas said:
Matt_LRR said:
considering the extent to which the beatles changed and affected the landscape of music, you probably owe the existence of much, if not all, of the music you listen to what they did.

To not, at least, understand and appreciate this puts you in a position of being largely oblivious to how the music you listen to came to exist.

No one would argue you have to listen to the beatles, or obsess over them, but they are most definitely a band that shouldn't be written off with a "the beatles sucked".

They had an industry shaking influence that is still felt today.

What a load of complete and utter rubbish, the music that we choose to listen to came to exist because the bands that we like wrote them DOH!

What if I were to tell you that I respect what they did for the genre, yet still hate every single song that they put out; I cannot stand listening to them at all?

See, I feel exactly this way. I don't like listening to them, ever. But, I do respect everything they did to change the genre of "rock".

My whole deal is that people attack me, verbally abuse me, because I don't like listening to their music. I am very tolerant of other people's opinions on everything from music to religion to just basic likes and dislikes, yet, the same people I'm tolerant of in this way attack me for not liking this one band. I don't get it. I don't get it at all. And it pisses me off to no end.

NOTE: When I say verbally abuse, I mean pull no punches. I seriously feel depressed after they are finished attacking me and have almost stopped bringing this argument up anymore.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
"don't like" and "hate" are not interchangeable.

People that claim to "hate" the Beatles will be looked down upon since the Beatles never did anything that would even remotely justify hate. Their beliefs and messages ranged from "harmlessly romantic" to "pacifistic revolutionary" (depending on what space of time you're looking at) and if those things can trigger actual hate in you then that's the real reason people look at you with disdain, not where you're directing that hate.

If you really mean "don't like" (And if you do, might I suggest you actually say that) then you're in subjective-land. Likes and dislikes have little to nothing to do with facts and pretty much everything to do with taste and personal preference. Everyone are entitled to their personal opinions and as long as they're willing to respect the opinions of other people then they're also entitled to voice them.

If people look down on your for "not liking" the Beatles then they've managed to listen to the music without actually learning anything from the message. The Beatles, more than most, preached acceptance and open-mindedness.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Sovereignty said:
ThatDaveDude1 said:
Sovereignty said:
But screw the Beatles. Especially the fact that typing "beatles" in Wikipedia directs you to their band page. As opposed to a page about BEATLES.
The name of the insect is spelled "Beetles." The name of the band is a pun.

It should regardless lead to a disambiguation page. If Google recognizes I may have misspelled something, so too should Wikipedia.
You're... joking, right? That only happens if you misspell something and it isnt something famous. There's plenty of things that are spelled right that google will ask if you meant something different (mostly bands/things named after words in languages where there's eleven consonants and and 4 vowels).

Besides, everyone should know how to spell Beetle as in the insect, and Beatles as in the band. especially since there's no single word for Beatle that is actually correct.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Here's the deal: You don't have to like or enjoy the Beatles. But still, you have to show them respect. I think what you did was not disrespectful, it's not like you were shouting "I HATE THAT FREAKING CRAP TURN IT OFF" or anything.

Personally, I don't actively listen to the Beatles either. I think they're good, and their music has influenced pretty much all pop and rock we hear these days, good or bad, but I still prefer other bands and listen to other artists a lot more than the Beatles.

Someone saying that they hate the Beatles and goes on to call them crap is just silly. Sure, you might not like them yourself, but there's no denying the fact that they had quite an impact on music; They must have done something right.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
filonafee said:
ThatDaveDude1 said:
If you don't like The Beatles, then you clearly worship Satan.

Are you suggesting that we tolerate Satan Worshipers?
There is something demonic and ritualistic about Beatles fans actually, the way you all bleat out the same answers as soon as a NON BELIEVER is unearthed, it is not unhealthy, ignorant, satanic or in any way wrong to dislike or even HATE The Beatles.
It is however reprehensible that ANYONE should not accept or respect anothers preferances.
You Beatles fans have NO right to tell ANYONE that they MUST respect what you do, and belittle their opinion.
You are the ones at fault. People died fighting in TWO WORLD WARS to give people the right to like whoever they damn well please without being vilified by others.
You are also refusing to read two very well written replies, explaining EXACTLY why you all need to SHUT UP with this The Beatles changed music forever and if it wasn't for them we'd all be hitting tin cups off rocks to make a tune. They DID NOTHING to change music there music is NOTHING better than a cereal commercial that gets stuck in your head because of it's repetitiveness.
How dare you tell the OP he is wrong to have his opinion, at least he has one and isn't scared to voice it.
You are also part of the reason i dislike them and everything to do with them, it sickens me, your behaviour. You have absolutely NO WAY of proving any of the garbage you spout there were a whole lot of bands making similar music at the time and there is no way of knowing who did what first.
They were popular mainly because of HORMONES. Bored teenagers looking for a way to piss off their parents. So you like them BULLY FOR YOU!!! Some people don't get flamin well over it.


I'm pretty sure that was a joke, man.

Calm down, welcome to the Escapist, but stay out of the basement

(Also, before you post comments like these, make sure you're coherent. It seems that your strong passion for freedom to voice one's opinions, no matter what that be, doesn't apply to fans of the beatles?)


New member
Oct 2, 2010
I cant say Ive listened to a single Beatles song from beginning to end ever in my life.
I dont -hate- them, but I certainly find their music too dull, too slow, and generally uninspiring. Not my cup of tea so to speak.
I often keep this opinion to myself for whatever reason and I guess the reason would be because I also think that most Beatles Fans out there are pretty die-hard.
So thats your point made.

Bacon is f***ing gorgeous though!


New member
Jan 12, 2010
when there are people in places most westerners don't even go that still know who the beatles are... there's a sign.

Dont' mess with the Beatles or be labeled a hipster or worse.


Charismatic Stallion
Apr 23, 2010
You know. I'll say it. Not a huge fan of the Beatles. Only like a few of their songs anyway. Most of them are off of Abbey Road. Granted, their work together far surpasses anything they did solo. And look at them separately: even Paul's solo career and his stint with Wings never reached the levels the Beatles achieved, don't make me laugh by mentioning anything by Lennon after "Imagine", George was an excellent guitarist whose skill made many of the Beatles songs that I like songs that I like, and as for Ringo, well...who doesn't love a good drummer? Seriously, though. Ringo is awesome.

dogstile said:
I have this problem with Nirvana.

"I don't like the way they sound"
"you have to, they changed music for the better, without them you wouldn't have bands like..."

No, shut the fuck up mr Nirvana fan. I do not care, they sound like ass. Seriously, just ignore those people, they're just dicks.
Had this same problem the other day. Friend of mine seems to think that Nirvana is the greatest band on the planet simply because Kurt Cobain died. Yay. (To use an example) Cliff Ulrich died, you don't see Metallica being considered the greatest effing band ever, free from scorn or criticism, because of that.

And for the record, I prefer Foo Fighters to Nirvana anyway. That's right. You heard me.


New member
Feb 7, 2011
filonafee said:
ThatDaveDude1 said:
If you don't like The Beatles, then you clearly worship Satan.

Are you suggesting that we tolerate Satan Worshipers?
There is something demonic and ritualistic about Beatles fans actually, the way you all bleat out the same answers as soon as a NON BELIEVER is unearthed, it is not unhealthy, ignorant, satanic or in any way wrong to dislike or even HATE The Beatles.
It is however reprehensible that ANYONE should not accept or respect anothers preferances.
You Beatles fans have NO right to tell ANYONE that they MUST respect what you do, and belittle their opinion.
You are the ones at fault. People died fighting in TWO WORLD WARS to give people the right to like whoever they damn well please without being vilified by others.
You are also refusing to read two very well written replies, explaining EXACTLY why you all need to SHUT UP with this The Beatles changed music forever and if it wasn't for them we'd all be hitting tin cups off rocks to make a tune. They DID NOTHING to change music there music is NOTHING better than a cereal commercial that gets stuck in your head because of it's repetitiveness.
How dare you tell the OP he is wrong to have his opinion, at least he has one and isn't scared to voice it.
You are also part of the reason i dislike them and everything to do with them, it sickens me, your behaviour. You have absolutely NO WAY of proving any of the garbage you spout there were a whole lot of bands making similar music at the time and there is no way of knowing who did what first.
They were popular mainly because of HORMONES. Bored teenagers looking for a way to piss off their parents. So you like them BULLY FOR YOU!!! Some people don't get flamin well over it.
You clearly do not understand what I was going for. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire]


Aug 5, 2009
It's akin to the rice in China argument.

That many people can't be wrong, right?

I'm a Beatles fan. But Elvis has a similar fan base that makes him immune to criticism and bad mouthing. The reason is that both of these people did something for music. They're critically acclaimed and widespread throughout the globe.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
They were pretty much the icon of the sixties, and near enough everyone who lived through that period loved them. They passed that love of the Beatles onto their children and grandchildren, so now you have legions of people who would fight to the death to defend their name.

Besides, their music is catchy :)


New member
Jul 21, 2009
The Beatles took what People like Elvis started and turned that into most of the music we listen to today, many elements from alot of genres first appeared in beatles songs.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Personally I don't like any of the members, but not liking some one never stopped me from listening. Can't really say i hate them, its more of I don't like them. Why, don't like any of the members, they claim to be the best when in reality they stole from Elvis and Buddy Holley. We owe most modern music to Buddy Holley and Elvis Presley not the beatles.


New member
May 28, 2010
Well you obviously don't know anything about music.

I joke, but seriously, I'm a massive Beatles fan and consider them the best band in history (not my personal favourite, but in terms of an overall scale, they would be at the top to me). I'm perfectly fine with people not liking them, I can understand it, tis not everyones thing.

They're a massively important part of pop culture history, if I were to show somebody the 20th century in a nutshell I would pretty much show them everything about the Beatles music, their experiences and lives etc. That's the kind of thing thatcan only come along once, so for that they are placed on a pedestal.

Plus, their music is just that good and you can see their influence in all music made since then.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
bahumat42 said:
Daveman said:
Well I think if you flat out "dislike" the Beatles then you probably haven't listened to it all. There's a lot of almost progressive stuff later on and the classic rock and roll tuneage of their earlier material, they're just one of those bands that push all the buttons. Kind of like a cross between Take That and Radiohead. That said I hate both those bands. But together they make this freakish hybrid that is just epicly intelligent and catchy.

I'm also not gonna say they're the best band ever because personally I still listen to more Tenacious D than the Beatles. But I do think the whole "I hate the Beatles" attitude is a bit silly and I couldn't comprehend how you could feel that way after listening to all their material.
Do you honestly expect people to listen through 15 albums. OFCOURSE NOT people won't have heard them all. A band CAN ONLY be judged on what the masses are likely to have heard. So yeah people are allowed to dislike that. hell i'v probably listened to 13 of those albums by proximity to my parents at one point or another. Nothing really gelled with me. Sure they made a big ripple on the industry, but their sound doesn't appeal to me as an individual.

And this is directed at everyone who thinks people can't dislike the sound. OFCOURSE THEY CAN its entirely opinion. Especially since music has been streamlined and improved upon (debate this if you want but the techniques have improved) what was around at the time. Thus creating more focused music nowadays.

Oh and another thing incase anybody thinks im doing this "to get a rise out of people" i'm expressing my opinion and defending it in a situation brought up by another. I know i personally don't go out of my way to say i don't like it, but if my opinion is asked or somebody is attacking my viewpoint i will speak up.
Yeah, you're right about the "listen to it all" idea. I just meant listen to some more of it as not everyone has a huge amount of exposure to it and don't know. That said, if people are forced to continuously listen to it by their family when they don't like it, as I suspect you have, that's obviously only going to reinforce the dislike into a much stronger feeling.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I get the same thing the second i say "I dont like the beatles (not hate but just dislike)" BAM i get insta-hatred like I just murdered a baby, they were the first mainstream international band but their sound wasnt exactly new, it was just them being the first "popular" (hence them being the first pop band) band internationally that makes them as they are.

ELVIS FREAKING PRESLY was around before them yet I can say I dislike his music and not get hated, who to me changed music more than The Beatles ever did

Hell, how many of you would start hatin on me if I said Metallica changed Metal and as such, shouldn't be hated*


MadCapMunchkin said:
(To use an example) Cliff Ulrich died, you don't see Metallica being considered the greatest effing band ever, free from scorn or criticism, because of that.
It's Cliff Burton I think you got mixed up with Lars Ulrich the drummer. I agree, I dont think that Nirvana would have been ANYWHERE near as big if Kirk Cobain hadnt died


New member
Jan 20, 2011
ReservoirAngel said:
It seems that with almost every band in the world, there is a clearly labelled large group of people who like them, and a large group of people who don't. And this has been accepted for ages.

But the Beatles seems to break this. Apparently, from my experience, admitting to disliking the Beatles is like a social death sentence. Why? I get and respect that the Beatles managed to find some kind of 'timeless' quality market in their music.

And yet it seems people who hate the Beatles are treated as outcasts quite badly because of it. I've asked people why it's so hard for Beatles fans to accept people not liking them, and the response I got was "because those people are obviously ignorant to the history of music".

This utterly fucking baffles me. No other band in the world needs fucking CONTEXT to find them appealing, so why is that the Beatles seem to be this isolated, protected entity when if you don't like them you must be an ignorant beast with no knowledge of music?

It seems they are absolutely immune to the whole 'different strokes for different folks' thing, as if you don't like them, your opinion must mean nothing due to your apparently ignorance.

Personal story time: My dad recently got himself that new-fangled re-release of all the Beatles' stuff in the big box set. My mum went out and he was sat downstairs blasting that shit so loud that I could hear it over my own music upstairs (oddly I was listening to the Rolling Stones at the time, which is another band that seems to sometimes have this 'immune to critique' thing going on) so I went and told him to turn it down...at which point he refuses, because "it's the Beatles. it's better than any shit you listen to, so i aint turning it down".

My dad's normally a nice guy, so him turning into a dick when asked to turn down the Beatles was shocking. I'm not using this to say all Beatles fans are cunts, cause I know they aren't. But it was weird to think people hold that high a view of the band.

Erm...I don't really have any discussion-type questions here...this was mostly just a rant, so I dunno how exactly to round this off...

...erm...I like bacon? I dunno...
"I am the walrus, goo-goo ka choo"

But, that aside, the Beatles were a very talented band who crossed a number of genres and styles. It's fine if you don't like their music (Given their range it's more likely you'll find a song you do like than you'll find no songs) but you can't dismiss the Beatles as a band.

As for your Dad, maybe he just wanted to listen to his music uninterrupted. It might not excuse him being a dick, but when there's a band which holds a deep connection with you those interruptions can be jarring and pull out knee-jerk responses like that.