Why Skyrim Should Have Been Delayed: An Argument in Pictures


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Yeah, but if they pushed it back, they wouldn't be able to release on 11/11/11, and you know what the marketing folks are like! We'd have to wait until 12/12/12 for it then! And what if they can't release it then for some other reason? You wouldn't get another date like that for a whole millennia! D=


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Daverson said:
Yeah, but if they pushed it back, they wouldn't be able to release on 11/11/11, and you know what the marketing folks are like! We'd have to wait until 12/12/12 for it then! And what if they can't release it then for some other reason? You wouldn't get another date like that for a whole millennia! D=
If they aimed for January the first and made this their backup all their problems would of been solved...


New member
Jan 31, 2010
I've experienced all of these issues as well, and some. I would have to agree that Skyrim needed more polish (as did the patch).


New member
Apr 9, 2009
burhanr said:
So i bought a cooling pad, and HWMonitor says that the average temperature for my GPU while playing is around 104 celcius, and 80 celcius for my CPU.
It ain't gonna be saying that for much longer haha.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
It's still probably your graphics setup. Having the latest drivers doesn't guarantee that the problem lies elsewhere. Besides, it might be a hardware problem: I have an alienware running ATI chipsets, and it doesn't always play nicely with things developed exclusively on nvidia. Not a common problem, but it does happen.

In general though I have found it worthwhile to buy AAA games 12-18 months after release; by this time a consensus on quality will have developed, most bugs patched out, DLC released and patched, and most importantly it gives the thing a chance to go on Steam sale for some ridiculous discount.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
burhanr said:
So i bought a cooling pad, and HWMonitor says that the average temperature for my GPU while playing is around 104 celcius, and 80 celcius for my CPU.
I would fix that and quick. intel CPUs shouldn't be over 72.6C and AMD shouldn't go over 55C. GPUs generally have higher operating temps but about 90C is the max. I would get your computer fixed because you are going to melt something my friend.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
burhanr said:
This probably have little connection to the topic, but, I played Skyrim on a Sony laptop with a.. lets say.. mid to entry level graphics card.
The cooling fans for the whole laptop (not a gaming laptop, only one fan) is missing 8 (EIGHT!) of its fins, because some weird shit happened inside it (i seriously did not know how). It only have four fins now.
So i bought a cooling pad, and HWMonitor says that the average temperature for my GPU while playing is around 104 celcius, and 80 celcius for my CPU.
Get that internal fan swapped out on the double. you have to get those temps down or you're going to fry everything.

I heard from an electrical engineer that a good rule of thumb for thermals is that you halve the component lifetime for every 10 degrees C above nominal operating temperature.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
It's just a glitch. I get them a few times as well, but a quick trip into an interior cell seems to work pretty well. If not, resetting the game certainly works; which I don't mind seeing how Skyrim takes like half a second to start up.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Bro this is a problem with your computer not the game. I've never seen any of this in my experience in Skyrim, and I've played it a lot.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Eccentric Lich said:
Ranorak said:
Obviously I know nothing of the machine you run this on.
But did the idea occur to you that your machine might have something to do with these graphical glitches?
It did not. My machine is a brand new Alienware (two months old) and runs other games without incident. I play Skyrim with no lag too.
As someone who used to have an Alienwar gaming computer, I have to say that they are the most overpriced pieces of shit I have ever encountered. It's very possible that Alienware may just not like Skyrim. My computer ran some games awesome, and others had the same kind of problems you just showed.

Besides that, I doubt that anything else you've played is anywhere near as taxing on your computer as Skyrim.

I'm not saying that this isn't the game's fault, just that there is a very real possibility that it's Alienwares fault.


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
Considering my Skyrim is running fine this kinda feels like my dinner being cooked and ready, and having to wait for someone else while they chuck theirs in the microwave for an extra minute or two. Hope it sorts out for ya soon.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I hate to say this, when it's already been said so many times, but it's probably your specific computer. I've been playing the Xbox release, and, apart from a couple of crashes, it's been fine. It might not have installed properly, the disc might have been damaged, or your driver/graphics card might be faulty, but those are the sorts of errors you might get in any game if something's gone wrong.

The flying Hod is all Bethesda though. :p

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Taunta said:
While I have seen people complain about the odd glitch occurring and never happening again, you do seem to be having an unusually large amount. I laughed rather heartily at the screencaps. :)
Seems to be a problem with his video card. Not that I haven't run into my fair share of bugs. My favorite was the dragon that appeared above the town of Dawnstar. It flew around, blasting things with it's breath (killing a guard and the local alchemy shop owner) and never came down. I would hit it with arrows and then it would fly off into the distance, seemingly going away except combat was not over so I couldn't fast travel, then it would come back fully healed to do it some more. Eventually it landed on top of a mountain that overlooks the town, and then.. it slid down the mountain about 10-20 feet whereupon, never getting out of a seated position mind you, it tipped it's nose back up and began scooting around the sky while seated and never moving it's wings. It looked like some toy a child might play with, the way it flew and tipped it's body to breath fire but no part of it ever flexed or bended.

I tried to walk away from it, figuring "screw this" but the damned thing kept following me and the longer it did this, the choppier my frame rate got. Eventually (since I don't have the shout to force a dragon to land and I'm willing to bet if I had the game woulda crashed anyhow) I decided "to hell with it", I was going to use console commands. I had never used them before, I didn't want to be a "cheater", but I'd done too much without saving before this joker showed up and at the point of the last autosave he was always showing up and acting like this. I turned off clipping, walked into the sky and killed the dumb bastard. Then I descended down to the grateful residents of Dawnstar, and with a wave of my console commands resurrected the dead, who brushed themselves off and were none the worse for wear, my act of benevolent Godhood complete.

Kind of an off-topic question: Why is it that Skyrim has so many bugs? I play WoW quite frequently, also a huge open-world RPG, but these kinds of graphical glitches never happen to me. (I've never seen flying NPCs, quest givers melting into the ground, dragons exploring space,etc) The worst seems to be "oh this mob is evade-bugged", which gets fixed relatively quickly. Is it just a difference in the beta, the developer, or what?
Eh Wow's been out a long time. Bugs and glitches do happen there though. I had a friend who for the longest time, had one extra talent point. The problem was, he specced his character all wrong, but he didn't dare respec for fear of losing that novelty. You could see it on the character viewer and everything. So he had to start another warrior. (He was hardcore and had remade this character a few times anyhow in different races before paid race changes) Then a patch came along and resolved the situation, which was kind of a relief to him.


New member
Mar 27, 2010
Sam17 said:
Some of them might be down to the RAM issue, Skyrim only uses up to 2GB of RAM which caused similar problems for me graphics-wise with textures not loading etc, I fixed it and it now runs like butter because I downloaded the mod below

Easy to install, and improved my performance drastically, I now no longer get random CTDs

I agree with this. I had a huge amount of CTD's and glitches like you, then I installed the 4GB mod to Skyrim. No more CTD's or bugs since. Or, alternatively you could wait for Bethesda to make their official LAA to use more than 2GBs, because I'm pretty sure they've said that they are doing that soon.


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
OP; Go download the 4GB patch from Skyrim Nexus. Problem solved.

Ed: Ninjas... there everywhere.