Why Straight White Guys Shouldn't Always Play Games As Themselves


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Witty Name Here said:
Rebel_Raven said:
Again, why's it gotta be limited to JRPGs? You won't answer anything on that, so why should I bend over backwards to please your demands on a list? I don't keep track of every last game that comes out, but I do try, and I do keep up with the mainstream games which helps keep me ticked at the industry.

Character customization, and gender select is pretty wide spread in eastern games, and I'd take that over not having it at all, and being forced to play as a straight white guy almost all the time.

I can't even think of a within the year western game where you primarily play as a black man with no option, nevermind an eastern one.
GTA doesn't even hold up to the rest of the terms in the paragraph. Online is character creation, thus playing as a black man is an option. Offline you can't beat the story mode only playing as Lamar, and even then, he's an option.

Hey, you're not even telling me why it has to be limited to JRPGs, so why do I gotta go through the effort of making a list?

I'm not dumb enough to believe any section of the industry has diversity perfect. I know it, in general, has a long way to go.
Ah, you're afraid of answering the question in earnest aren't you? You're repeating the "WHY JRPG?!" Line as though it were of some importance.

You'll notice I didn't ask you to list JRPGs. I said list any eastern game. That's even in my post that you just quoted. The JRPG bit was an accident because that's pretty much the only "eastern" games I play with any seriousness.

As for not being forced to play as a black guy in GTA, you'd be dead wrong there. In fact, hilariously so since you can't even remember the black character's name. Lamar is the friend of Franklin the black character that yes, you are forced to play. You MUST play as Franklin in the intro and you MUST complete Franklin's missions to progress the story. Sure you can choose to play as one of the other protagonists when you're just running around and causing chaos, but like it or not you HAVE to play as a black character in GTA 5.

So there, I explained the JRPG bit. So now there's no "hiding". List. Right now.

You're making the claim that Eastern games are more diverse, so I'm going to call you on it. The east is more Xenophobic than the west, like it or not, as for character customization being "widely used" in eastern games, that is also a lie for the most part. Excluding MMOs the majority of the time you are stuck with one static, unchanging character with maybe one or two unlockable outfits. Such as in Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, any of the resident evil games, phoenix wright, Super Smash Bros, and so on.

Oh and on that point of unlockable outfits...

...clearly treats people of color with respect. Clearly.

But that's besides the point. I asked you for a list and you're expected to provide it. No getting hung up on semantics now.
I haven't played GTA 5's story mode in a while, but ya got me on that one. You have the option to play as the white guys. You wanted -no- options, so there ya are.

Okay, lets get to your question. Since you're interested in word of letter,
Can you name even three eastern games, made in the last year, where the main character is black. Not a character "option", the main character, the protagonist you're primarily playing as, is a black man.
Honestly, I can't name a single game listed in the past year where you have to play as a black guy start to finish. Then again I can't think of any western games, either. As far back as I can remember, neither has had a great track record, but the west wins out since I can at least name Prototype 2, and GTA San Andreas.
Again, GTA V does not count in my book. I hold it up to the same standards as I'd put playing as a woman, LGBT, etc. You play as Franklin part of the time, and you have no choice but to play as other people. Honestly, part of the time is not good enough for me. Better than nothing, but enough to keep me ticked.

Hell, I can barely think games that let you play anything other than a straight white guy released within the year with no choice in the matter! Hell, primarily as, even.
A few games as women as I'm primarily about playing as them, but still.

If you feel the western gaming industry depicts black people better, that's your call. I don't know what standards you look for.

How is it a lie? As far as I've experienced, eastern games have a larger amount of character creation options than the west, and are less keen on saying "It's too hard! We aren't doing it even though it was planned for from the start!"

From experience with previous games, and I have a lot, Koei lets you change your character's clothes all the time when character creation is involved, and gives a wide selection of character creation options, and the clothes often have no bearing on character properties meaning you can wear what ever.

Tomodachi life lets you change clothes, and hair color almost whenever you want provided you buy the clothes first, and have hair color spray.

Might be cheating, but since WWE (Something I'd imagine is largely american) games are made by Yukes (a Japanese company) but the character customization there is off the scale compared to most games. Sims seems to be just barely catching up on appearances.

Saints Row 2, 3, and 4 is a good rival character creation system. Volition's a fav company of mine. They're western, and not keen on BS excuses on wimping out on diversity.

Way of the Samurai, a series not released this year, lets you customize your character's appearance in between story plays, and change clothes whenever. They've had sort of a reoccurring character in having a black Samurai (Wots 1 had him as an enthusiast of the samurai way, 2 I hadn't played, 3 had the character as a woman but with similar style as WotS1, 4 had him as a guy that ran out on a check, and little development. Didn't sit well with me, but at least he got a unique sword.) in several periods of time in Japan that history fanatical people would probably complain bitterly that a foreigner wouldn't belong. That said, you could make your character look like the running character via unlocks.

Pokemon X, and Y lets you character design, and lets you change clothes.

Hang on, static as in once you make the character you're set? Or you can't change any features of the character, just their clothes?

Oh come -on- I even admit that RE5 could've handled things better. Talking about that, you're going well beyond your 1 year rule. Not only that, Sheva's barely the option. You can't play as her in single player until you beat the game (I hate that in games). You can only be her in multiplayer if you're player 2 unless you've beaten the game. Even then someone has to be Chris. He got a sweet gating gun, and it was hillarious watching Wesker "dodge" the gating gun fire, but meh.
Sheva arguably got one of the best weapons in the game, though. Seen her other costumes? They all aren't that bad. I'm not defending the depiction, though.

You're awful keen on wandering off topic, breaking and bending your own rules, and so forth.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
It's so great to be the majority. I'm straight, and white, and male, and my life is definitely all sunshine and rainbows and wonderfulness. Nothing ever goes wrong for me, you know? Everyone just blindly agrees with everything I say, and my point of view is generally accepted as being 'the right one'. Hell, I see people who look JUST LIKE ME everywhere I go!

Oh, you know what, actually that's a lie. You see... when I look at all those smiling white faces in ads and billboards and on TV, I get to remember that half my family is Irish. Those smiling white faces would have gladly watched my grandmother and her starving children die in a gutter. See, we Irish folks weren't even worth ENSLAVING. The other major European immigrants were happy to send the folks from Asia to go dig holes and build railroads. They were HAPPY to work the black folks to death. They were more than willing to let women and children be put to work if it meant getting a slightly higher profit at the end of the day. But the Irish? The Irish got to starve and die. The Irish weren't even worth the FOOD it would have taken to make them into indentured servants and slaves. Oh, but that's all in the past, right? Sure... sure... as long as I pretend not to notice the jokes about me being the 'Only sober Irishman' and 'Oh, why don't you have like... an army of kids, then?' I thank god every day I don't have to endure any 'ginger' jokes, or I'd be in prison for multiple homicide by now. That's not even mentioning my father's side of the family, which ranges from Native American to Belgian, French, and even a little Mongolian.

But hey, I look mostly white enough, and I'm straight, and I'm a guy. So I get to listen to folks tell me how WRONG I am because, imagine that, I disagree with the idea that popular culture has made it BAD to be 'the majority'. Anyone who is, is instantly discredited from the conversation. Anyone who disagrees just 'doesn't understand'. Anyone who DARES to point out the sheer fucking hypocrisy of DEMANDING the world change and accept you as you are, whilst pointing fingers at ANY singular group of individuals and lumping them all together under some label like 'Prime Rib' gets shut down because they simply 'never had to experience or think about a world in which they're not welcome.' I'm reminded every day, despite being a 'straight white male' that I'm not welcome amongst other straight white males. I don't enjoy sports, so I don't fit in with the athletic crowd. I don't think of women as interchangeable sex-toys, so I don't get to be one of the 'macho, manly-man' guys. I don't 'get' how anyone could pick Skyrim over their girlfriend, so I'm not a 'Real Gamer'. I'm not quite nerdy enough to be in with the nerds, I'm too lazy to fit in with the 'intellectuals', hell... even my politics is too 'middle-of-the-ground' to get me included anywhere politically for debate. In terms of social acceptance, I'm a fucking pariah, but according to the internet I'm supposed to be enjoying all this 'straight white male' privilege everyone's talking about.

Newsflash. It doesn't exist, and if you believe otherwise you're a delusional half-wit. Privilege isn't a real thing. It's a thing made up by bitter, angry people who've never had enough power or authority to really influence the 'majority' group. If the roles had been reversed all throughout history, the same groups of people decrying me and anyone who looks vaguely like me for being racists, or homophobes, or whatever else we're all supposed to be as 'white dudes' wouldn't stop and think about the lack of 'straight white characters' for a split second. Why, because that's just the way HUMANS work. It's not a race thing. It's not a WHITE PEOPLE thing. It's a MAJORITY RULES thing which is as ingrained in our human instincts as our sex drives and our lust for violence.

People who evoke the term privilege aren't interested in equality... they're interested in perpetuating inequality by polarizing the discussion. They're not inviting discussion or debate... they've already made their minds up that it's "Us versus Them" and they're not going to convinced to see reason. Everyone is the enemy, and it doesn't matter what their individual story might be.

I am not a Straight White Male. I am an individual member of MANY different groups, both ethnically and socially. I am an advocate for equality for all, and a firm-believer that only when all people in my country are treated with respect and dignity will we have even the SLIGHTEST grounds to call ourselves the 'Land of the Free'. I'm not well-liked. I'm not happy. My life isn't wonderful. I don't enjoy any PRIVILEGE of being represented, because as an INDIVIDUAL it is IMPOSSIBLE to accurately represent me in any media. I do not DEMAND representation. I don't even WANT representation. What I want is QUALITY media, without all the pandering and bullshit. I want people to feel free to ENJOY whatever the fuck they want to, without having to endure the 'Wrath of the Internet' because 'X character isn't a black guy' or 'X female character is too sexualized' or any number of the infinite complaints our new Internet Censorship Committee deems to be.

My girlfriend loves to dress slutty, talk dirty, and be wildly inappropriate in public. By all accounts, if she were REPRESENTED by a game character, the internet would call her a TERRIBLE one. They would try to tell her that people like her simply DON'T EXIST. She would get to hear how her character was just a worthless piece of meat intended to appeal to the 'male gaze'. Double-points for anyone who calls her 'white trash'... since she's mostly Irish, like me. You know... that white group I just got finished explaining got to endure attempted EXTERMINATION up above? Yeah.

So tell me again how White Privilege precludes me from understanding the problem. The problem isn't race. The problem isn't gender. The problem isn't even discrimination. The problem is that people don't know what the fuck discrimination IS, and they're more than happy to COMMIT it while they rage on and on about how their own PERSONAL group gets discriminated against.

Go ahead.

"May the hair on your ass always grow thicker than the hair on your head."
~An Irish Curse.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Burnouts3s3 said:
An interesting piece. I think there's a delicate balance to be held that we don't let the character's race/gender/sexual orientation be the defining measure of a character.

What I've noticed, and this is only my half-formed idiotic opinion, is that all the traits that make a good character: motivation, backstory, reactions, etc. are gender-neutral.
I've been arguing this over several posts and forums. It's amazing that while yes, race, age, and gender affect your choices, as do orientation, background, and any creed you may follow, when you lie them out and look at them, no one facet of a person or character is more important than the other. We have accounts of people relating how they pretended in public to be poor, or rich, or black, or a woman, and how they were treated and how they felt and reacted to such treatment.

It's like saying whether your a man or a woman matters. It matters because you can't use both the ladies and men's room, but not much beyond that. The same goes for color, ethnicity, sexual preferences, or who you pray to (if you pray to anyone at all.)

And comparing one facet of what you are or anyone else and saying its more important than another part is as stupid as deciding you have two hands you're proud of, so you get rid of the arms because they demand too much attention.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
I practically never play as a real human if i can help it, the only game where i have played as my own race and had the option to do differently was..... i cant even think of anything
I made my Morrowind character a black dude with curly hair knowing well that it would turn out to be the best game experience i have had

Brb playing as a tiny female sith in TOR


New member
Dec 22, 2008
I'm just gonna say this, if you're "offended" by the idea that playing as someone not like you can increase empathy for others who are not like you, then no offense, but you're kind of an asshole.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
This article does not apply to me even though I am a straight white male. Whenever I can choose my character, I never chose a white male.

In Mass Effect series, I made a FemShep with slightly tanned skin and red hair.
In Final Fantasy XI, I chose a mithra (female cat) with a slight tan and red hair.
In the Saints Row series, I made a...tanned female...with red hair...
Skyrim was female wood elf.......with red hair......

Ya know, maybe I should play a straight white male as a change of pace.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I don't care what character I play as. I just want a good game.

That being said, nobody has a "right" to be represented by art. What the hell is that notion of entitlement. Art is supposed to represent the ideas of the artists. Sure, it'd be awesome if we had less shooting and sports games in favor of more walking dead or okami games. Still, that doesn't mean the devs somehow did a wrong act. They made the games they wanted to make to their best ideals. If you want lore diversity you MUST include more diverse artists /developers and allow them to create. You can't force (or judge into submission) people who simply don't resonate with stories about gay issues or racism or what have you.

Some of my favorite games are games about fantastical elements, when you present a text adventure about depression, it feels like a slightly different category or topic. I want stuff like Ashura's Wrath, I wanna punch a planet in the face with my games, not dwell in mundane issues which real life provided enough of. I wanna stab someone so hard that my sword goes into the earth all the way through and comes out on the other side. I wana kick god in the nuts. In those grand schemes, the color or psychology of the protagonist are flatly irrelevant! Ashura is pretty "tan" and of an unidentifiable god-race...which impacts how awesome it is for him to destroy a planet size giant with his pea-size body exactly not at all.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Ariseishirou said:
This is why I take a very different tack with media when I want change: if it has something I don't like in it, I don't buy it. And I encourage others who agree with me not to buy it. And if it does have what I want, I buy it, and encourage others to buy it. When I learned that Watch_Dogs had certain misogynistic tropes I absolutely despise, I cancelled my pre-order immedately, and encouraged others who shared the same viewpoint to do the same. When I learned that Far Cry 4 wasn't going to feature Yet Another White Guy saving the Noble Savages, but rather someone actually from the region where it was set, I pre-ordered it and encouraged others to do the same. Sure, Watch_Dogs sold well, but maybe not as well as it could have otherwise, and I did the same thing with Brink - as did many others - when they revealed that despite having several billion customization options (literally) for your player character, not one of them would allow you to be female, and that game sold terribly.
This is how you impact the system. Prop up the stuff you like, ignore the stuff you don't. Vote with your wallet. Don't ***** and moan and attempt to tear down existing companies or business models because they don't happen to cater to you. GROW the market instead of trying to shift it.

So I can see why people blog railing about the problems of a given source of media; spread signal to noise, and cost publishers money, i.e. what they actually care about.
I think these issues long ago reached a saturation point of diminishing (to put it lightly) returns. The first time I saw an article about ethnicity or gender with respect to video games, I was fascinated. Now? These takes are everywhere - and they're tired. Especially with all of the strides the industry has clearly made in these areas. Outside of the very limited and narrow thematic/aesthetic scope of AAA games (which are the way they are for decidedly different reasons), people have plenty of options in gaming today. If you can't find something you don't like, you probably aren't a gamer at all. And if you're mad that everything or most things aren't for you? Welcome to the fringe. A lot of us have been here for over a decade now, and we're here for any number of equally valid and unfixable reasons.


New member
Apr 29, 2013
Nice points made, I guess, I can't disagree on the principles. It might be relevant if I'd even once in my entire life met someone (including white, straight, cis men) who actually had any problem with playing a character of race/sexuality/gender/[other demographic trait] different to their own in a videogame. However, I have yet to see evidence of the existence of such people in statistically-significant numbers, so as far I can tell such people only exist on Tumblr - and now the Escapist I guess - and happen to be made of straw.

Next topic please.


New member
May 15, 2014
As a straight white man I am often out of my comfort zone playing other straight white men.
I am unable to identify with Macus Fenix', Alex Mercers, Altair's (Ezio is inferior) or CoD/Battlefield Cannonfodder-grunt #7239.
Not all white straight men are equal, we're not single-minded ants.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
PhantomEcho said:
See, we Irish folks weren't even worth ENSLAVING.
Now now, that's not true.
We (vikings) we're quite happy to enslave you Irish folk.
Don't sell yourself short :)


Apr 28, 2008
What an awful headline.

The implication that straight white men only play as - and only want to play as - straight white men is is ridiculous. Likewise the subtext that it's okay for any other gender or ethnic group to exclusively play themselves in games is equally absurd.

Japanese gamers, for example, are perfectly free of this criticism and it's totally fine if they only play male Japanese characters in Japanese games because they aren't white and thus should never have to experience anything else.

SNCommand said:
Articles like this always seem like such projecting, I've never experienced acting differently just because of the race or gender of the character I play as
Myself as well. This does seem a case of the OP going "I was so afraid of being an angry black man that everyone else must have felt the same way". I dunno, that really seems like his own personal perspective and problem on the matter. I didn't feel that way when playing the game at all. In fact, it didn't even register to me that the game was supposedly "progressive" for having two black main characters until the internet said it was. The thought never even crossed my mind.

Maybe it's from growing up in my multicultural paradise of Southern Ontario, but race means about as much to me as someones hair colour.


New member
Mar 16, 2013
I'm a slav,I want to play play western game as slav.
Why are we always villains in their games? It is so oppressive.Oh wait...I remember...I don't care.
I found it funny that other people are saying to "the white menz" to get out of their comfort zone,when they are whining about how they want to play as themselves.
If you ask me I want to play more an alien,animal or another creature.
Humans are fucking boring,no matter their sexuality,race or gender.I want a new experience.We all need to get out of our comfort zones.
I want to plays Mass Effect as elcor or volus,god damn it.
But I don't see articles like that sadly.No race/gender baiting in that.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
God that thread title is misleading to the point of the article.
I see no problem with the basis of the article, stating there should be more female/other racial heros to look up to, but the end of the article seems like it was written by some very closeted white person that knows nothing of how things work in real life. 'people in my life have to confront this all the time'. Give me a bloody break