You want my reasoning and proof? Please, look at it.JimB said:snip
I, as a consumer, have every right to "to vote with my wallet". If I think that race-swapping an existing character instead of creating a new one is a bad buisness and artistic practice, if I think that this is an attempt to show that non-white non-male character can't be successful without wearing the suit of already existing white guy and this is degrading and is bullshit on a lot of levels, I will not only not buy comic books with this "attempt", I will also not watch a movie with said "attempt".
Also, may I quote someone who actually IS (at the very least claims to be) a minority?
P.S. I want more characters like Blade, Falcon and Luke "Where is my money honey?" Cage.Jake Martinez said:First off, you're talking to an actual minority so it'd be nice to understand what you think is so "telling" about my position.
Secondly, it's absolutely exploitation and it's not a good thing. It devalues the character.
Take how they put Falcon into the role of Captain America. This is a character that is extremely well liked already by fans and has even recently gotten into the MCU and was well received. So what do they do to him?
They boot Steve and give him Captain America. This is completely disrespectful to Falcon. He's a good character. He deserves his own book, not pretending to be Captain America. It's also disgusting meta-commentary on how Marvel views their black characters - basically the only way for them to be successful is if they make a white character move aside for them. It's stomach churning in it's insincerity and offensiveness.
Also, you need to re-examine your position on this. I can't believe you are advocating for some sort of fictional affirmative action for fictional characters. These are not real people, you know that right? Treating them like real people is something that crazy people would do. There is no bias on behalf of Marvel or any other comic book publisher against having black characters. Their challenge is just making a character (regardless of their race or gender) that people will enjoy reading about.
They have managed to do this in the past and I suspect they will manage to do it again. Tossing together a gender swap or a race swap that we all know will only be reverted later is the kind of fake social justice crap that I expect from hipsters and slacktivists. They always conflate media representation with influencing people's social and cultural values instead of the other way around, it just being a representation of what people want to see or read. This is why these lame attempts always fail.
People will read good characters regardless of their race, gender, whatever. They will not tolerate obvious exploitation because it's offensive.