I would say not, personally. Nintendo has been milking their mascot franchises for decades now and I couldn't care less about anything with Mario, Link, Samus, etc. at this point. Guitar Hero? My PS2 plays most of the Guitar Hero stuff still, so no need for a Wii version. There are a few unique and interesting titles on the Wii, but none of them capture my attention enough to really warrant a purchase.bobraj said:I know that some gamers are extremely disappointed with the Wii but i believe the good times are just around the corner at E3. Most every Dev around the world has had a gander at the unique input of the Wii and I can't believe that there aren't some juicy titles waiting to be announced. If there aren't, then I suggest there is a serious problem with the Dev community and it's lack of ideas/funding.
On a personal level, I have been completely bowled over by the Wii and it's software lineup. Just a reminder to the naysayers, you can choose from Super Mario Galaxy(Best Game Ever!!) Zelda TP, RE4, Smash Bros, Metroid Prime 3, Wii Sports, GH3, Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes, PES 2008 and Super Paper Mario. These are just the games that I have bought.
Impressive lineup wouldn't you say!