Win a Role in the New Dungeons & Dragons Movie


New member
May 13, 2010
Tiny116 said:
Well, I have a shared account with my DnD group, which works well (We only use it in the summer holidays at the moment when we're all around).

And as much as I like DnD....The films are shockingly awful...The last one Wrath of the Dragon God? *Shudder*
And the sad thing was, it was 1000x better than the first one!

Actually, I kinda liked it. And the same with "Scourge of Worlds", that CGI masterpiece. (EDIT: That was sarcasm.)


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Presumably they're thinking if they get a D&D player to star in it they'll be guaranteed that at least he and his entire gaming group will go see it. They'll probably want to put his part right at the end though, because I'm pretty sure they'll all walk out once he's made an appearance.

Although, I guess if they're making a second sequel there must be enough of appeal to make a profit out of them. Still, it doesn't bode well if they're looking for random people to star and, by the sounds of it, write one of the characters too. At least D&D players probably have slightly more experience at that than the average person.


New member
Aug 8, 2010
Oh please no, not another eye watering attempt at a dnd movie

Is it too much to think that with such excellent source material, and a ongoing active product as Dungeons and Dragons they could at least put in the effort to make a quality adaptation?.

Using the BoVD in this way is such an insult, that i'm still going to be cursing the director afterwards just on general principle.

I know that given the motivation, a good amount of funding [ie millions], good actors and a well written script we could have that awesome DnD film we want, but sadly i know its highly unlikely.

I'm not hoping for anything on par with LOTR but still a good movie compared to the previous attempts

Come on Wizards of the Coast, you publish and produce among the greatest group passtimes in the world, could it hurt to insist on some quality if some random director come knocking asking for permission to again splash some vaguely Dnd material from the office recycle bin on paper and have sub-par actors mangle what could be a great movie if you just told these talentless hacks a simple No?

Even look to some classic DnD adventures for what a director should be using for inspiration: temple of elemental evil, Baldurs gate, Icewind dale, even some of the Greyhawk books like white plume mountain and it's sequels could make far better movie material.

I also wouldn't mind a complete movie adaptation of vampire of the mists from Ravenloft, but hoping for something of that quality is also futile


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
WittyInfidel said:
I can't think of a single actor from the previous 2 D&D movies who didn't have their careers destroyed by them.
I believe Mr Jeremy Irons would like a word with you.

Still, my answer to this offer is a resolute 'Nuh-uh'. If by some miracle I ever actually managed to get into the film industry I wouldn't want that kind of credit hanging over my head.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Sonicron said:
WittyInfidel said:
I can't think of a single actor from the previous 2 D&D movies who didn't have their careers destroyed by them.
I believe Mr Jeremy Irons would like a word with you.
I feel kinda sorry for Jeremy Irons. He's a really good actor with years upon years of experience under his belt and yet for some reason he slums in movies like Dungeons and Dragons and Eragon.

I mean, he can't actually think this stuff is good. He must be under contract or in serious dire need of a paycheque to star in this stuff.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Amnestic said:
Sonicron said:
WittyInfidel said:
I can't think of a single actor from the previous 2 D&D movies who didn't have their careers destroyed by them.
I believe Mr Jeremy Irons would like a word with you.
I feel kinda sorry for Jeremy Irons. He's a really good actor with years upon years of experience under his belt and yet for some reason he slums in movies like Dungeons and Dragons and Eragon.

I mean, he can't actually think this stuff is good. He must be under contract or in serious dire need of a paycheque to star in this stuff.
I don't think that matters to him... seeing what kind of movies he stars in I get the feeling he signs on because it's fun for him. Could it be that at his core he's simply a nerdy fantasy buff?
And by the way, not all of his 'smaller' movie projects are bad. I remember him playing Lord Havelock Vetinari in one of the Discworld movies, and that one was quite enjoyable. (And so was Eragon, at least in my opinion. :p)


New member
Mar 16, 2009
So, the next one is going to be called "book of Vile darkness"

Looks are 3.5ed supplement shelf...



New member
Nov 26, 2008
Sigh. The reason major Hollywood stars don't consider it a necessity to indulge in the atmosphere of fantasy is because the genre hasn't been fully accepted into mainstream America. I personally can't stand it whenever actors, such as Alec Guiness for a prime example, consider it a mockert to acting whenever they are involved in anything other than a "historical film". It's even funnier considering they'd rather act in some old, European styled role in which they have to portray a famous historical figure, despite the fact that the majority of "realistic movies" are far from the truth. Strange how so many old figures and ancient men wrote mythology, old tales, stories...and the modern world still doesn't accept them on the same level. Hate to break it to ya folks, but the fantasy, horror, and science fiction fans own Shakespeare, Dickens, McCarthy, and every other "literary" work out there.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
There were rumblings of a trilogy ever since the first movie, before director Courtney Solomon was booted off the series after the first one tanked. So I'm not surprised that they're still making these Dungeons and Dragons movies. Hollywood exec are nothing is not determined to continue to make shit.

What puzzled me about the first sequel was how much it tried to be both a direct sequel while distancing itself from the first movie. It was really, really odd. It was like they weren't sure if they wanted to reboot the franchise or try to hook "fans" of the first movie so they decided to do both. I wonder if the next sequel will do the same. That would be hilarious.

It it weren't for the costs involved, I would enter this contest just so I could refuse to go. I am that much of a dick.

Funny thing, though. I remember when the first movie came out and all the RPG nerds were making more excuses than apocalyptical christians. It was sad but funny just how far they were willing to stretch to say they liked that movie. What happened to them? Where's all that love now?



New member
Sep 6, 2009
Bigsmith said:
So, the next one is going to be called "book of Vile darkness"

Looks are 3.5ed supplement shelf...

There was more fun in that book than there was in the remainder of those supplements. Aside from Ravenloft, of course.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
No Bruce Payne in the cast? Well that won't be worth it. Man to spend time with that level of scenery chewing... oh it could have been wonderful.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Oh my sweet jesus, another D&d movie? And it sounds like they're gonna base it on FOURTH EDITION?P! *Nerd rage*. You know what hollywood? Next time you want to make a fantasy action movie, base it off of Exalted. Or do a faithful recreation of the 3.5 rules. Both would be welcome. And before you jump on me and say that none of the atrocious gameplay mechanics are going to make the movie suck, and wizards not running out of spells is a good thing, I agree. However, how are they going to explain the concept of a monster being 'bloodied', or the ridiculously small spell selection (with NO UTILITY SPELLS (save for maybe feather fall)) that magicians get, and what about encounter and daily powers (esepecially for fighters and dragonborn!)?


New member
May 22, 2010
Okay, so the first film sucked. That's not really up for debate here. However, the second one was pretty cool. I can't say I watched the whole thing, but from what I saw, it's pretty much exactly what I would expect from a D&D movie. Instead of going for some high-fantasy Lord of the Rings knockoff, the people behind that movie pretty much filmed a D&D campaign, complete with a party made up of obvious character classes, in which each class played a specific role. For a tabletop gamer, what's not to love about that?

If this new film is anything like that, I wouldn't mind having a walk-on role.


Lives in dactylic hexameter.
Dec 28, 2008
"and since I know you're going to ask, the contest is only open to residents of the U.S. and Canada."
Bull. Shit.
Also, the fact that you have to pay to enter means that all you are going to get are super-nerds. I would happily have entered but I already paid enough money to own the DM, Monster and Player Handbook.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Wait... what if I'm a fat guy but my character is a hot chick? Will I be wearing a wig and a girdle?