Oh please no, not another eye watering attempt at a dnd movie
Is it too much to think that with such excellent source material, and a ongoing active product as Dungeons and Dragons they could at least put in the effort to make a quality adaptation?.
Using the BoVD in this way is such an insult, that i'm still going to be cursing the director afterwards just on general principle.
I know that given the motivation, a good amount of funding [ie millions], good actors and a well written script we could have that awesome DnD film we want, but sadly i know its highly unlikely.
I'm not hoping for anything on par with LOTR but still a good movie compared to the previous attempts
Come on Wizards of the Coast, you publish and produce among the greatest group passtimes in the world, could it hurt to insist on some quality if some random director come knocking asking for permission to again splash some vaguely Dnd material from the office recycle bin on paper and have sub-par actors mangle what could be a great movie if you just told these talentless hacks a simple No?
Even look to some classic DnD adventures for what a director should be using for inspiration: temple of elemental evil, Baldurs gate, Icewind dale, even some of the Greyhawk books like white plume mountain and it's sequels could make far better movie material.
I also wouldn't mind a complete movie adaptation of vampire of the mists from Ravenloft, but hoping for something of that quality is also futile