Ok first off, people who bag on vista need to get a reality check, since SP1 its not nearly as bad as it was, its actually outperforms xp in video games...don't believe me...I know, go here.... CLICK THIS [http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2302495,00.asp]
(Side note: Yes on poor hardware xp outruns vista, but on the specs above it gets tied and beat almost always.)
Anyways, back to windows 7, great news is its faster than Vista in every ways, same for XP. Can't say its the best at gaming yet as the ULA prohibits scores from being posted(from synthetic benchmarks and any other method you can think of). But if you look around you'll find comparisons of people telling you how favorably it performs against vista and xp. So in short, if you don't have the beta, your missing out, if your not going to get the RC you need help, because if rumors are true the RC comes public May 5th. Lucky me Microsoft leaks like a wooden shake made of splinters so I already have it, but for the honest and noble people, it should come soon