Woman in China was forced to abort her baby by government officials.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
TehCookie said:
With the way the human population is growing everywhere and China's overcrowding, is it really a bad thing? It may be terrible for the mother but it's better than nature curbing out population for us IMO.
Yeah, I'm sure you'd hold that same opinion if that had been YOUR child.

China is a fucked up country that is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Either all of their problems will spiral out of control or the population will finally get fed up with the bullshit they have to deal with and launch a full on revolt.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Matthew94 said:
You know this has been going on since the 70s?

It's been widely known for decades, this isn't the first time it has gotten attention. I think it's the first time you have taken an interest in it.

Seriously, this is old hat. I'm pretty sure China is better now than it was in the cold war era.

I've never entirely approved of the one-child policy, but there is definitely a pragmatism to it that I understand. The real problems come when people try to defy it, which results in forced abortions like this, as well as infanticide if the child isn't a boy (we'll see how that works out for them in another few generations).


New member
Jun 8, 2011
templar1138a said:
I've never entirely approved of the one-child policy, but there is definitely a pragmatism to it that I understand. The real problems come when people try to defy it, which results in forced abortions like this, as well as infanticide if the child isn't a boy (we'll see how that works out for them in another few generations).

It's not even working for them now.

Also, OP, by "woman" do you mean "millions of women for the last forty years?"


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Antonio Torrente said:

In what is considered a dickish move by the rest of the world and normal by their standards.
A woman in China was forced to abort her second child by government officials because they want to implement that one child policy law. Now let me get this straight, this is not the first time they did this barbaric thing but this is the first that was widely known.

So what do you think?
Also China why u so China?
This policy is pretty well known and pretty old. Some areas, parents have to pay a fine for their second child or if the first is a girl, they can have another child. Other areas, there are force sterilizations. There are obviously issues with it on an ethical stand point as well as one on a societal stand point as well and to a degree and economical one. With China being overcrowded and overpopulated and resources hard to come by, the law makes sense on that point. However; the right for a government to say you can only have this many children seems like a step out of line ethically. Adding to the fact that China and well most of Asia have a preference for boys; you can imagine that the male to female ratio is terrible skewed, and that in itself leads to its own series of problems which are rather numerous. Also, with families having less and less children, the burden for the younger generation to take care of the older is a heavy load. That being said, China is its own country and has its own rules. Since I am not a citizen of it, I can only voice my opinions on it. (I do, however; hold Hong Kong permanent residency though.) Will the laws change? I don?t know.


New member
May 11, 2010
I am openly against abortion for certain reasons (unless dealing with rape o the wounding/killing of either child or mother) however this is China. And although I feel bad for saying this, it's nothing new and has been going on for years. Population control. It's horrible for the mother, I feel for her, but she knew the risks~


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
You know we have a RELIGION AND POLITICS Thread...
No... I don't use it either...
Okay... sorry I tried... personally I like offtopic better, too.

OT: If you know not life you know not suffering. A baby in the womb doesn't have the mental copacity to know what is going on at any time. Personally, I'd prefer to never have been born than to fall under an oppressive government- One of the few things I can say I like about the US, we have rights.

People are sensitive to abortion because babies are aparently cute.
I say Baby hippo.

Back on OT, but if a baby you fought not to abort comes up to you in 30 years, begging for change, not having an enjoyable life to any degree, living in a cardboard box, I'd have no doubt most people would just pass them up.

It's the ironic irony of commonly heald christian views.

CAPTCHA: Mustachioed

Damnit, I still haven't gotten that steamachievement.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I'm more surprised that you didin't know about this than I am that it happened. They had to put it into place. China is already massively overcrowed, they had this for years.
Whilst it's unethical, it has to be implemented.
It's like the genophage in mass effect. A lot of people hate the implication, but it ultimately has to be done or everyone will suffer for it.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Yan007 said:
Random Fella said:
They are becoming overpopulated, there is reason behind this, the problem is though about girls being killed or aborted because they tend to be less useful for physical labour
Ahahahahahaha! Wait, you're serious?! AHAHAHAHAHAH!

The reason why families want boys and not girls is plain and simple when you get down to it: If you have a boy he will have to take care of you when you get older and if you have a girl she is not expected to take care of you but of her husband's family instead.
For farmers and the like in China they need males because they are physically stronger
At any rate my point still stands, and you seem to have only reinforced my argument
But really, you should think about what you say before you say it, or maybe look over your text from time to time


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
You got me wrong mate, I don't see this as a question of culture (i'm certainly not american myself) but a question of circumstances. China CANT afford a population explosion, simple as that.

If this was true for USA or UK or any other country (that we had too little food for too many people) then I'd fully advocate similar laws for our countries.
And I'd support such restrictions because in the long term it would lead to less suffering and is necessary for the long term survival of our species. Culture doesn't factor into this at all.

And the reason i found it difficult to take you at face value is not because I don't agree with your opinion (if that was the case it would apply to practically every escapist member) but because sometimes the things you say border on oversimplistic naivete, this being one of those times. It gives me a moment of "surely this guy cant be serious?" but then i remember from our past interactions that for w/e reason you genuinely at times seem to believe all it takes to fix peoples problems is feeling sorry and wishing good wishes. I too want everyone in the world to be happy and live a great life. But that's not gonna happen and the only way for that to ever be a distant remote possibility is by being realists and dealing with problems head on.

Which in this case is understand why china has such a law to begin with, and what led up to those laws.

Anyways please don't get me wrong, i didn't post to bash you but to challenge your assertions (though yeh, i see you did get quite a few responses...Sorry, didnt make it past half of page 2 xP) cos i see you as a nice guy, but one who is going to do more harm then good with that attitude, misguided good feelings don't help anyone and can even make things worst.
Let's say you and a bunch of others started doing a huge international campaign over getting china to abandon that law because you don't have it in your country therefore no one else should need it either, what will happen? Well lets say in this hypothetical situation china does fold due to wanting to look good and you get what you want, you and all those involved will be all pumped up about how much good you're doing and how your good people for helping when truth of the matter is, you've made things a lot worst and have condemned the chinese to have a repeat of its nastiest periods of famine and child slavery. This is the danger of where good intentions might lead to if they ain't backed up by knowledge on the matter.

Something to think about if you become president of the USA or w/e :p That good intentions don't always translate well or result in what you thought was going to happen.

Edit: actually you remind me of someone... Have you ever read Candide by Voltaire by any chance? I think it would be a good read for you (and not saying that in a mean way, candide is an awesome book)

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
hulksmashley said:
China is incredibly over-populated, if you didn't know, and although it may seem an 'asshole move' the one-child rule is necessary.
Personally I don't really care, I don't believe human life is sacred nor do we have human rights, those are something that we made up.
Yes, i'm probably an insensitive prick.

This should provide some clarity on the situation for Americans in particular. (I say that as America is large country with many people, but not too crowded)


New member
Feb 17, 2008
hulksmashley said:
First of all, there is no arguing that forcing a woman to abort her baby is perhaps the most asshole move a country can pull.
No, shit like the Great Leap Forward that ensure they need policies like this, that's the most assholish thing a government can do.

Second of all, why is it a one child rule? Wouldn't that cut the population in half with each generation? Every woman has to have two children for a stable population, so why isn't it a two child rule? China, you confuse me.
Not really, firstly because the policy doesn't affect large ammounts of the population for various reasons, secondly because alot of people ignore it, either because they're rich enough to suck up the fines or a variety of other methods. So China's population is still increaseing at a high rate.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
FamoFunk said:
The fact the child was 7 months into its gestation (which can easily survive the outside world with some medical help) and was placed next to her (apparently) after being forcefully killed is really bloody sad.
Ya when this is brought up suddenly it makes more sense why it is a deal but at the same time if they let one person just hold out until the baby is so old without consequence then more people will do it. I suspect the mother likely forced the governments hand hoping to get her way and it backfired.

I don't get why they don't leave if they want child so bad they would go to these extremes. The government is doing what is unfortunately necessary as sad as it is things would be much worse for them if they didn't implement the law.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
I support the action. Now, if only we can apply this to the rest of the westernized countries, we'd hopefully delay overpopulation by at least 50 years.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Kroxile said:
You cannot apply American... uh, "sensibilities" ... yeah, thats what we'll call it.. to everyone else.

Its their country, their rules, and we have no right to judge or interfere with them.
So if they start sending these "extra" children&all the daughters they don't want to camps to do slave labor until they die from poor treatment we should just pretend it's all just a long summer camp program?

Because everyone knows the best way to fix something is to pretend it isn't there, and hope it goes away.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Kevlar Eater said:
I support the action. Now, if only we can apply this to the rest of the westernized countries, we'd hopefully delay overpopulation by at least 50 years.
Once again, how are you going to enforce this?