Woman seduces teenager via Xbox Live


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I would've said lucky kid, but the lady's not that hot.
Oh yeah and that's terrible, or something.

Seriously: It is atrocious, even if she was a hot 23 year old.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
people keep telling me the age of consent is 18 everywhere but I keep thinking/saying it's 16 where I live...eh nvm

Altorin said:
In canada, it's technically more complicated, but it makes much more logical sense, and the law is designed around common sense.

after 12, it's a 4 year difference, legally a 16 year old can have sex with a 12 year old and it not be rape, 13/17, 14/18, 15/19, 16/20, 17/21 and then who the fuck cares

so an 18 year old could have sex with a 14 year old, but not a 13 year old, and definitely yes on a 17 year old. Otherwise we'd have a lot of ridiculous trumped up statutory charges - I dated a 17 year old girl when I was 18. Would have sucked to go to jail because of it.
I think that makes sense

idk if that's the way it is where I live in the State, but that's kinda what I was going by when talking about it to ppl


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

Justin Tarrant said:
Question: Would a 18 year old be allowed to have sex with a 17 year old?
it depends; some states have differing opinions on legal ages of consent.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
ah the tricky topic of rape. imho, a female cannot rape a male without some phallic device. if she went in there and just, you know, had normal sex, i dont consider it rape.

EDIT: double standard? if a man gets 'raped' the only thing he can get is what, an STD maybe? a woman can get pregnant. also, think of it this way: if a man and a woman have sex (consensual or not), the man can wipe his genitalia and be virtually free of any trace of the woman on him. the woman has a mans fluids inside of her, and there is no way to flush it out 100%.

also, a 13 year old girl can get pregnant. much more risk involved on her side than on the mans side.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
There is no such thing as rape. Only sex by surprise. XD
I had to make that joke because no one else would.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Justin Tarrant said:
There is no such thing as rape. Only sex by surprise. XD
I had to make that joke because no one else would.

*disclaimer* sorry for anyone taking offense to this no i do not approve of rape please dont think i am an insensitive prick blah blah blah


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
SkyeNeko said:
Justin Tarrant said:
There is no such thing as rape. Only sex by surprise. XD
I had to make that joke because no one else would.

*disclaimer* sorry for anyone taking offense to this no i do not approve of rape please dont think i am an insensitive prick blah blah blah
What she said.

Emily Boogades

New member
Jul 6, 2010
"He was thirteen, but it's okay if he liked it." (A couple people said that.)

Know what else thirteen year olds like? Pokemon, soda, and those tennis shoes that light up. Being able to get it up doesn't act as a measure of your mental or emotional capacity to handle what just happened. It's entirely likely that this could screw up his relationships/sexual encounters for the rest of his life.

The fact that sex and marriage used to be normal for little girls - 12 and 13, if not a bit younger - has been a great argument for pedophiles in the past, so, yeah, sure, I guess you can go ahead and throw a male kid's normal physical response to any stimulation (clothing, showering, pretty much anything post-puberty) under the bus with that one.

This is stupid, and sick. As someone mentioned, if some near-forty year old man had snuck into someone's house in the night to "rendezvous" with their thirteen year old daughter, they would've gone postal. The fact that people find this as funny as they do is just idiotic by comparison.

I have to agree with the weirdness of the lie, though. She lied about being 23 because she was 36? Both are illegal. A lot of people think that pedophilia can sometimes have something to do with wanting to maintain your own youth, so I'm guessing she was just trying to feel young. Whatever. She sure as hell better get jail time. I'm so sick of this crap.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Justin Tarrant said:
Question: Would a 18 year old be allowed to have sex with a 17 year old?
I thought it had to do with the age gap or you could not have sex with potential jail bait

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
VivaciousDeimos said:
Boneasse said:
Now if she had been 23, and hot, I would've said "Well done!" to the young lad, but that not being the case, this is wrong on so many levels.
Even if she had been 23 it still would have been wrong because he's thirteen.
I do enjoy how the world very suddenly decided this sort of thing was just plain wrong when mere decades ago in some parts of the US the age of consent was as young as twelve.

Hell, right now the age of Consent in a few States is as low as 16! There are more than a dozen countries around the world where the age of consent is, at this very moment, 14 or under (Including Chlie, China, Croatia, Ecuador, Italy, Lithuania, and Togo (among plenty of others)). Hell, the age of consent in the Vatican is twelve.

Was it illegal? Sure as hell was. It was also creepy. But I will not call it outright wrong unless the event was forced because my perspective is just that: my perspective. It is not a moral absolute.

As a fun bit of trivia that further establishes the already well known double standard, you'll find that while plenty of nations outlaw male-male sexual relations, there are far fewer legal prohibitions against female-female sexual relations. It isn't even close either: nearly half of the nations that outlaw homosexual activity only do so for males.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
That's... just... eeuuuuuggh...
Just another sick incident the internet has brought about...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Serving UpSmiles said:
lucky bastard....
No shit! When I was 13 I was chasing ass like everyone else, I would have done the same thing without a second of regret.

Also, the guy claiming that it's pedo, confuses me. I don't like children, but if I see a teenager with the correct....proportions, a man will have thoughts....and I will stop there. :D


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Boneasse said:
Irridium said:
It'd have been wrong even if she was 23 and hot. She had sex with a kid. If it was an old guy and a 13 year-old girl people would flip their shit.

Glad she got caught.
Of course it would, I was just trying to lighten the bad news with a bit of humour. ^^
Is it bad I was thinking this seriously?


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
Dyp100 said:
I've never understood the terms statutory rape and child molestation if it isn't rape.

Ahhh, vitimiless crimes are so odd. It's strange to live in a society where ideas are forced upon us.
It's not "victimless", he was a victim as he was too young to make the decision himself and don't say he wasn't as I have a 13 year old brother and he is years away in maturity (as are all his friends as far as I can tell) from being able to consent for sex.