Women, and their attraction to jerks.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
AjimboB said:
I think it's because the assholes are the ones who actually have the balls to ask these chicks out in the first place. Think about it.

Not enough "nice guys" like you ask her out, because you don't have the self confidence (not you personally, I don't know you, I'm just talking about guys like you, the "nice guys"), so she ends up going out with a douchebag, because she doesn't have that much of a choice. Sure, plenty of guys might be salivating over her, but a lot of them might never ask her out, because they think that they're out of her league, whereas the asshole doesn't think that anyone is out of his league, and therefore he goes for it.

At least that's my theory on the subject. The "nice guys" have no balls, and don't take rejection well, so they just don't ask as often as the assholes, and therefore don't have as many opportunities to get the girl.

These guys may be dicks but they also have balls (see what I did thar?) "Nice guys" can be pathetic, clingy and have a lack of self confidence, not all of them mind you but it still applies. What's the best way to get a girl? Make it clear you think she is nice and attractive and ASK her out. This is what supposed assholes do, thus they get the girls.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Solo Wing Pixy said:
Can I ask one question out of curiosity. Why is it always the male's task to do the courting and never the female?
Because they would be to good at it.

Paulie92 said:
Sigh, It's simplicity itself. Girls (particularily hot girls/highschool girls) want to be liked and have oodles of insecurities. Nice guy approach means they get someone telling them they're nice so they think "Cool, he's pretty nice". asshat approach means the girl has someone there who inexplicably doesn't like them, they think how do I make him like me? Why doesn't he like me? Omg etc. therefore sex and obsession

mystery solved (it's even more true the hotter the girl)
Very true for most very popular and hot girls. Not true for women. (or so I can tell)

Then I would just like to add I asked one of my friends out she is a very cute but very charismatic girl, who loves parting and all that. But I got labeled under that friends category. Yes I think all nice guys get the short end of the stick at the end of the day.


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Nov 1, 2007
Blair Bennett said:
Ahh, too true. Perhaps it's something to do with a perceived level of confidence?
Believe me, it's all about the confidence. Most women are attracted to men that are seen as 'strong' this often means strong of will not just physical. And likewise, many men are attracted to confident women. So, confidence truly is everything.


New member
May 10, 2010
I would like to speak for all the jerks out there.

I am a jerk, and proud.

Allot of women are stupid, emotionally unstable and highly exploitable. Its the duty of me, and my fellow jerks to exploit this at every available opportunity, because if I dont hit it, someone else will.

For the aspiring jerks - Learn what to say and when to say it. The stupid shit you can get away with is so outrageous. There are cookie cutter bullshit lines you can spin that work every time. Even the "smart and self righteous" girls who think they are above being emotionally exploitable are just as vulnerable as their stupid brethren, with the right ammunition. Its so predictable, but it really works.... It ought to be a crime.

So - I blame women for allowing themselves to be so easily manipulated by their emotions.

Girls, dont ever change ;)


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Sep 19, 2009
Zeromaeus said:
I have a fun story to tell.
The tale of my first girlfriend.
As can be assumed, I was always the nice guy. I was always cordial, always kind. I was, and still am, the kind of guy who would do favors for near-to-random strangers just because it was a nice thing to do. In my last year of high-school, I found myself enamored with a nice girl in one of my classes. I had known her for a year or two before then, but I had really started to like her. One day I pulled myself together and asked her to one of the school dances. She said yes. Happy times followed. We hung out a lot and talked even more. It never went past that, but I was happy the way it was. After the dance, I asked her to prom, which also was received positively.
Now here comes the twist. There was always this guy. I guess you could call him my rival. Ever since elementary school the two of us were butting heads, so to speak. Usually in the form of him beating the hell out of me and the two of us being at the top of our class. The major difference between the two of us was that I was meek and nice where he was bold and mean. By my senior year, however, he was mostly phased out of my life. I was in higher level classes than him, so we almost never saw each other. He fell out of my field of vision, so to speak.
Anyway, this guy, let's call him Bob, was in the same class as me and my girlfriend, who I'll call Sue. Anyway, Bob had a thing for Sue so he was always trying to hang out with us when me and Sue were together. Gradually, between that first dance and prom, Sue and Bob started hanging out a lot. I saw it and, in the back of my mind, I knew exactly what was happening, but I let it pass, because I didn't want to be the jealous boyfriend. Sue was her own person and she had friends. I wasn't going to let my grudge against Bob let me get jealous or act rashly just because they were friends. Well, we went to prom together. She spent nearly the entire prom night with him. I knew what had happened and I was already prepared for it when a week later I got the "let's be friends" talk.
Honestly, I found that kind of messed up.
Ah, well, I've moved on. I just hope I can find the right person some day.
This story needs editing. You should have called your rival "Gary Oak" and then chronicled your quest to destroy him and the entire Elite Four whereupon you are instantly buried to the eyeballs in naked women and Rare Candy.

God, now I'm hard.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
TheLefty said:
lilmisspotatoes said:
A Playful Shark said:
I'm the "nice guy" without being a loser.
My girlfriend loves it.
You just have to find the right person.

UberCharlie said:
TheLefty said:
You forgot the nice, slightly dorky in the funny way, girl.
Those girls are awesome. I'm dating one right now. Also, *massive generalization for humor's sake* they are all total freaks in the sack.
Yes, yes we are. ;) thanks for noticing.

I saw your disclaimer earlier in the thread, that this isn't meant to apply to ALL girls. ... but people keep applying it like that.

Personally, I'd reverse the question and ask why guys seem to be attracted to the bitches. You know the ones.

I have never been attracted to a jerk for anything more than physicality. Yeah, they can be hot. But I much prefer the nice guys, as does pretty much every girl I know.

My boyfriend is a 'nice guy'. And I'm the lucky 'nice girl' who managed to catch his eye.
In my experience, we who call ourselves "nice guys" are usually only attracted to the bitches physically, similar to how you say you're only physically attracted to the jerks. We'll notice the boobs, then move on to someone actually worth our time. The only people I can recall seriously going for said "*****" is said "jerk". That way the world is balanced. As opposed to many girls who are truly nice but subject themselves to jerks.

Though, I may be biased, because of course in liking the girl the guy (me in this case) will probably over look a few negative features.
Sounds to me like you 'nice guys' are just like us 'nice girls'. We may want the jerk because he's cute. But we like you because you're... well, smart, funny, sweet, and a good lover, if I can generalize by pointing out traits I personally notice.


New member
May 10, 2009
Daipire said:
By jove, he's got it!

Coulda used that gem about a week ago :S
An amateur mistake :p
I tend to bag out my taste in music as a matter of course (despite it being, obviously, the best taste anybody has ever had in music), just because it's easy and none of my friends are particularly into hard metal or weird indie shit.

Plus self deprecation is surprisingly effective, my talking-to-girls routine is based on awful, awful jokes, and stories I've altered to make them more entertaining :p


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Cyan. said:
So - I blame women for allowing themselves to be so easily manipulated by their emotions.
Which is exactly why I use Logic and Reason when dealing with problems and making decisions in life. It's worked out quite well.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Cheveyo said:
NoblePhilistineFox said:
TheLefty said:
This status ended with "Guy are all the same." Correction. Guys girls like are all the same.
*clears throat*
com'ere you
*brotherly hugs you*
To be fair, they aren't all like that.
Granted now-a-days you probably have a better chance of getting struck by lightning while being abducted by aliens after finding out you just won the lotto, than you do of finding a single sane woman... They do exist, though.
Its is my right to have any bias thought I can provided it doesnt infringe the rights of others.
and I DO mean to sound sexist when I say:
"no, no they do not"


New member
Aug 19, 2009
LordWalter said:
Zeromaeus said:
I have a fun story to tell.
The tale of my first girlfriend.
As can be assumed, I was always the nice guy. I was always cordial, always kind. I was, and still am, the kind of guy who would do favors for near-to-random strangers just because it was a nice thing to do. In my last year of high-school, I found myself enamored with a nice girl in one of my classes. I had known her for a year or two before then, but I had really started to like her. One day I pulled myself together and asked her to one of the school dances. She said yes. Happy times followed. We hung out a lot and talked even more. It never went past that, but I was happy the way it was. After the dance, I asked her to prom, which also was received positively.
Now here comes the twist. There was always this guy. I guess you could call him my rival. Ever since elementary school the two of us were butting heads, so to speak. Usually in the form of him beating the hell out of me and the two of us being at the top of our class. The major difference between the two of us was that I was meek and nice where he was bold and mean. By my senior year, however, he was mostly phased out of my life. I was in higher level classes than him, so we almost never saw each other. He fell out of my field of vision, so to speak.
Anyway, this guy, let's call him Bob, was in the same class as me and my girlfriend, who I'll call Sue. Anyway, Bob had a thing for Sue so he was always trying to hang out with us when me and Sue were together. Gradually, between that first dance and prom, Sue and Bob started hanging out a lot. I saw it and, in the back of my mind, I knew exactly what was happening, but I let it pass, because I didn't want to be the jealous boyfriend. Sue was her own person and she had friends. I wasn't going to let my grudge against Bob let me get jealous or act rashly just because they were friends. Well, we went to prom together. She spent nearly the entire prom night with him. I knew what had happened and I was already prepared for it when a week later I got the "let's be friends" talk.
Honestly, I found that kind of messed up.
Ah, well, I've moved on. I just hope I can find the right person some day.
This story needs editing. You should have called your rival "Gary Oak" and then chronicled your quest to destroy him and the entire Elite Four whereupon you are instantly buried to the eyeballs in naked women and Rare Candy.

God, now I'm hard.
I edited it for humor's sake. I however, decided the names should be those from Pokemon Special (as opposed to the American printing, Pokemon Adventure, or the anime).


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
Jerks have loads of baseless confidence, confidence is attractive insofar as it engages attention far quicker than being a wallflower. So long as the act holds so does the attraction, but in this situation familiarity definitely breeds contempt.

I would not go so far as to say "some women in such a failed relationship will protect their ego by critiquing a general failing of men rather than their own judgement", but that almost sounds reasonable doesn't it? :)

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
I think, from what ive seen, most Idiot girls are attracted to jerks, which ends up with them having like 3 kids by the time there 20 (Hell, when i was in high school, a girl was on her 3rd kid as a junior)

But it comes down to this, Girls like jerks, Women like nice guys.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
TheLefty said:
So, I just read the facebook status of a woman scorned, stating how much she hates this guy and blah blah because he hurt her. This status ended with "Guy are all the same." Correction. Guys girls like are all the same.
As some very smart people have already said, it gets better in college. But it's not true that ALL the guys girls like are the same, if it were some of us probably wouldn't be here. Like you, young women also need to learn what it is that they want out of a relationship and out of life. As much as people snark at it, if you actually look at Twilight, the kind of romance it's presenting and how popular it is with so many women, you'll get a better idea of what girls think it is they're looking for.

Disney movies, cartoons growing up, action movies, magazine ads, romantic comedies, they've conditioned a lot of women to believe that a certain archetype is what they want. Worse probably because of the influx of anime, but it existed before then. Is culture entirely what's to blame? No, but it helps. Girls aren't mysterious creatures, they're young and they're insecure just like you and in a lot of cases they're looking for someone who will give them a feeling of self worth. Which, more than likely, is constantly being beat down by everything they look at in the media.

For instance, I grew up in Northern California. There, size 0 was the aspired to norm and any girl whose body didn't quite fit the perfect build or were anything above a size six felt ostracized from the popular group. Even if they were "hot". The media and our friends who could get away with looking hot in the mini-skirts made us all (size 8 and up, 120-128 pounds) feel like walruses. So, when that jerk of a guy comes to us and says: "Hey, you're hot, wanna date?" We jump at the chance because it's like our high school fantasy has come true. (Even though that should only be reserved for the "pretty" girls.) In high school, you're only hot if you're popular, the rest of the girls don't really feel that way.

"Nice guys" come off as clingy, and most intelligent girls don't like guys who hang onto their every word and getting complemented all the time starts to sound hollow next to the guy who only smiles at you once or twice. I'm not entirely sure why. I can say a lot of it has to do with self-confidence and women don't always grow out of their insecurities. If you want to know the way to some girls' hearts intelligent conversation, a genuine interest in what they're interested in, and not running off to play video games for a long period leaving her hanging. Anyway, that's the best I can do to explain it. But to be honest, I don't understand guys well either.

I mean... who turns down an offer of sex to play Star Trek Online?


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Skullkid4187 said:
Actually most girls are not attracted to bad guys. It is a common stereotype towards girls at age 14-15 who are so desperate they will go out with anyone.
Then why don't they go out with the "nice" guys who sure aren't as popular, but are most definitely better for the girl?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Cheveyo said:
I've had the opposite experience.
Logic and reason tends to alienate people.(And in the case of my ex, piss them off)
Heh I have only been in one relationship and it's lasted 6 years and is still going <3. I think I've been making pretty good decisions.

Solo Wing Pixy

New member
Dec 31, 2009
@armaina. Sorry I tried to quote you but I hit the wrong button to I can only edit. That's actually nice to hear, because one time when my older older brother asked the very same question of a few girls they were 100% opposed to the idea of doing the courting like it was insult to even suggest it. That hurt. But thankfully as you've proved there are exceptions ^^


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Girls, as far as I can tell, are attracted to men with confidence. Unfortunately, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance which most men find it very difficult to walk.

So while you do get the rare man who is confident without being a dick-fart,most cross over into arrogance, leaving we who have not the confidence nor the arrogance to pull a little befuddled.

It's all about supply and demand, girls want someone who's nice and confident, but because the demand for these men is greater than the supply, most have to settle for the next best thing, and that is why alot of girls seem to end up with completely insufferable, smug-faced, sex obsessed, adulterous, pig-headed, tossers.