Women: Do you consider yourself superior to men?


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Dude, have you EVER had a girlfriend?


I guess not, because you saying how they control us isnt true. Do you know how many times I got 'persuaded' so she can have it her own way. Sex appeal, blackmail, trickery, crying, you name it. And then they talk behind your back and tell their friends how "weak" you are, when really you did it because you love her.

All women do it, its just a case 'how intended' and 'how far' they will go to have their way.


Oh, and the 'make me a sandwich' isn't true, I agree with you there. People that normally say it either don't have a GF, do it behind her back or have a girlfriend that comes with a built-in sense of humor, which is bloody rare.
Dec 14, 2009
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Dude, have you EVER had a girlfriend?


I guess not, because you saying how they control us isnt true. Do you know how many times I got 'persuaded' so she can have it her own way. Sex appeal, blackmail, trickery, crying. And then they talk behind your back and tell their friends how "weak" you are, when really you did it because you love her.

All women do it, its just a case 'how intended' and 'how far' they will go to have their way.


Oh, and the 'make me a sandwich' isn't true, I agree with you there. People that normally say it either don't have a GF or do it behind her back.
Funny that you say that. I'm engaged to the girl I started seeing when I was 15.

I'm now 23.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Dude, have you EVER had a girlfriend?


I guess not, because you saying how they control us isnt true. Do you know how many times I got 'persuaded' so she can have it her own way. Sex appeal, blackmail, trickery, crying. And then they talk behind your back and tell their friends how "weak" you are, when really you did it because you love her.

All women do it, its just a case 'how intended' and 'how far' they will go to have their way.


Oh, and the 'make me a sandwich' isn't true, I agree with you there. People that normally say it either don't have a GF or do it behind her back.
Funny that you say that. I'm engaged to the girl I started seeing when I was 15.

I'm now 23.

Then I am currently believing you even less, because surely you must have experienced it to SOME degree, even if it was blatant.

And I wish all the best with your girl, I wished I met a woman like that...
Dec 14, 2009
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Dude, have you EVER had a girlfriend?


I guess not, because you saying how they control us isnt true. Do you know how many times I got 'persuaded' so she can have it her own way. Sex appeal, blackmail, trickery, crying. And then they talk behind your back and tell their friends how "weak" you are, when really you did it because you love her.

All women do it, its just a case 'how intended' and 'how far' they will go to have their way.


Oh, and the 'make me a sandwich' isn't true, I agree with you there. People that normally say it either don't have a GF or do it behind her back.
Funny that you say that. I'm engaged to the girl I started seeing when I was 15.

I'm now 23.

Then I am currently believing you even less, because surely you must have experienced it to SOME degree, even if it was blatant.

And I wish all the best with your girl, I wished I met a woman like that...
Believe it or not, not all women are subvertive.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Dude, have you EVER had a girlfriend?


I guess not, because you saying how they control us isnt true. Do you know how many times I got 'persuaded' so she can have it her own way. Sex appeal, blackmail, trickery, crying. And then they talk behind your back and tell their friends how "weak" you are, when really you did it because you love her.

All women do it, its just a case 'how intended' and 'how far' they will go to have their way.


Oh, and the 'make me a sandwich' isn't true, I agree with you there. People that normally say it either don't have a GF or do it behind her back.
Funny that you say that. I'm engaged to the girl I started seeing when I was 15.

I'm now 23.

Then I am currently believing you even less, because surely you must have experienced it to SOME degree, even if it was blatant.

And I wish all the best with your girl, I wished I met a woman like that...
Believe it or not, not all women are subvertive.
Sorry, but a woman would have to prove it to me first, I have had too many bad experiences to simply believe a person's word.
Dec 14, 2009
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Project_Omega said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Dude, have you EVER had a girlfriend?


I guess not, because you saying how they control us isnt true. Do you know how many times I got 'persuaded' so she can have it her own way. Sex appeal, blackmail, trickery, crying. And then they talk behind your back and tell their friends how "weak" you are, when really you did it because you love her.

All women do it, its just a case 'how intended' and 'how far' they will go to have their way.


Oh, and the 'make me a sandwich' isn't true, I agree with you there. People that normally say it either don't have a GF or do it behind her back.
Funny that you say that. I'm engaged to the girl I started seeing when I was 15.

I'm now 23.

Then I am currently believing you even less, because surely you must have experienced it to SOME degree, even if it was blatant.

And I wish all the best with your girl, I wished I met a woman like that...
Believe it or not, not all women are subvertive.
Sorry, but a woman would have to prove it to me first, I have had too many bad experiences to simply believe a person's word.
Well, they do exist.

Maybe you'll get lucky one day.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I feel like women, as well as men, sometimes feel superior to other PEOPLE in general, men included. If the most obvious difference between them is gender, then perhaps that is the case.

I mean, on a very real level, some people are superior to other people, on an individual basis. Thinking that this is due to anything like race, religion, gender, or any other criteria is foolish. People are perhaps more likely (due to genetics) to be big and strong as a man or lithe and agile as a lady, but it is no hard and fast rule.

The complex and interwoven nature of the origins of a person's abilities precludes assumptions based on simplistic and superficial criteria. A person is an amalgam of both their genetic structure and the environmental opportunities which those genes had to construct a human with. Read environment both as physical material present (healthy food/water, shelter, exercise) and mental/emotional environment (education, parents, peers, community).

Yes, gender does have a measurable genetic impact on how people are (obviously) and there are strong tendencies to some behaviors (physical prowess, cultural gender roles, sex drive, violence, coping strategies) and in that way, one gender may be superior to another in some respects... BUT the variation of individuals far outweighs any broad variation among groups, either by gender or race.

Really, a lot of the differences we see between genders probably comes from what they have been expected to be able to do from their culture and thus, what they have become practiced at. It is up to others to decide if the cultures we have crafted demand more from men or women and in what capacity.

Do some women think that they are superior because of their gender? Yes, and that is sexism.

I mean, I am sometimes ashamed of my gender (male) but I don't believe that it is due to anything inherent in the male system. We have social constructs which enable a selfish, sexist, antagonistic personality in many males. We have social constructs which enable a selfish, vain, materialistic personality in many females. Not everyone falls into that trap of culture, but it's there, and children, entering into our world so vulnerable, are susceptible to it.

It's sad, and I hate to see people transformed by things outside of their control. Of course, you had no say in who you are, and neither did I. We are products of our physical, mental, and genetic environments.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Velvo said:
I feel like women, as well as men, sometimes feel superior to other PEOPLE in general, men included. If the most obvious difference between them is gender, then perhaps that is the case.

I mean, on a very real level, some people are superior to other people, on an individual basis. Thinking that this is due to anything like race, religion, gender, or any other criteria is foolish. People are perhaps more likely (due to genetics) to be big and strong as a man or lithe and agile as a lady, but it is no hard and fast rule.

The complex and interwoven nature of the origins of a person's abilities precludes assumptions based on simplistic and superficial criteria. A person is an amalgam of both their genetic structure and the environmental opportunities which those genes had to construct a human with. Read environment both as physical material present (healthy food/water, shelter, exercise) and mental/emotional environment (education, parents, peers, community).

Yes, gender does have a measurable genetic impact on how people are (obviously) and there are strong tendencies to some behaviors (physical prowess, cultural gender roles, sex drive, violence, coping strategies) and in that way, one gender may be superior to another in some respects... BUT the variation of individuals far outweighs any broad variation among groups, either by gender or race.

Really, a lot of the differences we see between genders probably comes from what they have been expected to be able to do from their culture and thus, what they have become practiced at. It is up to others to decide if the cultures we have crafted demand more from men or women and in what capacity.

Do some women think that they are superior because of their gender? Yes, and that is sexism.

I mean, I am sometimes ashamed of my gender (male) but I don't believe that it is due to anything inherent in the male system. We have social constructs which enable a selfish, sexist, antagonistic personality in many males. We have social constructs which enable a selfish, vain, materialistic personality in many females. Not everyone falls into that trap of culture, but it's there, and children, entering into our world so vulnerable, are susceptible to it.

It's sad, and I hate to see people transformed by things outside of their control. Of course, you had no say in who you are, and neither did I. We are products of our physical, mental, and genetic environments.
You sir, are a fuckin' genius and has officially won the internet :D


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Not sure if you are being sarcastic, or really that stupid.

Both Genders are equal. Deal.With.It.

*Talking to TheDarkEricDraven*


Old Man? I am not that old .....
Jun 14, 2008
It is 2011, no gender, race, religion or what ever have-you is greater than the other.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Thedek said:
Vault101 said:
Mr.Numbers said:
I consider myself superior to women in the art of holding open doors, waiting politely for them to sit down first...

Wait, is that sexism or just manners and chivalry?
It's getting really friggin hard to tell with some people...

If being more courteous to the opposite gender is sexism, is considered wrong, I don't want to be right.

I also consider them less likely to be able to stand up for themselves against drunken assaults. I, however, CAN take a punch (With some exceptions, some women are pretty damn hardcore) (The first person to make a wifebeater joke I strangle through their webcam) So I'm going to do my best to defuse the situation, or defend the woman involved.

Again, if chivalry is wrong, I don't want to be right.
no offence BUT I find it somwhat annoying how this chivalry thing needs explaining

basically treating women "different" because they are women is kind of sexist, it implys that they are weak and cannot defend themselfs...and of coarse it comes from an older time...in a way I guess it was a trade off for not being able to do much

kind of like how most people dont like the "hero of the story rescues his helpless girldfreind" type thing thease days

anyway the Idea is not "chivalry" but showing respect and decency for people regardless of gender

now obviously some idoits take it the wrong way (stories of women getting offended when I guy holds the door open) but in the end Ill hold the door open for whoever needs it, and apreciate it when somone does, but I dont expect it
I think a lot of people use the term chivalry to be meaning general knightly(aspired to, seldom practiced) virtues like. Honor, decency, courtesy, mercy, and defense of those who cannot defend themselves.

It's the last part that gets easily offended feminist's panties in a knot.

Weakness in something is not an evil or a bad thing. It's like the brave knight rescuing the princess from a dragon. Why do people hate this story plot with such fervor?

It's unoriginal? Most things are. It's sexist? Why?

It's a fucking dragon. You'd have to be pretty badass to kill a dragon.

Hell even if it's a reasonable plot that could really happen with similar character types.

Brave knight saves peasant girl from an evil lord.

It's not sexist. It's rational.

A female peasant was only slightly more likely to get brutalized by gentry than a male peasant.

A noble lord has :Better armor, weapons, horses, training,and most likely other nobles as friends with the same advantages.

The peasant of either gender are rightly screwed. As for the female most likely being weaker than the evil lord physically. Now people are just being stupid. Female humans are generally physically weaker than male humans. This is simply biological fact. Not opinion, fact. If you think otherwise you are either delusional or stupid.

It's called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_dimorphism

Read that, and if you don't like it blame God, or Nature, or the universe. Oh and do us all a favor and some of you people get over yourselves.

Feminism as it stands now in western society has turned into an auto-immune diease.
I dont quite understand what your trying to say

OF COARSE chivalry had its place and a point back then, what I'm saying is that its a somewhat outdated notion (the women being weak part and men being expendable)


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I'd like to make a point. It has probably been brought up that women are, on average, (paid less than men with identical jobs / promoted less often / have less successful career). While this is in some small part down to sexism and patriarchal influences. Studies have shown (I read about this ~1 year ago so don't expect quotes or references) that women are FAR more likely to settle for (less pay / more hours / a worse job) without haggling for a better deal. Also, when men and women of similar ambition (defined as people who had similar [pay / hour / job] expectations) were compared women were only slightly discriminated against, it was there, but it was greatly decreased. In short we men are better paid because we are lazy, greedy, slobs.