Worst Fan Base Out There


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Eh. I haven't been hit with a big backlash for not praising Inception. Movie-wise, the worst fanbase I ever encountered were the ones who loved The Matrix series so damn much. Talk about armchair know-it-alls acting smug for "getting" the film series when you didn't. I even had a friend go so far as to tell me, "you're just scared of the idea that we might actually be living like that." In what realm of reality would I ponder that scenario as anything remotely real? She was just a stupid teenager when she made that smug comment, though, so I let it go.

Flare Phoenix

New member
Dec 18, 2009
I'm going to have to say the Transformers fanbase: the fact that a character with the same name appearing in one of the movies gets them so hyped up both amuses and confuses me. Seriously, the amount of enthusiasm just because the new movie used the term "Wrecker" was astounding. Not to mention the lengths they'll go to to defend anything with the Transformers name in it. Seriously, if I hear "Oh it's a Bay Film so it should get a pass" or "You're not supposed to think about it" one more time I'm going to scream!

The Woolly One

New member
Nov 25, 2010
Battlefield fans. Seriously, it isn't enough to let people know they like the games, they have to go and rain on the parade of anyone who happens to like a different shooter. We get it - you don't like CoD. We don't care.

Bungie, Bioware and Bethesda 'fans'. Anything either of these companies does with these games is heralded as the worst thing that has ever happened by their fans. If they change nothing, they are criticised for being stagnant and releasing a cheap cash-in. They change something minor and suddenly they've sold-out and hate their fans. Seriously, some of the 'fans' of these companies feel they are entitled to anything they want whenever they want it.

Some PC fans. Yes, I know that it is a minority of you and most PC gamers are charming eloquent people, like most console gamers. However, there is that small bunch that seems to think that because the spent more on their computer than a console costs they should be entitled to everything under the sun and any of those console-playing peasants that think otherwise are not worth listening to as they are not part of the glorious master race. Like I said, it is a small minority but that minority is very annoying.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I came here thinking Apple fans, but since seeing other peoples posts there's no way I can decide which is worst.

PC Elitists are pretty damn annoying. Basically antisocial nerds who live on their computer and make it an excuse to think they're better than other people. I once told someone (an elitist) that I'm primarily a console gamer and that I'm in the process of saving up for new PC, and then got neverending shit saying I should have bought a PC instead of a console in the first place :/

~ There's also Linux too for very similar reasons.

And then there's all the teenage girly type things like Justin Bieber and Twilight, Twilight being the worst I can think of. Girls breaking up with their boyfriends over not loving Twilight, putting icepacks on your boyfriends lips so it's like kissing a dead guy, taking it way too far.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
well the bigger the fanbase the worse it is usually I would go with the football fanbase (yeah pretty wide) obviously this is a massive generalisation but why do they have to bore me constantly about their favourite sport/team when I have made it very clear I am not remotely interested in what they are saying.

Also the violence that the fanbase gets away with in the name of the sport sickens me (although its not as bad as it was ill admit)


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Trucken said:
I'd say footballfans (soccer). They see all the flaws the game have (diving, for example) but when you start talking about making changes to the game that might get rid of the cheating (and make for more entertaining matches) they nearly piss themselves out of anxiety.
I could not agree more with this.

I especially hate people who refer to the team they like as "we"

I have not heard of any other sport killing more people by having the spectators trample, fight and stab each other.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Hal10k said:
The Fallout fanbase is in a state of constant war that has little hope of changing, ironically enough. You either have the veteran fans who insult Bethesda for committing the cardinal sin of making a first-person, semi-real time game, or you have the people who dismiss the older games out of hand simply because they're old. The veteran fans are worse, in my opinion, probably because they've been engaging in flame wars for ten years now and they've gotten really good at it.
I agree! I hate going on the Wikia or forums with people who joined at 3/new vegas (me) being absolute pricks and then veteran fans complaining about it. Veteran fans are worse because they can just NOT PLAY THE GAME! But newer fans should also try the game! (I tried the older games and didn't like them)


New member
May 11, 2009
Montreal Canadiens or Vancouver Canucks fans. All you people citing video game fans...I've yet to see a riot over video games (maybe a trampling or two on Black Friday, but nothing like this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihAx8WyXS9o&feature=related])


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Worst fanbase for me is Pokemon. I like Pokemon! So do many millions of people around the world but by God, the "HARDCORE ERUGH!" fans are so annoying. Yes, I've bred Pokemon before but would you cut the crap about I have to breed in a certain way with certain items equipped until I get a Pokemon with certain stats and then have to start all over again to get another Pokemon with better stats >_<

It's a kids game, stop trying to force people to play it like we're all 30 year olds with nothing better to do than beating other 30 year olds on a game for bloody 7 year olds.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Avatar (the stupid smurffy cat cat movie not the show)
Call Of Duty
Apple fan boys
and naruto/bleach fanboys.


New member
Feb 7, 2011
In my experience it's Battlefield fans. They never shut up on how it's better than CoD. (not my words) I had a friend actually read out the comments for the youtube video that was the trailer for some new Battlefield game.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Either Nintendo or Sega. "Sonic's legs are too long!"
"Quit cel-shading Zelda, Nintendo!"
"His eyes shouldn't be green!"
"Obviously, Nintendo of America hates their fans. Not localizing these games couldn't possibly be a business decision."
"No! Not the homing attack!"

The perpetual complainers are just an obnoxious minority, but they still get my vote.

A Raging Emo

New member
Apr 14, 2009
I'm going to say that the CoD fanbase is the worst. Mainly because of all the meat-headed chavs at college who only ever play CoD and herald it as teh bestezt game evrarrrrrz!!1!one!.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
ANY console fanbase fucking up the internet with EVERY FUCKING GENERATION!
PC fanboys aren't that bad in comparison they can be smug but at least they don,t start flame wars and COD fanboys are just ignorant.
I know some of you are going to say Twilight or Justin Bieber but those are just going to end after this year.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I'd definitely go with sports fans. It probably doesn't help that the train station I use to commute is also a staduim. There are lots of annoying fanbases out there who are rude, whiny and vocal about their passions, but at least they don't riot, shatter cars, and set things on fire, even when their team wins. I've lost count of the number of times I've prayed for the staduim to burn to the ground, so that I'd no longer have to share personal space with those creeps whenever there's a game.


New member
May 31, 2011
Some honorable mentions go to:
My Little Pony
World of Warcraft
Xbox 360

But the winners (or losers) are Deviant Art users. The sheer self indulgent idiocy I've witnessed there is second to none. And it's freaking everywhere! Not to mention the images that get put up there...

I could go on but I have stuff to do.

A shout out to the Diablo 3 fan base for being the angriest.

Evil Teddie

New member
Feb 7, 2011
Bioware, ugh. Also known as Biodrones. These people make me sick, all of the obsession with Bioware's fictional characters... Don't get me started..

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