Worst game PURCHASE you ever made.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
fable 3, the crawler was wasted

brink, kind of, i like it but i should have waited for a sale or something


New member
Jul 2, 2008
JB1528 said:
Sacred 2 I bought of Steam....can't even get the damn game to work, it just crashes whenever it starts up because its incompatible with ATI cards or something. Pathetic.
basically this; except batman arkham asylum. I bought and installed it, hoping to get to play an amazing game but alas i am met with error screens and technical support staff who've all the intelligent of a foot fungus.


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
I bought the force unleashed 2 special edition on day one, that game was so easy even on hard, and inexcusably short.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Hm, I think the Witcher 2. I started getting absolutely demolished by a boss after about a week playing it and I just haven't the heart to go back and get my ass kicked again.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Dragon Age: Origins.

One of the worst games I've ever played, which is a shame because it looked like it was actually going to be good.

Buried the game box under mountains of random stuff in my room, so at least I don't have to look at it.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Fallout 3, pre-content.

This is the worst game purchase I made in recent memory, seeing as I was flush with spare cash at the time, and decided to take Gamestop up on their new games BOGO offer. So I ended up paying the full $60 for it (U.S. price for a just-out game, as a reminder for those outside of the States). By some lucky coincidence, I had managed to not hear about the complete cockslap of an ending, and thus was completely blindsided by it.

Certainly I've played worse games, but for dollar amount this takes the cake.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Not going to lie. Halo reach and Black ops. I say Reach because it didn't work on my 360 T_T, and black ops because i found out i really hate FPS lol


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Halo: Reach for me. I spent £40 on it. That was probably £25 too much. It was mainly that I kept getting frustrated at it. I might try it again later.

Beserk GG

New member
Jul 10, 2011
PURCHASE is highly emphasised so I would have to say Turok, thankfully waited till it was cheap ($10 CDN) which didn't take very long considering it was pretty bad.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

To be honest, that game was actually kinda cool. You played some lowly kid who ran around beating up demons and ghosts with sticks and golf clubs, and the only way you could see the ghosts was by pointing your flash light at them... Or that's how it was supposed to work at least. I was expecting a light hearted, but sometimes creepy game, but no, the enemies were easy to fight, the combat was your terrible standard combo attack with weak and strong attacks, and where I was expecting a massive open world experience... I got a bunch of linear levels and fetch quests. I took it back four days later after beating it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The first thing that pops in my head: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

I was browsing Steam store while I was bored (FYI, never a good idea if you have any disposable income). I thought to myself "How bad could it really be?"
Didn't finish the first mission before I uninstalled it.

Steam has been related to a lot of impulse buys that I later regret.

Brink, Civ 5, Blacklight Tango Down.... the list goes on and on.

There is one game that I bought out of boredom; Hearts of Iron 3. I really want to play it but the tutorial doesn't explain 1/4 of what you need to know. And I can't find any videos on Youtube that help.

Also Spore makes me cry and I have Fallout 3: New Vegas for PS3 and I've put in a massive 30 minutes in it but I haven't returned it. It's not a bad game, I just never play my PS3 unless I want to play sports games.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
Final Fantasy X-2, because I not only paid the full £40 for it, but also an extra fiver pre-order (as if there was ever going to be a shortage of FFX-2) so I could get a free poster that the helpful staff member waited until day of release to inform me was only available to customers who also bought the strategy guide.

Got home, played it, died at the first boss, never played it again.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Grand Theft Auto IV.

Not only did I pay full price for it on launch day, but I also spent an extra $20 on a player's guide when the clerk recommended it (what can I say, he would have been a good con artist).

I tried to enjoy the game, I really did. But after a few days of atrocious driving controls, bland brown graphics and taking Roman out every fifteen minutes to see "BEEG AMERICAN TEE-TEES," I gave up in disgust and traded it in first chance I got.

Fortunately Saints Row 2 came along and demonstrated what a next gen GTA-style game should be.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
anyone notice the people getting warned for stating what they thought wasnt worth the money?

for me it'd have to be my wii, it itself is one of the worst purchases ever, it had some great games(okami,red steel 2, the conduit 1 and 2, skyward sword, twilight princess, metroid prime 3, super mario galaxy 1 and 2,sin and punishment) the vast majority of everything about that system is inferior to the other 2, and the fact that i can list all of the good games off memory is pretty sad, the only thing it has is shoddy motion controls and the awesome virtual console thing, other than that it has to be the worst game purchase ive ever made(although to be fair it was a gift from my brother)


New member
Jul 22, 2011
Until I was 18 and had my own money to spend on games I pirated everything (shame on me, but I've repented of that). Now that I have enough money to buy my games, I'm smart enough to not make crappy purchases. Though a few crappy titles slipped into my library during the Steam summer sale, but that's because they were bundled with awesome stuff.

That being said, my worst gaming purchase was Heroes of Newerth. I got it for $10 right before they went to the F2P model, and it sucks. It's not that it's too hard or too easy, in fact it's been pretty hit and miss in that regard (I'm 12/2 one match and 1/10 the next). it's simply crappy. The graphics are muddled, the shop makes no sense, and the heroes have nothing remotely approaching balance.