worst movie


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Batman & Robin.

and Chronicles of Riddick the games are great but the movie was pretty bad, i couldnt understand what the hell was going on most of the time


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Romeo and juliet the new version came out like in 1999

I absolutely loved that, and have the DVD, Leo and Clare were brilliant in it. I just loved the idea of bringing the classical Shakesperian language and mannerisms and so on into a more modern setting. The clash of cultures made it so much more interesting than all the other, 'original', R+J adaptations.

There are good and bad things about this film. As a student of shakespeare it's nice to see the tradition of modernizing shakespeare continue, and the transition was well done, however Leo butchered the scansion of the language.

As for worst movies has to be the new punisher, it was however so bad that it was comedic and I ended up enjoying it for that reason.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
most low budget horror movies where the "fear" turns into laughing at how bad it is i.e savage planet, crazy eights, hybrid and anaconda


New member
Sep 17, 2007
A guy at work lent me some movies that he really likes; action packed films. I prefer more story substance, but opted to give these a go. I popped in "The Rock" with Sean Connery and that other guy that looks like Ross from Friends. I nearly puked with how rancid the movie was. I thought I saw Michael Bay's name flash by in the opening credits, which would explain alot.

The movie was total garbage. The soundtract by Hans Zimmer was over the top with patriotic overtures, and was sickingly cliché. The plot was predictable and weak. I mean, there's a scene where Sean's character sneaks away for a moment with his niece, and every cop in a 10 mile radius bores down on the location. Ross-wannabe trys to spare Seans character some dignity by flashing a badge and saying he's helping the police. In the background, every cop has their gun trained on Seans character making the whole thing laughably weak!

Really, I'd be doing everyone a favor by burning the DVD and returning the slag to my coworker.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Every last movie what name ends with "Movie" like: Epic, Superwhatever, So Funny Sacry Bullcrap Movie.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Aww cr*p... Star Trek: Nemesis- for sheer, director-induced, Trekkie-rage (Seven years on, the horror remains 0_0)

Also, Transformers. :) Am convinced the writers swallowed the Urban Dictionary, had a 'trip' then re-wrote Michael Bays' entire back-catalog, (Blow-Shit-Up, mix, stir, repeat)...


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I can't believe no-one liked Romeo + Juliet, it was frickin awesome! BTW it was 1996 not 1999.

I've seen a ton of bad movies, but the only one that springs to mind immediately is the Spawn film. The cgi was alright but the rest just sucked balls. Plus anything with Will Ferral or Adam Sandler in. That kind of comedy is just brainless and all their films are the same


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Gosford Park Snoooooooreeeeeeee.
Fantastic 4 and the silver surfer worst film of the last few years no doubt.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Uwe Boll's work, Dungeons and Dragons (the movie was a massive insult to the greatest game ever conceived), Doom (another big insult to gamers),


The Names Hans Olo
Mar 15, 2009
yes that was the worst movie ever why did I even watch it! (angrey rant about how much I hate it) meet the spartans is the worst movie I have ever seen in my short life time im only 11 and I know its a 15 my brother got it for his birthday and said I wouldnt be able to stick it for five minutes but I one that £20 yes im british


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Dead or Alive.
A friend showed it to me and I threatened to leave unless he destroyed that god awful film forever.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
slevin8989 said:
Romeo and juliet the new version came out like in 1999
God I hated that movie. I had an English teacher make us watch that movie instead of reading the play, or watching one of the plays that actually did it well, like the new one was a good replacement or something. I might actually be able to get through that movie if forced, if it weren't for her, but it'd take a lot of forcing.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
This thread was done about a week ago I believe.

OT: The Spirit was pretty awful. Actually, really terrible. I don't know what the fuck Frank Miller was thinking when he decided he would direct a movie on his own. Stick to writing, it's what you're good at.


New member
Feb 7, 2007
ssgt splatter said:
dude relax ok sure I never saw the movie but you were asking someone to say Drangonball so I answered your "request." I think you are the bigger tool since you seem to be getting more riled up over my post than I was over the damn movie. It's my opinion, not yours so just chill. I'm not talking to you again so don't bother to send me anymore e-mails.
This was an email my new friend ssgt splatter sent me. He sent this to me because he was a little sad that I made him own up to the fact that by never actually having watched a movie, that his review of it, holds NO WEIGHT. He tells me to relax, because it must be ever so apparent that I'm "riled up" because of a movie thread. Ok, young man, chill pill taken. So lets get down to business. Firstly, in a completely non riled up way, I should point out that while I could have been a little clearer as to the intent of my post, I wouldn't have wanted you to reply to begin with, because your "opinion" of the movie (and you are correct, your "opinion" is yours) is totally invalidated by you not WATCHING the movie. You, a person I'd be willing to bet hasn't personally met few if any of the forumites here, are telling said forumites to NOT watch a movie, based not on your own personal experiences, but the experience of others. It's like telling everybody to jump off a bridge because even though you haven't personally done it, you hear it's a lot of fun.

Secondly, you go on to claim that I'm a bigger tool because I got more "riled up" over a post than you did over a movie. This implies that you in fact got riled up over this movie, a movie that YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN (<---see that. That's not me being riled up. That's me capping words for emphasis). Me on the other hand, can say quite confidently, that I certainly didn't get riled up to begin with. Why would I? This wasn't a heated debate, it was me telling you, that your personal opinion of this subject, is completely invalidated. That and if you want to swear, swear like a big boy.

As per your request, I didn't email you. I did post your email up for everyone here to see, but I didn't reply. Since I honored your request, I hope you'll do the same when I make this one: Don't try to bow out of an argument by sending me an email, and then add insult to injury by telling me not to reply. If you don't want anyone to know how you felt about me schooling you, then keep it to yourself, because I cetainly don't want to hear it, nor want my mail space to be clogged up by whining and your vague attempts at an insult.