Worst origin horror story yet!


New member
Jun 20, 2011
distortedreality said:
Sober Thal said:
Banning, or locking the account for further review is a proper step to take when dealing with people like this. Until the situation can be clearly identified and resolved by EA, it's better that his account doesn't hinder him anymore.
You would think actually listening to him first and looking into his complaints would be the first proper step to take, and that would of headed off this mess before it began.

EA fucked up here, not the user.

When stealing by a big corporation is seen as the lesser crime out of that and swearing at said corporation for not even listening to the users case, something is seriously fucking wrong.
I guess that's what happens in our cruel, corporate run dystopia! *grins sarcastically*


Big Brother is watching us... MUST... KEEP... GRINNING....


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Elsarild said:
Ah but of course, how foolish of me!

1. make game
2.Sell it to people
3. Charge double the amount
4. ?????

Well, you got a point there, maybe I should take up rollerskating again.
Destroying a good joke/meme here, but you don't really need the ???? because I'm pretty sure that if you charge twice for a product you'll get profit anyway.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Sober Thal said:
Nope, I didn't miss any of those parts. I'm just saying that the system is bound to have problems in it's infancy, just like STEAM did. People keep quoting me for some odd reason. It's like they take a 4chan post and think it's God's honest truth. I also think freezing/banning an account of a troll is appropriate until facts can be established.
You still aren't addressing the fact that this looks exactly like the guy who got banned from playing Dragon Age 2, which he bought legally, just because he said the wrong thing.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Sober Thal said:
I did when I said (I just made it bold in quote above):

-'I also think freezing/banning an account of a troll is appropriate until facts can be established.'-


"EA strictly enforces the code of conduct at Social.BioWare.com. If a player violates the rules by using profanity, they will be temporarily banned," he wrote. "Unfortunately, there was an error in the system that accidentally suspended a user's entire account. Immediately upon learning of the glitch, EA restored the user's macro account and apologized for the inconvenience."

That story was updated the next day or so.
Sounds like a saving roll, but w/e.
Finally OT: I want to like EA. I really do. Sometimes they make stupid decisions, like limited-install DRM or misguided ad campaigns, but they've still put out some really good games, even in this generation. I thought Mirror's Edge was an excellent experiment that I'm surprised EA tried, and Hot Pursuit 2K10 was really, really good. I'm also slightly interested in The Run, but I won't be getting it on PC because of the Origin fiasco. Not to mention, making Battlefield 3 compete with Call of Duty instead of appealing to its standing fans was their stupidest idea yet...

And this? This is pretty much the last straw.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Has anyone actually heard of any storyies where origins works well and all is well? Cause everyone i know whos were willing to try it (not many) had problems with it. And then theres stories like this floating around, i know the temptation is to just go EA IS EVIIIIIL, but origins seems to be the biggest mess ever made if the stories are anything to go by...

Though with all the stories floating around before if was even released, is anyone surprised that its kinda turning quickly into a failure? (not including the fact that its EA here, just the stories about it)


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
Posting again here, just thinking about something...

I feel really bad for EA in a weird way I really do. They try and put this... thing in and they just mess it up in several different ways and it's almost like they are trying to make this as unappealing as possible for consumers.

Comic Sans

Oct 15, 2008
United States
dickywebster said:
Has anyone actually heard of any storyies where origins works well and all is well? Cause everyone i know whos were willing to try it (not many) had problems with it. And then theres stories like this floating around, i know the temptation is to just go EA IS EVIIIIIL, but origins seems to be the biggest mess ever made if the stories are anything to go by...

Though with all the stories floating around before if was even released, is anyone surprised that its kinda turning quickly into a failure? (not including the fact that its EA here, just the stories about it)
Personally, I have had no problems. Between the Battlefield 3 beta and purchasing 3 games, I haven't had technical problems. My only annoyance is that they have their sales by codes you input on purchase, rather than automatically like Steam. These codes are supplied either by email or when you boot up Origin. So I had an infuriating moment when I used a discount code I got to buy a game to get Crysis 2, and when I rebooted Origin to install the game, what should popup but a discount code for the weekend to buy Crysis 2 for half the price I paid. So while the shop system could use work on things like that, I have had no other issues with it, nor have any of my friends. I think most of what you hear is just bias towards Steam and public lynch mob hysteria to hate on EA whenever something goes wrong.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Never trusted EA... please don't call me a hippy that hates all companies... i don't hate all companies, i love Valve, in rare moments Microsoft and so on...

But EA... for me they are the Cancer of videogames... rarely they send a good game, they have way too many good games turned bad (due to rushed releases, pressure and firing staff to maitain costs of a company that makes far too much miney then they deserve), they copy from other companies and games and when they have a good game with great potential, they work they're asses to destroy it for the sake of capitalism, introducing it with useless elements, useless dlc's and discusting content.

EA work they're asses not to make a good game, but to make more profit. If they have a good idea they will whore it out for profit, giving small campaigns, useless elements and hundreds of dlc's that no one needs.

That's why i never buy EA games. I loved battlefield (in the past) and the mass effect games, but i prefer to get those on the side (not buying them, but play them- if you catch my drift), but i refuse to give my money to that company.

And for what comes to Origin, i can honestly say i knew this would happen, and i know it will happen way more times then it needs to.

Prefer my good old Steam, that even though it's not perfect (still gets some hacks now and then), they at least are honest, i know i can get good games from there, and from any other different company.

And hell, for what it comes to all these companies, i know some companies have they're bad apples (Microsoft cancelled the sequel for Conker Bad Fur Day... well... i can forgive... they gave us Gears of War, and good costumer service over the years), but i would see EA burn in hell, then ever getting something from them.


New member
May 21, 2009
thespyisdead said:
The Plunk said:
thespyisdead said:
thank god i am a steam user

regarding the photo: the superviser was a jerk regarding the refund, but the guy tottaly deserved his ban, due to his foul mouth... what do we learn from this? do not piss peaople off in high places, or at leas the ones, that have power over your account full of games,
A private corporation effectively fining someone $120 for swearing is not my idea of fair.
it's actually a public one, cos it's quoted on the stock exchange... and if you were in this supervisors situation, after having profanity spat in your ear, would you still be nice and let them keep their account, or shut it down?
Doesn't matter, employees get cussed out all the time, you can tell them to leave your store, but you can't take back a product they bought


New member
Feb 5, 2010
FFS, while i find EAs actions to be horrendous, this guy should have just done what everyone on reddit told him to:



New member
Mar 6, 2011
Fuck Origin and fuck EA, man. If I were you, I'd try some crack on the internet that lets you play BF3 without Origin, 'cuz it's a pretty good game.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
See? All big coorporations are evil. Not giving him his money back is just one complaint, there will be more like him, mark my words.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Legal action sounds like the right thing to do in this kind of situation. There's a law in almost every country against this sort of thing.

EA tech support are absolutely awful. I had to deal with them back when they were using that online authentication DRM (secuROM, I think - it must have been 2 or 3 years ago, now I think about it), all I needed to know was what ports where needed for online activation, all I got from EA was "it's not our problem, go talk to secuROM", which is all good and fine, but SecuROM only dealt with devs that are interested in adding their DRM to software, they didn't have a tech support method. Long story short, didn't get any resolution and could activate the software until I got off the university network, which about 3 months later. Last time I ever brought anything from EA unless it was seriously discounted...


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Sober Thal said:
I also think freezing/banning an account of a troll is appropriate until facts can be established.
Assuming the account in the OP is accurate, then they didn't ban the account of a troll. They banned the account of someone who they stole from and refused all attempts he made at letting them rectify the situation in a civil manner. Again, assuming the account is accurate.

Obviously we can't gauge how civil he was or wasn't when he contacted support, but enough stories have been popping up like his to lead me to believe that people being charged multiple times is surprisingly frequent. And regardless of how he conducted himself, they didn't have any right to suspend his service because he swore at them, unless they stuck yet another crazy clause in the Origin TOS. As someone who's worked in call centres before for other businesses, you would never suspend someone's account for swearing at you. Not only does that mean you've charged them for a second copy they can't use, but now you've suspended their ability to play the copy they legitimately wanted and already paid for. And for what? Because they hurt someone's feelings?

And where do you get this idea that they should ban his account until facts are established? If they can't spend two minutes looking at his transaction history and see he was charged twice for the same game then they have much bigger problems than just overcharging people. Because it should be a simple matter for someone at their support center to just look it up and see the multiple charges and confirm his story. No banning needed.

Sorry, but if there's any truth in this story at all then EA handled the situation poorly to say the least. Not that I would expect any better from EA though honestly.


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
A little politeness goes a long way...

There are other ways to get around stupid bureaucracy other than shouting obscenities. I suspect that person's idea of "calmly" telling people is a bit excessive.

Still, EA should not ban people from accessing legitimately purchased games because they upset some jobsworth employee.

Little Duck

Diving Space Muffin
Oct 22, 2009
I think I hear a court case happening. And if not why not? Anyyway, I'm happy to use it so long as I can play my games. Fact of the matter is it A) isn't on mac and B) most of the games I own on it (the sims, spore) are mac friendly. This. Is. Annoying.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
thespyisdead said:
regarding the photo: the superviser was a jerk regarding the refund, but the guy tottaly deserved his ban, due to his foul mouth... what do we learn from this? do not piss peaople off in high places, or at leas the ones, that have power over your account full of games,
They have no right to do so. Him being pissed off is something support should be able to deal with. Although swearing may not have been necessary, his position and his reaction is completely understandable. The support "peaople" simply weren't doing what their job was: SUPPORTING.
Closing down his account after charging him twice, is simply stealing $120. He doesn't even get the game he paid for.
Now of course, I don't know if it's true. But this case has been reported so many times, it's very likely that this did happen.


New member
Mar 9, 2009

EA really have some of the worst support i've ever seen, do you think they make them go through some sort of incompetent wanker screening test before they hire them?