Worst Racism You've Encountered


New member
Jul 24, 2010
I am part of the ethnic majority so I don't get much of it. The worst I have seen is those few times I made a joke at the expense of the sheep shaggers New Zealanders.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
TheSnarkKnight said:
As a white individual who believes that racism against black people has ended forever and ever, I feel qualified to say how hard it is to be white. I mean, there's so much racism against us nowadays that it's unfair.
You have black history month and black pride, but when me and a couple of friends try to have a pro-white movement, dressing up in pointy hats and bedsheets, suddenly we are the racist ones!
On top of that, once, I noticed a black person getting away with being racist to a white person. Clearly this is entirely the wrong way round! I mean, I'm just going to randomly ascert that this happens on a much larger scale and ignore all examples of white people getting away with being racist against blacks (because, as we know, racism against their ilk has ended forever and ever).
Of course, this institutionalised racism is everywhere, not only are us white folk not allowed to say '******' (even though we invented the blasted insult) but we aren't even allowed to dominate society and discriminate against lesser races. Honestly! It's political correctness gone mad!

I KNOW! Seriously what's worse is people getting mad when i call it "reverse-racism"

You call it that because it's the opposite of the way you're supposed to be racist!


New member
Apr 3, 2009
aenimau5 said:
It was a terry tate video and this guy was commenting about and i quote "violent n*****s". fucking Unbelievable
Well it's understandable. Ninjas are a deadly threat to our very existence. (i can only assume that the guy was complaining about "violent ninjas")


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
redisforever said:
Megacherv said:
ShaggyEdiddy214 said:
Im black and I think Im annoyed by my one race.
I'm white and I hate white people.

Well, mostly people like the BNP and the EDF, but some of their supporters can barely speak English themselves, as evidenced by this video:-

Oh god, if this is what you have to deal with in the UK...
Are they actually a major political party? Do they stand a chance of getting their hands on real power?
Actually, don't worry. From the evidence I see here, they'd just stand there, look confused, and ramble incoherently about things they have no clue about. I don't understand how that reporter managed to keep himself from punching that guy right out.
They're not a political party, they're just a union of idiots


New member
Dec 16, 2010
I got to say that after reading these posts the United States seems pretty mild as far a racism goes.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
BobDobolina said:
Robot Overlord said:
Affirmative action is the worst
I think you mean legacy admissions [http://collegeapps.about.com/od/theartofgettingaccepted/f/legacy-admissions.htm].
No that is actually called nepotism. That sucks too but it is not inherently racist.


New member
Apr 24, 2011
Dorian6 said:
I KNOW! Seriously what's worse is people getting mad when i call it "reverse-racism"

You call it that because it's the opposite of the way you're supposed to be racist!
Oh yes, indeed! It's nice to know that someone else on this site talks some sense when it comes to topics involving race.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
My friend was about to turn 18 just after the British govenment election last year and he said he would vote for the BNP (British national party) in 4 years, and started going on about there policies and how foreigners are a menance to english society and bla bla bla. Now the main bit was he said all this in front of our japanese friend. it was quite funny for a bit, but then me and him got into a heated discussion, probably because we were in a history class haha.

It's not that bad really, and i'm sure theres something worse i've heard, but that sticks in my mind.


New member
May 25, 2010
I'd probably say my parents, she (like some in the baby-boomer generation and older) still cling to some old stereotypes and have made a sport out of -who can sum up a group of people (skin color, economic status, religion ect.) the quickest with the most overgeneralizing terms- and following it up "but I'm not a racist, but this is what I see most of the time from those people"


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
BonsaiK said:
EDIT: damn, didn't get in before the inevitable "racism doesn't exist" post.
Honestly though. Disagreed. Racism is dying out.
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
I am openly racist too young muslims in Germany
Your post is fantastic, I love it when I even don't need to make an argument because somebody else is several steps ahead of me.

You're of course right that the past is the past, and I agree that the "race card" is used too often sometimes. I also agree that fear of the unknown is an innate human thing and as such racism will never really die, but that doesn't mean people have to give in to their innate reactions and act like dicks. It's also probably human instinct to hit women with clubs and drag them back to the cave and rape them but we've evolved past that so we can probably evolve past racism too. Real racism isn't really about what happened in the past, it's about what's happening now. People are still racist now. Not all people, all the time, but certainly some people, some of the time.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
The worst racism I see is the kind of every day modern racism that people are in denial about. Affirmative action is the perfect example. It says that the minorities can't make it on their own and need extra help. It means that the minorities are inferior, and back in the day, they didn't even like it! Stupid, unfounded racism also pisses me off.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Wait. You think saying ****** is horribly racist? Bahahaha!

Sorry, I'm ok now. You seem to misunderstand racism. Calling someone a ****** is akin to saying "Fuck you". Racism only becomes a problem when it actually affects someone's life. Like attacking a person's family because of their race, or not giving someone a job because of their race.

Just calling some type of soup "****** Soup" is in no way, a problem.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I've witnessed incredibly violent fights at pubs break out with knives and the like over racism and had to give testimony to police. Racism is a very real issue, but the real issue underlying it is class and the average level of education.


New member
May 21, 2008
After a few months of working at a programming firm as an analyst I got to hear the manager of the sales department say he'd never hire somebody that looked like me.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I had a friend who went through a hideously racist phase, the not only repeatedly made slurs and jokes about black people, and laughed ridiculously loudly and longly at the stupidest of black jokes but he started using "******" as a generic insult and swear. He also infected my other friend and his younger siblings with racism (I'll never forget my friends little brother saying while we were playing L4D2 "Whoever you pick don't pick Coach he's a freaking fat black guy" which earned a raucous laugh of encouragement from my friend) I tried to stop him asking him how he'd feel if I went around spouting xeonphobia about Irish people (hes of Irish descent) all the time and such. Finally he matured and it seemed to have passed. I don't think he was ever truly racist he was just doing it for attention but still.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
One time there was a guy yelling at a coffee shop claiming that he will blow off all the the Asians' heads unless we leave and go back to Korea. I found it a bit funny because he was in a Filipino community. I think he was drunk though...