Worst thing you've ever tasted?


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Sean Hollyman said:
So we've all eaten something horrible that we really, really hated, so what's yours?

I once ate a garlic mushroom, thinking it was a chicken nugget.


I gagged. A lot.
Mmmmm.. garlic mushrooom.....

Hard to say what the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted is. I've had moose (no, that's moose, not mousse), every possible part of a sheep (including the brain - not a fan, but not too bad), raw octopus (doesn't taste like anything much), curdled milk, cat food, cow's stomach soup and I love Brussels sprouts.

2 things that come to mind would be fresh raw psilocybe "truffles" - think condensed raw mushrooms with the texture of drywall and a hint of ass. Had to struggle to keep those bad boys down, and puking doesn't come easy to me. Though it was totally worth eating them

Lichee juice. Looks and kinda smells like day old spunk. Texture is mighty close to spunk too, and the taste is like diluted sugar water with a hint of something exotic.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
The worst thing I ever tasted was a coke can used as an ash tray filled with a little bit of water I drank when I was about 3 years old and is my first memory.

The worst thing I deliberately and repeatedly consume/taste would be NO-Xplode, a gym supplement for energy/pumps.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
I had squished squash (catchy isn't it?) once at Thanksgiving...I thought that I was going to puke


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Not one type of food per se, but a few months back I went to this very nice 50s style diner and among the things I ordered were mashed potatoes.

Perhaps it's because it was the most recent case of outright gagging I can recall, but these potatoes... Good god... It was like someone had scraped gunk from the kitchen pipes and slopped it on the plate. Absolutely disgusting. And it wasn't as if it was just some variant of potatoes I'm not use to, I don't think there could have been any actual potato in them for the way they tasted.

At the time I had something to compare them too, it escapes me now, but damn if I'll ever get potatoes from a place like that again.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
The first thing that comes to mind was a cup of coffee I had in London while staying at a hotel. I had to take my napkin to my tongue and wipe it because it was so horrendously awful.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Some "African-style" shrimps in an octopus ink sauce. It tasted like cat food.

Now, I think bashing cat and dog food is nonsense, as they are clearly not aimed at our palates. But when I go to a restaurant, sit down with friends and pay money to try something new, I really don't want the taste of canned animal food. It wasn't even that there were funny spices in it, it was as if no spices whatsoever were used in making it. Just sorry little shrimps in a black sauce that had the consistency of spunk. I've sucked on eyeballs, drank curdled milk and munched on rancid butter if local customs would involve such treats, but those shrimps were the worst, because one just does not expect food this wrong to be considered 'proper'.

I tried to have a chat with the 'cook' that assembled the crap, and maybe find out what cuisine came up with such a horrible waste of perfectly proper ingredients, but it turned out that the only thing truly "African" were his ancestors, but even he didn't have a clue what country they originally hailed from. So, I really didn't feel too culturally enriched (or well fed) that day, and I wrapped up clearing my palate with some beer and a trip down to the nearest McD. That was fun. McD, the reset button of the food world.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
The7Sins said:
chickenhound said:
durian fruit
smells horrid like buring rotten garbage and tastes like raw onion ice cream


runners up would be vegimite and cat food (dont ask)
Your pretty accurate with the taste. But what to you tastes horrid I quite enjoy. Though I've on;y had it once I do love the taste of durian.

For me the nastiest thing ever is sour cream. Anything that has it in it tastes horrid because of it. Even foods I normally love. And the taste makes me puke and the smell makes me physically ill.
Aye! That's some of the Godliest, tastiest and healthiest stuff nature came up with. The first time I so much as smelled it my brain brought up images of gas heaters, decomposing bodies and dirty laundry. Then, we dared to taste it and since then we're basically hooked on Durian. Although it can be turned into ice cream or other sugary desserts, this is just perfect food that plain does not need any tampering beyond stuffing it in your face.

Also, bonus feature: wielding one or two of these fruits in public gives you plenty of personal space.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
My friend got me to eat raw ginger once, almost threw up.

Also I ate the wax on a babybell for a dare once, that wasn't very nice either.

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
Stu35 said:
Sean Hollyman said:
Stu35 said:
Sean Hollyman said:
So we've all eaten something horrible that we really, really hated, so what's yours?
Your mum.

Seriously though, how has nobody answered with that yet? I'm disappointed in everybody in this thread.
Because it's incredibly immature...?
Your point being?

This is the off-topic portion of a gaming-oriented websites forum. I've seen threads about grown men who enjoy my little pony cartoons,
That's not immature to like a pony show, most of the bronies I know are normal people. Your mom jokes on the other hard, are not funny in the slightest.

OT: Avocado. Jesus, most disgusting thing I've ever tasted, including oil.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Peppermint Schnapps. I'm not a huge fan of mint flavors to begin with, but that was like 70% mint and 30% alcohol. I took two big chugs from the bottle then nearly threw up (from taste, not being drunk. That point came later in the night).


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Doritos in the red packet. Uggh, they almost make me sick. Doritos in the yellow packet are fucking fabulous but.. the red packet.. just no.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
MrStab said:
I played a drinking game about 8 months ago named "Kings Cup" and the 'King" had scotch, vodka, bourbon, blue curacao, goon, absinthe and jagermiester. I managed to hold it all down but fuck knows how. Tasted like death and smelt just as bad.
i've played that too, except the one i had to drink had; goon, 3 different kinds of beer, whisky, vodka (homemade, so ridiculously high proof) baileys, kilkenny cream white wine, because of the citrus and milk based products, the milk curdled, i couldn't finish it, 2 mouthfuls and i was gone.

the worst actual food for me is yoghurt, i don't know why, but i just can't eat it, no matter what is in it.

captcha: poetic justice

how ironic


New member
May 18, 2011
I thought that I would like takoyaki. I was wrong. well... The octopus was good but the rest of it.... While on the subject, badly grilled squid.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Stu35 said:
Sean Hollyman said:
So we've all eaten something horrible that we really, really hated, so what's yours?
Your mum.

Seriously though, how has nobody answered with that yet? I'm disappointed in everybody in this thread.
Yeah, it's sad to see how a forum consist of mature adults who don't leap on chances to make bad jokes. That truly made me lose all faith in humanity.

OT: I think I have to go with some cough syrup I tasted a few years ago. The first instant it was in my mouth I couldn't help myself throwing up. I wasn't even able to determine the taste before I was hunched over in disgust. I have to say I prefer the cough.
Jun 13, 2011
I actually downed a packet of barbecue sauce a couple nights ago. Just the sauce, nothing else. I almost threw up. Also, when I was younger, I put some barbecue sauce on a chocolate brownie. That was actually better. Barely.