Would Anyone Like To Explain What The Fuck This Is?!


New member
Dec 13, 2007
I have never known how many pagans there actually are. Anyone else really not care for any religion? atheists have religion constantly rammed down there throat. Especially in america. Most of us just shrug it off though. All this religion crap just causes arguements, offense and war. I think everyone should evolve and leave religion behind in the dark ages.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
*snickers at some of the responses*

A lot of the people got a point.. Like this guy..
theheroofaction said:
This is the thing that finally gets you ticked off?

You waited till now to notice.

The fact that your deities are never displayed as proplerly strong doesn't bother you, but this does.
But honestly this really isn't anything to be all that upset about.. Christians have been trying to convert the Day of the Dead to something more biblical for hundreds of years. They have done it dozens of times in the past. (Thursday was named after Thor's day to help ease pagan transition to a Catholicism.)

What bothers me is that my costume is going to be pure white, and I don't want anyone thinking i am a Jesus Weener. *snickers* So long as people give me candy, and not a bible, I am fine with it. I will say my pray for the dead, and celebrate it as it should be. And get some candy off mah neighbors.. they don't do anything for me any other time of the year after all. >.>
Aug 25, 2009
You know what really bugs me about this?

It's the name. It doesn't make any sense. Halloween, or Hallowe'en comes from All-Hallows-Evening, the night it takes place on. (November first is All Hallows day, when the bridges between our world and the supernatural are weakened.)

All Hallows Evening becomes All Hallows Even becomes Hallows Even becomes Halloween, did the Christians think the name was just plucked from the ether?

Jesus Ween means, well, nothing, but effectively what they seem to think it should mean is Jesus Evening, but that's not even correct because it goes on until the 15th! It should just be called Jesus Fortnight, because that's the real most accurate term for it.

But of course, when you call it Jesus Fortnight you realise what it really is, a cheap attempt for some Christian marketer to cash in on 'religious outrage' at Halloween and the supposed occultism it promotes. The fact that it only happens for one night is crucial to what Halloween is, it's the single night spent preparing for the single day when spirits roam our world.

But yeah, you can have your religious outrage at this, because it's not like Christians have been stealing other people's holidays, especially pagan ones since the birth of Christ, which as we all know happened on the 25th December, really. Frankly I'm just annoyed about this murdering of the English language.
Mar 9, 2010
Phoenix_XIII said:
Halloween is a sacred holiday. Pagan New Year, my friends. And this bullshit is what makes me hate America.
The pastor who thought this up is Canadian. You know, the entirely separate country above America that doesn't follow your constitution.

Let me tell you, I'm done defending the intelligence of this country if no one can follow our own Freedom of Religion bit.
As far as I can tell, he isn't saying that you aren't allowed to celebrate Halloween, he's saying that if you want to have a Christian alternative then you can.

You aren't respecting their freedom to religion by saying they shouldn't be allowed this.

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
2. They aren't violating Freedom of Religion....at all. Not even close. In fact, the only reason I bring it up is because...
They may not be violating it outright, but they're doing their best to bend it as far as possible.

Leaving out the fact that Halloween IS already Christianized and they are, therefore, Christianizing their own holiday, what they're doing here is trying to cover up a perfectly valid holiday with their own bastardized version in the hopes that people will forget about Halloween.

Just like All Hallows was forgotten, and Samhain before that.

This is just typical Christian (Yes, generalized) insecurity and paranoia coming to the forefront of some overzealous pastors mind.
He hopes that, by stomping out a holiday which he believes is against God in some way, he can bring Christianity to the non-believers.

I'm also going to say this right now, and believe that anyone with a modicum of faith in their religion/belief will feel the same: If some religious zealot waltzes up to me, and explains why my beliefs are wrong, and that I should convert, I'm going to do everything in my power not to punch him out-cold. Regardless of which religion he/she/they follow.

I understand religious freedom, I really do, but it should not be legal for followers of any religion to go about trying to convert anyone they find to their own belief system.
They don't do it for any of the right reasons, they do it specifically to destroy religions outside their own.

Tonz of Fun

New member
Mar 29, 2011
Why can't Christians leave anything alone? Actually, it's kinda weird; I used to be Christian and we liked Halloween. We embraced all the horror and scary bits because it was an appropriate time to do so. But now!! They need to make it politically correct. If my little cousins gets a bible when I take them to get sugar-high inducing snackies I will punch someone in the face!!


New member
Sep 18, 2008
The important thing is that we all celebrate the day that jesus touched your ween.

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Hamish Durie said:
had no idea paganisim was a religion
or even existed
Paganism isn't a religion anymore. It's about a hundred or so completely different branches of what used to be a religion.

While each separate branch can be recognized as a religion, 'Paganism' isn't really useful in determining anything about the belief system.

The term is so broad these days that it's almost impossible to differentiate one from the other.

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Tonz of Fun said:
Why can't Christians leave anything alone? Actually, it's kinda weird; I used to be Christian and we liked Halloween. We embraced all the horror and scary bits because it was an appropriate time to do so. But now!! They need to make it politically correct. If my little cousins gets a bible when I take them to get sugar-high inducing snackies I will punch someone in the face!!
Can I come? That sounds like bunches of fun!

Tonz of Fun

New member
Mar 29, 2011
Darius Brogan said:
Tonz of Fun said:
Why can't Christians leave anything alone? Actually, it's kinda weird; I used to be Christian and we liked Halloween. We embraced all the horror and scary bits because it was an appropriate time to do so. But now!! They need to make it politically correct. If my little cousins gets a bible when I take them to get sugar-high inducing snackies I will punch someone in the face!!
Can I come? That sounds like bunches of fun!
Of course you can! The more the merrier, plus with more people means more threatening and that means more candy. It's fun watching kids compete with who has more candy.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Oi, this is why I brace myself every time I discuss my religion -.-' I understand that the craziest people of any demographic are the ones singled out but... Uhg -.- I reeeeeally hope people don't think every one of us are like this. MOST are understanding and loving people. Honest.

red the fister

New member
Mar 11, 2009
damnit. i just lost 20 minutes worth of typing.

Does canada have a constitutional passage granting freedom of religion? americas just says that congress cant make a religion or punish us for practicing ours.

what will the kids be called while going from door to door with their Jesusween bags and "White Garments"? Storm Trooper armor is white, can they wear that? the ppl singing x-mass carols are called Carolers, i'm afraid those poor kids would be called "Jesusweeners"

all of the Desert Revolutionist Religions began as Cults. the revelations of Abraham and Mohammad occurred under conditions that are proven to induce hallucinations (malnutrition/fasting and dehydration) i'm not sure about the mess leading up to Jesus emerging as a messiah, to much information is lacking. oops, i almost forgot to mention "Convert or Die" policy that they used to come to dominance. the Neo-Pagans of today may very well be in the early stages of the creation of a Polytheistic tradition that harkens back to the old Celts and Druids and Romans and whatnots... hell, i'd rather see Techno-Paganism (yes, that's a real thing)than Scientology (sadly, also a real thing).



New member
Sep 7, 2008
Phoenix_XIII said:

Okay. So let me get on the rant now.

I am a Pagan. And I for one find this to be bullshit.

Halloween is a sacred holiday. Pagan New Year, my friends. And this bullshit is what makes me hate America.

Let me tell you, I'm done defending the intelligence of this country if no one can follow our own Freedom of Religion bit. Fucking hell, I can't even think straight right now in regards to this. Someone, please post a better rant. I don't even have words. There ARE no words....

There really are no words. Your post is on the level of the WBC; deliberately inflammatory, and so obscenely ignorant that it insults the intelligence of all those who view it. I can see from skimming the first page that you've already been called out on most of your B.S., so I thank the sane, intelligent people in this thread for that.

I just have to add (because no matter how many times this has been pointed out, it's not enough) that freedom of religion (which is in the United States constitution, and I would assume that Canada's constitution has something similar) applies to more people than just your own entitled prick self.

O maestre

New member
Nov 19, 2008
this just made my list of dumbest things i have heard all year. it seems like an obvious cash in

red the fister

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Darius Brogan said:
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
2. They aren't violating Freedom of Religion....at all. Not even close. In fact, the only reason I bring it up is because...
They may not be violating it outright, but they're doing their best to bend it as far as possible.

Leaving out the fact that Halloween IS already Christianized and they are, therefore, Christianizing their own holiday, what they're doing here is trying to cover up a perfectly valid holiday with their own bastardized version in the hopes that people will forget about Halloween.

Just like All Hallows was forgotten, and Samhain before that.

This is just typical Christian (Yes, generalized) insecurity and paranoia coming to the forefront of some overzealous pastors mind.
He hopes that, by stomping out a holiday which he believes is against God in some way, he can bring Christianity to the non-believers.

I'm also going to say this right now, and believe that anyone with a modicum of faith in their religion/belief will feel the same: If some religious zealot waltzes up to me, and explains why my beliefs are wrong, and that I should convert, I'm going to do everything in my power not to punch him out-cold. Regardless of which religion he/she/they follow.

I understand religious freedom, I really do, but it should not be legal for followers of any religion to go about trying to convert anyone they find to their own belief system.
They don't do it for any of the right reasons, they do it specifically to destroy religions outside their own.
but, you see, Converting the unbelievers is a central tenet of Christianity, and of Islam. and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day of Judaism.
so making a law saying that they can't try to convert us would violate their religious freedom.

BUZ vinessio


New member
May 22, 2010
Tonz of Fun said:
Why can't Christians leave anything alone? Actually, it's kinda weird; I used to be Christian and we liked Halloween. We embraced all the horror and scary bits because it was an appropriate time to do so. But now!! They need to make it politically correct. If my little cousins gets a bible when I take them to get sugar-high inducing snackies I will punch someone in the face!!
Interesting thing about that: I live smack dab in the middle of the bible belt, and I have yet to see anyone handing out bibles. Chick tracts buried in large bags of really good candy, yes, but not bibles. Incidentally, Chick tracts just aren't as entertaining as they were in the 80's; I think someone else is writing them now, because instead of talking about things like how D&D will turn you into a witch and that will in turn send you to hell, they're more about basic mainstream Christian things like how suicide is a one way ticket to hell. I found one in one of my classrooms today[footnote]at my university, we have a resident population of fundamentalists, including the occasional street preacher; going to class often reminds me of the free roam parts of the first Assassin's Creed, and I have to keep reminding myself that I don't have a wrist blade XD[/footnote], and I was highly disappointed when I found out it was about suicide and not why, say, the Navi from Avatar were somehow avatars of the devil.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
This is freedom of religion a bunch of (in my opinion) too fanatic christians who want to make their own fun. All fine by me, let them celebrate the way they like. Don't blow this out of proportion. If their actions start bothering people, then the people they are bothering should stand up for themselves and make them stop.