Would you clone yourself?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Although I do like the idea of clone me so that way the clone can go to work and I hang out or have multiplayers but in reality it won't work.
If I were to clone myself then the cost of getting food will cost more and I will use up my shampoos, toothpaste quicker meaning more money to spend. However if the clone me got a different job to my then I suppose I be ok with it unless I start to envy the clone me for living out a better life then me.
The only time I would allow for a clone is if that clone is brain dead so I can use it as an empty shell. If I needed a new kidney then they can use my clone kidney or if I were dying then they can (if they can do it in the first place) transfer my soul into the clone.

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Cloning is probably wrong if the Clone can feel emotions and pain like a normal person. I mean if you just had someone break into your house with the police and the man demanded a kidney, but there was nothing you could do to stop it because it was completely legal. You would feel so terrible inside, you would have been bred for farming.

Then again I would like to talk to myself, it would be interesting what the other me thinks of me.

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Cloning is probably wrong if the Clone can feel emotions and pain like a normal person. I mean if you just had someone break into your house with the police and the man demanded a kidney, but there was nothing you could do to stop it because it was completely legal. You would feel so terrible inside, you would have been bred for farming.

Then again I would like to talk to myself, it would be interesting what the other me thinks of me.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Boneasse said:
Would you want to clone yourself, in case of a lethal disease? Or perhaps just to have another 'you' go to work while you browse the escapist?
lazyness ftw!


New member
Feb 10, 2010
The only reason I could think to clone myself would be to transfer my brain into a younger clone body, and if we have the mind/machine interface tech required for that I'd just put my brain into an android body...


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I'd create a whole football team worth of clones and have a huge orgy. I'm that sexy.


New member
May 10, 2008
I'm curious, so I'd say yes, I know my family and friends would be uncomfortable with it, so thats why I wouldn't go ahead with it, but if I was in a field of science without anyone to concern myself with I would. I was thinking this over a month or so ago. How cloned would a clone be? Would they be an exact replica of me? They say your personality and behaviour are formed by the life you lead, so while the clone would look like me, have the same features and allegies etc, there would still be blatant differences. I have scars the clone wouldn't have, my original persona has changed over the years based on who I've met, so that would be different too. There are also emotions and feelings I have endured and learnt to overcome due to dramatic circumstances that the clone wouldn't have expereinced.

So a clone isn't exactly a paste and copy of me, its more of an attempt to be me in my original form, even then we'd still just end up like identical twins with different personalities. The concept fascinates me :D


New member
Oct 26, 2010
why clone a 6'7" 320lb. man and just use the liver?(or some other organ)
i say this mainly because once the needed item is taken from the clone, it will die.
waste of money.
if you want to clone something. just clone the needed parts.

Snake Plissken

New member
Jul 30, 2010
I'd clone myself, like, a bajillion times and start riots in the streets. I would bring anarchy and destruction to the masses and leave a trail of blood and debris in my wake.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
I'm going to attempt in the future to use clones of myself to prolong my existence until I discover the secret/science of eternal life and immortality when I will unfreeze my frozen body to which I will apply this Science/Secret and return my consciousness to its rightful place.

I then plan to begin work on discovering eternal youth and no I'm not patenting my findings.

Or I could do a Mr. House and put myself in a life support system whilst using clones or robots to discover immortality.

Yes. That sounds quite promising.

crazyfoxdemon said:
The real question is... Would the brain with all its memories be cloned as well?
Unless there was a breakthrough in brain wave patterns and telepathy then no probably not. You'd probably have to use something similar to a external hard-drive to carry all your brain's original thoughts and then link it somehow to the clone's brain and make it able to understand. Would require serious brain modification and possibly cybernectics on the clone's brain.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
if it listened to my orders yet was able to function and think on its own, then yes i'd love one.

XT inc

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
Of course I would clone myself, Team of me's in multiplayer would me people actually stick to a role and do things cohesively.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
You are expecting us to give a 20 page scientific paper if we want to answer all your questions. You know, because of not so trivial things like ethics and the feeling of self. So in no particular order:

- We already have the technology to clone (google 'Dolly'), be it a bit buggy. Humans are just not allowed to be cloned (at least where I live)

- Cloning shouldn't be wrong, but you should be able te object against your cloning. Me for myself would not like the fact that there is another me. If only because he might be angry at me for being the spare part heap.

- Every human life is just as valuable and since the clones come from us, they are human too. I wouldn't want to blur the line in ethics saying : "You can't kill him, but you can kill his clone", that's just wrong.

- Identical twins always try to get their own personality away from the other, clones will do too with their donors. Just a thing to think about.