WoW Patch 5.4 Cinematic - Hellscream Punches Pandas


New member
Dec 22, 2009
You had me at "Punching Pandas"

scotth266 said:
S'not our fault that we're not the white bread of fantasy races. I mean seriously, you've got humans, cursed humans, elves, gnomes & dwarves (aka short humans), space humans that don't seem to have done jack since BC... I mean really, what're Blizzard's writers supposed to do with that setup? The dynamic weird nature of the Horde lends itself to all sorts of juicy drama, but the Alliance just strikes me as a bunch of FOR THE LIGHT fantasy paragons.

(This post is mostly sarcasm. Please don't hurt me.)
Sarcasm maybe, but fairly true nonetheless

Captcha: Azgoths of Kria


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
scotth266 said:
funksobeefy said:
why was Garrosh made the leader of the horde? every knew this would happen, Vol'jin, Cairne his son, every one! and now they pay. Such bull, Blizz has been wanting to make the alliance the only good side for such a long time
You want to know something funny? On the WoW forums, the upcoming patch is being framed by Alliance players as "We do the dirty work for Vol'jin," and they're not happy about it. Seeing the Horde humbled and fractured by revolution apparently makes Pandaria a "Horde-centric expansion," simply because the Alliance are jealous that the Horde gets all the good drama.

S'not our fault that we're not the white bread of fantasy races. I mean seriously, you've got humans, cursed humans, elves, gnomes & dwarves (aka short humans), space humans that don't seem to have done jack since BC... I mean really, what're Blizzard's writers supposed to do with that setup? The dynamic weird nature of the Horde lends itself to all sorts of juicy drama, but the Alliance just strikes me as a bunch of FOR THE LIGHT fantasy paragons.

(This post is mostly sarcasm. Please don't hurt me.)
I suppose the reason the Horde has all the good drama right now has partially to do with the nature of their creation in the first place. The Horde was originally created as a unification of the rag tag races that nobody wanted. Some of them got along and others got along for the sake of convenience (See the Forsaken and their betrayal at the Wrath Gate).

Though you can argue that there's a lot of potential story for the alliance as you most sarcastically pointed out, there isn't a whole lot going on in the Alliance since everyone gets along, more or less. There isn't any conflict, excluding the conflict with the Horde, which at this point is boring.

I for one never liked the Alliance, not just because they don't really have a lot going on internally or because I love orcs and they hate them, but because of their uptight sense of morality. They turned away Blood elves because of their affinity for magic consumption for being immoral or something[footnote]I don't entirely remember why the Blood Elves allied with the Horde, I just recall their need to consume magic having something to do with it.[/footnote], then they turn around and slaughter entire Horde settlements (see Camp Taurajo). You can't sit their claiming moral superiority while being self righteous murderous douche bags.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
This looks pretty good, but not good enough for me to resubscribe.
Still a pretty good cinematic.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
sleeky01 said:
Hang on a moment.

Do I recall correctly that there can be no depictions of a panda coming to harm within China? This was part of the reason for the late arrival of the Pandaren race in WoW I thought. Or am I mis-remembering something?
I think it was more restrictions depicting the undead that caused the problems. For some reason Chinese censors do not like the living dead, or depictions of things like skulls and skeletons etc. This is part of why Panda's can't be Death Knights.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Waaghpowa said:
I don't entirely remember why the Blood Elves allied with the Horde, I just recall their need to consume magic having something to do with it.
Cut off from their source of power once again, the elves went into magic withdrawal. Desperate for aid following the Third War, the blood elves allied with the naga. This was seen as treachery by the Alliance and they were sentenced to death.

The naga were in turn allied with Illidan Stormrage, before he went completely off his rocker. Most of the blood elves left Azeroth for Outland, and then the portal was closed. The blood elves that remained in Azeroth before the gate to Outland was closed joined the Horde to survive while they sought to regain contact with the Blood Elves that had left for Outland.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
scotth266 said:
funksobeefy said:
why was Garrosh made the leader of the horde? every knew this would happen, Vol'jin, Cairne his son, every one! and now they pay. Such bull, Blizz has been wanting to make the alliance the only good side for such a long time
You want to know something funny? On the WoW forums, the upcoming patch is being framed by Alliance players as "We do the dirty work for Vol'jin," and they're not happy about it. Seeing the Horde humbled and fractured by revolution apparently makes Pandaria a "Horde-centric expansion," simply because the Alliance are jealous that the Horde gets all the good drama.

S'not our fault that we're not the white bread of fantasy races. I mean seriously, you've got humans, cursed humans, elves, gnomes & dwarves (aka short humans), space humans that don't seem to have done jack since BC... I mean really, what're Blizzard's writers supposed to do with that setup? The dynamic weird nature of the Horde lends itself to all sorts of juicy drama, but the Alliance just strikes me as a bunch of FOR THE LIGHT fantasy paragons.

(This post is mostly sarcasm. Please don't hurt me.)
What always amazes me is how much better the Hordes stories are. Most Horde players can name the majority of their "Leaders", know the stories behind each and know generally what is going on.

Compare this with we poor ignorant fools over on the Alliance. About the only leader 9/10 of us can name is Varian Wrynn. And we sorta kinda think he is a douche. (We loved him in the comic... then we got him in game and he became a moron for some reason.) The rest?

- Well there's that cool Gnome dude. No idea what his name is? We like him because he gave us our first set of blue pants. He used to hang around in Ironforge somewhere. We're not sure where he went now? Kinda curious, because he really was a cool little dude back when we were level 30 or so. He had PANTS!

-Most of us only stumble into the Dwarf throne room by accident trying to find the lavatory. For some reason the King dude is frozen in something. He's been that way for a year or two now. We have no idea why? It just happened at some point and no one really talks much about it. Oh well as long as he's happy. And at least he doesn't have a long trip to the lavatory from where he is frozen.

-We have never had a clear picture of who exactly is in charge of the Night Elves. It may or may not be the loopy Priestess. But for some reason when the Horde come to call it was the idiotic Archdruid dude for the longest time. Quite frankly he always pissed us off. When the Horde would show up to spank him we tended to help them as much as we could. Offering helpful directions and such. Since he went rogue in Cata we're a little fuzzy on who the boss is now? is it the dude with the antlers? It might be the weird mutant dude with the antlers? (Once again take note, we really do have no idea of the names of these characters. They are just that completely unimportant to anything).

-Oh and lets not even talk about the leader of the Dranei. We honestly don't know if there is one, or of there is what he is called or what he looks like. We have never found him. No really! Have you ever seen the Exodar? It's like a Hong Kong Shopping Mall as designed by a color blind epileptic. We take two steps in the door and start having seizures or we get eternally lost until we just abandon the character in frustration. No one ever finds their way out of the Exodar. It's possible the Horde have attempted to attack it. If so they were never heard from again.

- I assume that the Horde has the same issue with the Goblin Leader that we have with the Worgen? You only ever really encounter him at low low level while playing that race, and never really deal with him again? Once again no idea what his name is? Graysomething? What little we see of him seems pretty cool. But really who would know?

As a general rule the only Alliance faction leader that we could both name, and actually liked was Highlord Bolivar. We'd still prefer him in his current state over any of the rest of the nameless crowd that we supposedly work for.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
faefrost said:
- I assume that the Horde has the same issue with the Goblin Leader that we have with the Worgen?
Nah, Trade Prince Gallywix is pretty easy to remember, though only because you interact with him personally on goblin newbie island. After that he kinda fucks off to the goblin island with the big gun, and since he's apparently only level 85 nobody really cares about killing him for anything other than gold farming.

Goblins are pretty individualistic though, Gallywix isn't really a "leader" so much as their representative - and even then he hasn't really shown up much during this conflict, so who knows. Odds are he's playing both ends of the field, because he's a dirtbag - though the goblin rank-and-file will probably side with the rebellion since Garrosh backstabbed that one goblin on the contract for getting him that nasty demon heart.

Seriously, you don't NOT pay your mercenaries who only care about getting paid. That's like Evil Warlord 101 or something.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
scotth266 said:
Waaghpowa said:
I don't entirely remember why the Blood Elves allied with the Horde, I just recall their need to consume magic having something to do with it.
Cut off from their source of power once again, the elves went into magic withdrawal. Desperate for aid following the Third War, the blood elves allied with the naga. This was seen as treachery by the Alliance and they were sentenced to death.

The naga were in turn allied with Illidan Stormrage, before he went completely off his rocker. Most of the blood elves left Azeroth for Outland, and then the portal was closed. The blood elves that remained in Azeroth before the gate to Outland was closed joined the Horde to survive while they sought to regain contact with the Blood Elves that had left for Outland.
Yeah, I forgot about that. But I guess you could see why stories from the Horde would be so much better since the Alliance are so morally rigid.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Waaghpowa said:
scotth266 said:
Waaghpowa said:
I don't entirely remember why the Blood Elves allied with the Horde, I just recall their need to consume magic having something to do with it.
Cut off from their source of power once again, the elves went into magic withdrawal. Desperate for aid following the Third War, the blood elves allied with the naga. This was seen as treachery by the Alliance and they were sentenced to death.

The naga were in turn allied with Illidan Stormrage, before he went completely off his rocker. Most of the blood elves left Azeroth for Outland, and then the portal was closed. The blood elves that remained in Azeroth before the gate to Outland was closed joined the Horde to survive while they sought to regain contact with the Blood Elves that had left for Outland.
Yeah, I forgot about that. But I guess you could see why stories from the Horde would be so much better since the Alliance are so morally rigid.
Blood Elves actually wanted to rejoin the Alliance in MoP but Garrosh hid is shrubbery and scared the Alliance away. This was also to get blood elves reason to distance themselves from Garrosh as rest of the horde and it also is one of the reasons why Dalaran is part of Alliance again instead being neutral.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
WOW plot, character goes crazy and evil.

Garrosh had better plot than this. Growing up.

Players don't like him, he goes evil.

Blizzard ship teases Jaina x Thrall for long time. Two good people, bridge between the races.

Thral marries female orc from nowhere, Jaina goes evil.

Bonus, it is the same fucking plot from their parents.


New member
May 5, 2010
Nimcha said:
Solo explorers? Have they finally eliminated every possible way to interact with other players?
Providing more options =/= limiting options already available. But that's not even relevant since the only difference between this island and every other new zone they introduce in patches is that it doesn't have quests that lead you by the nose and you're supposed to discover the "quests" for yourself. You can still do stuff as a group and you must do some of the stuff as a group, like taking down certain island bosses.


New member
May 5, 2010
Grahav said:
Jaina goes evil.
Jaina never went evil. She almost did, but held back. That's actually a break from Warcraft form. Her character transformation was from being a doormat to not being a doormat.

Also, Jaina/Thrall relationship only ever existed is the depths of fanfics. They were friendly toward each other, like friends are wont to do, but that doesn't mean they wanted to fuck. There was never any flirtatious behavior between them. I wouldn't be surprised if they introduced Aggra just to get people to stop bugging them about something that never existed.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
scotth266 said:
You want to know something funny? On the WoW forums, the upcoming patch is being framed by Alliance players as "We do the dirty work for Vol'jin," and they're not happy about it. Seeing the Horde humbled and fractured by revolution apparently makes Pandaria a "Horde-centric expansion," simply because the Alliance are jealous that the Horde gets all the good drama.

S'not our fault that we're not the white bread of fantasy races. I mean seriously, you've got humans, cursed humans, elves, gnomes & dwarves (aka short humans), space humans that don't seem to have done jack since BC... I mean really, what're Blizzard's writers supposed to do with that setup? The dynamic weird nature of the Horde lends itself to all sorts of juicy drama, but the Alliance just strikes me as a bunch of FOR THE LIGHT fantasy paragons.
I haven't played WOW in well over a year, not since early Cataclysm, but if the complaints are still the same it's simply because of this: When is the last time Alliance did something grand and interesting? A couple times, alright, but now ask when is the last time they did something grand and interesting that wasn't in reaction to or because of the Horde?

Suddenly that list becomes a lot smaller.

The Alliance, at least when last I played, had fallen into the unfortunate situation of just being a foil and plot device for Horde drama. As a faction it's entire purpose had become "Not Horde" as had their entire identity. The Alliance existed merely as a plot device to make the Horde story more interesting. And to look at this current plotline from the little I know, it's happening again. Do the Alliance 'need' to be there? Are they doing anything aside from reacting? What is their drive and motivation beyond "Oh Noes, Horde!"?

The problem isn't that the Alliance isn't interesting, it's that Blizzard isn't interested in them themselves. Which is a shame because once upon a time the Alliance was a fantastic and dynamic faction. It had heroes, an identity, and a driving goal and theme.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
synobal said:
So whats the deal with throwing the tumor in the water?
PH3NOmenon said:
synobal said:
So whats the deal with throwing the tumor in the water?
Anyone feel like tackling that question? I'm sorta curious as well.

Also, I'm sort of confused as to why Hellscream tosses a tumor in water in Pandaria and then moves back home to Orgrimmar to be evil. I mean, don't you want to stay close to your source of power?

As an aside, is the voice quality of this trailer slightly lower than their usual standard?
That tumor was the heart the Old God, Y'saarj. Y'saarj was sealed by the titans under The Vale of Eternal Blossoms millenia ago and the Vale kept sealed from outsiders by a literal "Great Wall of Pandaria" by the first Emperor of the Pandaren. But after the Horde and Alliance landed on the shores of Pandaria, Prince Anduin Wrynn convinced the 4 Celestials to open the doorway into the Vale.

Once inside the Vale, Garrosh immediately set up an excavation to find whatever secrets may be buried beneath the vale. A Gob Squad broke into an old Titan ruin and found the heart, sealed within a Titan construct. With the promise of the very ability to warp the flesh of the living to his desires, Garrosh took the heart of Y'saarj to the waters that run from the Terrace of Endless Spring which has great healing abilities and kicked it in, reviving the Sha of Pride and causing the vale to be corrupted by the influence of the Sha.

Bleidd Whitefalcon

New member
Mar 8, 2012
Aeshi said:
You had me at "Punching Pandas"

scotth266 said:
S'not our fault that we're not the white bread of fantasy races. I mean seriously, you've got humans, cursed humans, elves, gnomes & dwarves (aka short humans), space humans that don't seem to have done jack since BC... I mean really, what're Blizzard's writers supposed to do with that setup? The dynamic weird nature of the Horde lends itself to all sorts of juicy drama, but the Alliance just strikes me as a bunch of FOR THE LIGHT fantasy paragons.

(This post is mostly sarcasm. Please don't hurt me.)
Sarcasm maybe, but fairly true nonetheless

Captcha: Azgoths of Kria
Apparently Captcha is a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan :)

OT: I unsubbed a couple years ago - the cinematic looks good but not good enough to lure me back in


New member
Mar 18, 2013
I'm not so sure how long this patch's content would keep people's attention before the subscriber base starts to dwindle. I don't know, 3-6 months maybe?


New member
Apr 7, 2011
"They shall burn in the fire of my daddy issues!"

Interesting, nonetheless! It'll be great to get him off the throne. Although it's a shame the Alliance have to do half the work with none of the pay-off, as usual. Wonder what settlement they'll lose this time?

Grahav said:
WOW plot, character goes crazy and evil.

Garrosh had better plot than this. Growing up.

Players don't like him, he goes evil.

Blizzard ship teases Jaina x Thrall for long time. Two good people, bridge between the races.

Thral marries female orc from nowhere, Jaina goes evil.

Bonus, it is the same fucking plot from their parents.
Well, not quite. Jaina goes very cross when Garrosh, the orc that Thrall himself appointed, obliterate her city with a nuclear bomb.

She decides against drowning Orgrimmar (to spare the not-evil part of the citizenry) but will probably never reguard Mr. Thrall Good Intentions as a friend again.