Wrong Choices in Mass Effect 2 May Doom Shepard


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Laura. said:
Wait... are they trying to get us in Diablo hardcore mode? I mean, if I die I intend to load a previous game. If they manage to stop me from doing that I will definitely go postal.

I would actually be very interested to see a game that deleted your save if you died. That would be quite funny

But most likely I would explode with rage...


New member
May 30, 2009
ThreeWords said:
Laura. said:
Wait... are they trying to get us in Diablo hardcore mode? I mean, if I die I intend to load a previous game. If they manage to stop me from doing that I will definitely go postal.
I would actually be very interested to see a game that deleted your save if you died. That would be quite funny
But most likely I would explode with rage...
Or just explode.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Wow. Mass Effect 2 looks awesome! I may just play through the first one again, to make a more awesome Shepard.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Well... that certainly is an answer to the "morality in games" conundrum where people have to choose between being a Saint and a Baby-eater as their moral choices with little grey area or consequence (other than usually being a decidedly good character leads to shittier reward... a parable of life maybe?)

I'm the kind of gamer that in fallout will pick pocket everyone and initiate any fight I think I can win and if I get caught, simply load my last save.

This would force me to either be more tactful in my decisions or be more committed to whatever personality path I've chosen to pursue. If I choose to be a walking badass douchebag, then the possibility of inescapable repercussions adds an extra element to the game. I might be forced to rethink my strategy when dealing with people and situations. Being Chuck Norris in virtual form might be fun, but losing a favorite character for good because of my actions might hit home a bit more realistically. Good people die because other people don't think about what they do.

Man, Bioware knows what the hell they are doing.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Most awesome idea ever. Death of the protagonist and having it carry over to the sequel. I wonder how long it takes for this to be commonplace? (Then everyone can say they're ripping off Mass Effect)