X-Men Apocalypse Trailer Gives Us An All Evil Team, And a Bald James McAvoy

John Keefer

Devilish Rogue
Aug 12, 2013
X-Men Apocalypse Trailer Gives Us An All Evil Team, And a Bald James McAvoy

Finally, a new X-Men trailer, with a first look at Apocalypse, the first mutant, and all the mutants we know and love (hate?) taking sides to wage war against each other.

It's been awhile since we have seen the young X-Men - OK, May of last year with X-Men: Days of Future Past [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/9253-X-Men-Days-of-Future-Past] - but now we get the first trailer for next Bryan Singer-director foray, X-Men: Apocalypse. And aside from an underwhelming voice for the immortal first mutant, it looks pretty darn good.

The premise of the film is simple enough: En Sabah Nur, aka Apocalypse the first mutant played by Oscar Isaac, has plenty of abilities and has even gathered more during his time as an immortal. He has been asleep for awhile, but after the long catnap, he wakes up to a world he doesn't like. So he enlists the aid of his "4 Horsemen," in this case Magneto (Michael Fassbender), Storm (Alexandra Shipp), Angel/Archangel (Ben Hardy) [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/140425-X-Men-Apocalypse-Director-Hints-Says-Angel-Wont-Be-Very-Nice] and Psylocke (Olivia Munn) to bring the world under his control. Needless to say, Professor X (James McAvoy), Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), and the other mutants aren't to keen on that idea.

The trailer has some decent action, along with a prognostication from a young a shaved head [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/139575-X-Men-Apocalypses-Young-Cyclops-Storm-Jean-Grey-Cast-Revealed], something he did specifically for the movie. I can envision Patrick Stewart getting a chuckle out of that.


At first glance, I give it a thumbs up and something I will definitely go see. But my only reservation is that I always envisioned Apocalypse with such a menacing God-like voice, and Isaac just doesn't carry it off. But, that's just me.

The movie is set for a May 27 release next year.


Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
It's another prequel? From the ending of Days of the Future Past, I thought it would be set back in the present especially when they reconned it. I guess this is also the reason why Wolverine is not seen in the trailer (is Hugh Jackman going to be in it).

Also you forgot to mention Angel being one of the Horsemen aswell going back Archangel now.

Lastly yeah, I cannot unseen Jean Grey being Sansa thanks to her role in GoT.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
This isn't doing too much for me. And what it does do isn't really positive.

Oscar Isaac not only looks, but now sounds completely miscast as Apocalypse. This guy should strike the fear of God in you, and here he comes off very hokey. The Apocalypse they had at the end of Days of Future Past was more menacing than this guy. And I like Oscar Isaac.

And is Beast still doing the human disguise shit?! Just let him be Beast already. I know you want to show off all the hot young actors, but for Christ's sake... it's Beast. I'd be equally upset about the same thing happening to Mystique if I didn't think Jennifer Lawrence was going to suck anyway.

I don't know if Sophie Turner can bring a convincing Jean Grey to the screen. Her accent alone sounds off, like she's fighting to sound American. But maybe I'm biased since a lot of the young Game of Thrones actors that made the transition to the big screen haven't exactly wowed me.

Apprehensive about this one.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
There's a lot I like about the film in theory so far (Nightcrawler returning perhaps being the biggest factor), but this trailer seemed really generic as far as these films go. Turner seems off as Jean Grey, Lawrence still seems as bored as she was in Days of Future Past, Angel is back =/

It's neither turning me away from the film nor getting me excited for it.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
"I've been called many things... Ra, Krishna, Yahweh..."
"...Or the Bible got it from him..."

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that implying Christians (and to a lesser degree, Hindus) have been blindly worshiping an evil super-powered mutant is, perhaps, not the wisest thing to throw out in your first trailer, PR-wise.

Good thing there's nothing else in the movie that anyone might look askance at!... Heh...

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Well I'm excited for it. It looks like an X-Men movie. Lots of characters, hopefully a throw down of massive powers, and characters that look like they're supposed to. I'm curious to see how, or even if, they get Storm on their side. Same goes of Psylocke.

I do have to agree with the voice of Mr. A though. To me, his voice will always be the one from the 90s cartoon, with that echo booming effect, but I can accept new voices if they work. This one doesn't work. There really is no threat in his voice. Yes, he's got the whole smooth talker feel to him, but that's not what Apocalypse is.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I'm looking forward to this. I don't know about some things, but it's nice to see some of the staple characters from the 90's XMen in there as well as Mohawk Storm. It should be plenty action filled as well, which fits well with the XMen background. Would be a nice time to see Cable since his whole existence is him trying to stop Apocalypse from taking over like in the future he came from.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Callate said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that implying Christians (and to a lesser degree, Hindus) have been blindly worshiping an evil super-powered mutant is, perhaps, not the wisest thing to throw out in your first trailer, PR-wise.
Perhaps they're banking on the possibility that most of the people who would kick up a shitstorm about that aren't going to know who "Yahweh" is..

..what's horrifying is that they're probably right.

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
Silentpony said:
He looks terrible bald!
He looks terribald.
Callate said:
"I've been called many things... Ra, Krishna, Yahweh..."
"...Or the Bible got it from him..."

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that implying Christians (and to a lesser degree, Hindus) have been blindly worshiping an evil super-powered mutant is, perhaps, not the wisest thing to throw out in your first trailer, PR-wise.

Good thing there's nothing else in the movie that anyone might look askance at!... Heh...
I kind of want to see people get offended over it. I'd imagine the overlap between people possibly being offended over that and fans of God's Not Dead would be 99.9% meaning little impact.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
So Ronin the Accusor survived the end of Guardians and has decided to come back as the bad guy for this? Seriously when Apocalypse is sranding there hands raised talking about building a better world all I could think was gee he looks and sounds an awful lot like Ronin. Only thing is the vibes I am getting is this will be no where near as good as Guardians, in fact I am seeing a theme here for next years blockbusters. Super heroes pitted against each other in mortal combat, what's this the third movie out next year with that theme and from the trailers it looks like Cap is gonna shit all over them.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Does anybody else think this version of Apocalypse looks sort of like Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers movie?

Edit: It turns out that yes, this observation has already been made by many people. This was just the first time I'd seen the trailer, or bothered to listen to the hype. Silly me.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Evonisia said:
There's a lot I like about the film in theory so far (Nightcrawler returning perhaps being the biggest factor), but this trailer seemed really generic as far as these films go. Turner seems off as Jean Grey, Lawrence still seems as bored as she was in Days of Future Past, Angel is back =/

It's neither turning me away from the film nor getting me excited for it.
Put that way, it sounds like Lawrence would look down her nose on comic-book movies since winning an Oscar. Or she at least is miffed over not being the lead.
Baresark said:
I'm looking forward to this. I don't know about some things, but it's nice to see some of the staple characters from the 90's XMen in there as well as Mohawk Storm. It should be plenty action filled as well, which fits well with the XMen background. Would be a nice time to see Cable since his whole existence is him trying to stop Apocalypse from taking over like in the future he came from.
I think that's why end-credit stingers are invented. We first saw Apocalypse in the one right after DoFP.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
I never really pictured Oscar Isaacs as Apocalypse. Andrew Ryan? Sure. Apocalypse? Not so much - he's too subdued, not as boastful as he was in the funny pages or X-Men TAS. He doesn't carry himself like someone who could slap down the Hulk. But I'll still go see this flick. This version of Apoc seems like a nice mix between the comic version and the most recent cartoon version - blue skin, tubes, but very old style armor. so I can't complain about the look. I wonder if this movie might plant the seed for an Onslaught or maybe Phoenix Reborn. I'd really like to see the firebird done right on the big screen.

Tono Makt

New member
Mar 24, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
This isn't doing too much for me. And what it does do isn't really positive.

Oscar Isaac not only looks, but now sounds completely miscast as Apocalypse. This guy should strike the fear of God in you, and here he comes off very hokey. The Apocalypse they had at the end of Days of Future Past was more menacing than this guy. And I like Oscar Isaac.
Apprehensive about this one.
I think you're on the oar two rows up from me on the starboard side.

I WANT to love this movie. I WANT to fanboy out over it. In the late 80's and through most of the 90's, I was an X-Man fanboy, and I still re-read my Age of Apocalypse TPB's every year or so. But when I hear this Apocalypse voice, it doesn't fill me with awe, or dread, or the feeling that this is the ultimate enemy of the X-Men. He just sounds flat to me.

Maybe they've decided to make him more of a Hitler figure than a Satan figure - in that when you actually listen to Hitler's voice, it doesn't sound all that menacing - at first. It's not until you start to hear what he's saying AND see how the people listening are reacting that you go "Wait... yeah, I can see how this guy was so dangerous now." And it takes listening to a few full minutes, complete with seeing the reactions in the crowd (which I'll admit is a bit suspect, since most video of him speaking that is still around is spliced with a more modern sensibility.) to actually understand the impact. So maybe that's what this Apocalypse is doing as well - the voice alone doesn't do much, but when you hear what he's actually saying and you see how people are reacting, you go "Shit, this guy IS dangerous!".

Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize what looks to be a terrible directoral choice all around for the Apocalypse character.


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
I'm just happy he doesn't look like Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers movie anymore. Or maybe it's just the lighting.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I was under the impression that the way Sophia Turner sounded in Game of Thrones was acting, and while it was irritating, it added to the character of Sansa, and usually worked.

Here... it is wrong. So very wrong. And since we've already had a Jean Grey, that doesn't help.

I'm optimistic though, I liked the others. And it looks like they're bringing back some of my favourites, and I get more James McAvoy.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Tono Makt said:
Maybe they've decided to make him more of a Hitler figure than a Satan figure - in that when you actually listen to Hitler's voice, it doesn't sound all that menacing - at first. It's not until you start to hear what he's saying AND see how the people listening are reacting that you go "Wait... yeah, I can see how this guy was so dangerous now." And it takes listening to a few full minutes, complete with seeing the reactions in the crowd (which I'll admit is a bit suspect, since most video of him speaking that is still around is spliced with a more modern sensibility.) to actually understand the impact. So maybe that's what this Apocalypse is doing as well - the voice alone doesn't do much, but when you hear what he's actually saying and you see how people are reacting, you go "Shit, this guy IS dangerous!".

Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize what looks to be a terrible directoral choice all around for the Apocalypse character.
Magneto already fills that spot of the Hitler type figure though, right?

Now I'm only familiar with the Apocalypse from the 90's cartoon, but this guy to me always seemed too old and powerful to try and sway others with speeches. He simply forces his will on others, because he's godlike. I'd compare him to Sovereign from Mass Effect 1, where just hearing him speak instantly fills you with a sense of impending doom. Seriously, the Sovereign voice would've perked this Oscar Isaac Apocalypse right up, despite the corny outfit.