Xbox 360 Controller Incompatible with Xbox One


New member
Jun 2, 2010
For all the previous console generations, didn't the new consoles controllers pretty much completely obsolete the old as soon as the came out of the box? I mean yeah you could use the old one, if you wanted... but why on earth would you? I figure somewhere below 1 in 10,000 customers ever even tried to plug the old one in.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Reminds me of this:

When I was looking to buy a used Xbox and saw this attached, I moved on. Now MS has done again. Another giant! I wonder how they do compare size and dimensions wise?


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Protrek305T said:
So how is it that we can get the controller to work on multiple versions of windows. But can't even get it to work on a new Xbox system?... Hell you can even get it to work on PlayStation 3 with external hardware. Sounds like it could solved by a driver. But in the end, all comes down to more money!.
Exactly, put in plain english "We added some extra crap to give an excuse for forcing you to buy your controllers again for no good reason".


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
StewShearer said:
Additionally, the all-new Kinect sensor's ability to locate the wireless controller
and i would want Kinect to do that why? I dont want kinect to see my controller.

Protrek305T said:
So how is it that we can get the controller to work on multiple versions of windows. But can't even get it to work on a new Xbox system?... Hell you can even get it to work on PlayStation 3 with external hardware. Sounds like it could solved by a driver. But in the end, all comes down to more money!.
thats because PC is costumizable to your liking (this case - to support contrller). Consoles arent. onyl one of many advantages PC has.

bug_of_war said:
Oh for fuck sake people, there are a lot of things that you could point out as being a poor choice on Microsoft's end, but come the fuck on, this is a controller, are we really that anal?
why wont you let me be anal about something that i will be holding in my hand for over 10.000 hours? yes, thats almost 14 months straight. im sure i want this to be comfortable if i am going to hold it for so long.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
No backwards compatibility so I have to mess around with changing consoles everytime I want to play a game from a different generation (not to mention continuously hope my third 360 doesn't fail and eventually deal with rarity of replacement parts), I have to fill up my Xbox hard drive with the game info THAT'S ON THE DISC when I could use that space for a ton of other stuff, possibly pay money due to my friends playing one of their games on my console at a get-together, have to depend on my internet connection not crapping out (depending on dev response to MS's "encouragement") just to play a game, and now none of my accessories are compatible!? I don't see how the wireless connectors could be [i/]that[/i] different since the 360 was built out of new tech as compared to the original Xbox yet the accessories still carried over (but I don't understand much about console tech).

All in all, I think I may skip this generation and finish my metamorphosis into a member of the PC Master Race.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Are we... are we absolutely sure that this isn't the work of some Sony saboteurs in Microsoft and the actual Xbox team isn't tied up in some closet in Poland somewhere?


New member
Sep 1, 2010
That thing is exactly the same as a 360 controller!
Exactly the same and yet they can't both be used on this console.

This is perhaps the most shameless cash-grab I have ever seen...


New member
Nov 9, 2010
it's annoying but not surprising. Nintendo has changed their controllers basically every console they have made. The only difference with a wii is being able to plug in your gamecube controllers.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Why do they keep banking on their silly "you only need this ONE box!!!111" slogan if their glorious box isn't even backwards compatible? This is like the very basic requirement to earn that title. If you need another box of the same line, it is not the one and only box you'll ever need and the slogan is just the punchline to a bad joke.
That's what this thing is, a joke.


New member
Apr 30, 2013
Good grief Microsoft, that's a lot of fancy talk and technical BS for: "Lulz poor personz buy new controllerz."

I'm not a rocket scientist but even I know they're full of crap and could easily make the old controllers compatible. Faster tracking? How can 1:1 tracking of my button pushes become faster, if MS has invented a technology that can predict the future they wouldn't have revealed the Xbox One, but instead an actual gaming console that isn't a shoddy DRM PC that looks like a DVD player from the 90's.

If the new kinect sensor can tracker the rotation of my wrist, surely it can also track what kind of controller I'm holding in my hand. But would do I know, I'm a console gamer and according to developers I have the cognitive brain functions of an earth wor- Oh look, shiney birdies...


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Not surprising in the least. I'd just like to point out that whenever someone comes out and says "Built from the ground up as a completely new..", the chances are they are bullshitting.

Remember when EA said Sim City was built from the ground up as an online simulator?

Most likely they could easily have made old controllers work on the new xbox. They just chose not to.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Cheer up, guys... you can move to PC gaming, where your Xbox 360 controller will work just fine!

...Was that too mean?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
nodlimax said:
Man, this gets better and better xD
No doubt. I can't describe how happy I am to see Microsoft failing so hard this time around.
If only people would have some self-respect and not just buy the thing anyway -_-

Sgt. Sykes said:
I'm not advocating MS here, but let's be realistic. Yea, perhaps someone will find out that the wireless tech is completely the same and MS is just playing tricks, but maybe it's really different.
Well, at least you have a positive attitude. I wouldn't believe they are actually different for a minute, considering how I've been treated by Microsoft in the past, but maybe, just maybe, they aren't wholly evil and it is different. But I doubt it. Good point though.

Webb Myers

New member
May 17, 2010
They've already said that Xbone will have USB, so if they want to, they can make the arcade sticks and old controllers compatible that way. It doesn't sound like they want to...but it's certainly possible.

The "why would I want Kinect to see my controller" question is more interesting. I suppose they could do something based on controller position, but that didn't work all that well for the Dual Shock 3. More likely, Kinect is going to spot the controllers to figure out which player is which for voice commands or any other gesture-based controls.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Were people honestly expecting the old controllers to work? Like seriously? Because I'm pretty sure that no console has done that other than the Wii with it's Wiimotes. PS1 controllers didn't work on PS2, 2 to 3, NES and SNES weren't compatible. And if I'm not mistaken, even the WiiU took away support for the old Wavebird that everyone loved so much, right?

Why would one assume MS would make a new console that didn't come with a new controller? Heck, the enhanced rumble feature they spoke about where you could feel individual rumble in the triggers is one of the only interesting things I saw at their stupid reveal.

I never expected this would be the case. So I'm neither surprised by the move, or the overblown reaction to the least newsworthy "news" post of the day. I do think the "rage" over it is pretty funny though. I swear, if Microsoft handed out free money to people, folks would ***** that the bills were wrinkly.

*epic eyeroll*


New member
Jun 3, 2010
wow this is just awfull... i guess sony and microsoft are just tired of making comsoles so they decided to make the next generation so costumer unfriendly that no one will buy them! its genious! absolutly evil genius!!!


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
OF COURSE they're not. -_-

At least the Wii Classic Controller and Dualshock 3 have the excuse of having different inputs and buttons. What's Microsoft's excuse?

Other than getting to charge you more for peripherals that is


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Well, to be fair, of the two hardcore gaming consoles, one of them doesn't need an online connection, allows used games without a fee, doesn't come with Kinect, and uses a media system to allow some old games to be played. One of them doesn't. I wouldn't call the first one a "clear" winner yet, but it's hard to say they're even right now.
Sony's controller did have a sensor bar thingy. They showed it at the conference. And I only recall them saying that games designed to work on Cel processors were not compatible with the new x86 direction of the PS4. From where I sit, these consoles are dead even.

Sony has the hardware to limit used games built in as well, remember? We don't know enough about either of them to make any grand claims. They both sound like social media focused online "Cloud" boxes from where I sit. Quite even and neither of them appealing.

So far I see no winners. Only us losing more and more of gaming to unwanted features and social media obsessed corporations who have no idea who their target audiences are. So super focused on casting the widest net that they don't realize they've made the gaps too large to hold any of the fish. (sorry for the fishing metaphor. I hate the outdoors)


Beer Quaffer
Jul 10, 2009
This doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Did your original Xbox controller work on the 360? Nope. I'm not concerned.