Xbox 360 Controller Incompatible with Xbox One


New member
Oct 29, 2011
I don't understand why they won't work. Are they finally using Bluetooth now or will Batteries cause the new Xbox to implode?

So you release a new controller with ZERO innovation + fatter comfortable triggers which should have happened in 05, but now your old shitty d pad controllers don't work.

Do yourself a favor and buy a good awful console like the WiiU.

Also, why so little coverage of this train wreck?

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Sgt. Sykes said:
Reaper195 said:
Actually, what would be the point? If you already have a 360 controller, why would you use the Xbox One controller for PC gaming with a controller? They're near on the same. Unless the controller has something secret yet to be revealed that benefits PC gaming, there is no reason to bother upgrading.
Mine will probably need replacement kinda soon from all the abuse it's getting. Also the point is whether MS will produce the new controller for the PC at all, or they'll seize all production. I don't see how they'd maintain two production lines - the old 360 version for PC and the new for the Xbone.
Pretty sure there are plenty of other xinput compatible controllers on the market, but you'd have to look into them a lot more than just buying the xbox one i guess.

OT: Meh, this is hardly that big of a deal. Remember when none of the last gen controllers worked on the 360 and PS3? Did anybody really care that much? I mean the thing comes witha controller, the only people it screws and people lkike me who still enjoy splitscreen but thats always been a price to pay.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Mr_Terrific said:
I don't understand why they won't work. Are they finally using Bluetooth now or will Batteries cause the new Xbox to implode?

So you release a new controller with ZERO innovation + fatter comfortable triggers which should have happened in 05, but now your old shitty d pad controllers don't work.

Do yourself a favor and buy a good awful console like the WiiU.

Also, why so little coverage of this train wreck?
1) I bet it takes double A batteries still and can't be charged via a USB connection. Just to keep you suckling on duracells teat. Only to make it worse, there shall be no wired option.

The Wii U controller is pretty good, I have only two gripes: It's comparitively difficult to click the sticks on the gamepad compared to my Dual Shock 3 collection, but thats partially due to it being very new and much less worn by days of sprint and stab. Also kinda wish the triggers were anolog but it's not a big deal outside of driving sims, which i'd play on my PC with a wheel anyway.

And so little coverage because the journalism industry is used to biting at nintendo and sony but not really digging into microsoft, so it's not sure how to go about it.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
There's no excuse for this.

It doesn't matter how much the new technology has changes, implementing standard USB compatibility should be trivial (The 360 controllers are, in essence, USB compliant, even when MS forces you to buy an extension to plug them into a PC).

The decision to not support previous controllers had to be made early on in development for it to not be feasible now, so all their excuses about how they intend to give the best experience are just worthless.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Is it true that this controller still doesn't have built in batteries? Meaning that you still have to shell out the extra money for a play and charge kit(that have always been broken out of the box for me) if you want to use them wirelessly? And is there going to be a wired variant of this controller?

I'm honestly interested in whether this controller will work on PC. I wouldn't mind trying it out for the improved D-pad alone. But if there isn't I wired variant, I'm not even going to bother. I'll just stick with my old 360 controller.

ZZoMBiE13 said:
PS1 controllers didn't work on PS2, 2 to 3,
Actually, yes they did. In fact, I have a Dualshock 2 controller hooked up to my PS3 at the moment. Haven't tried it with a Dualshock 1 though, since I never owned a PSX.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
That is okay with me. I never expected something else.
As for the guy who asked how big the new one is I call it now: Same size as 360 controller.


New member
May 10, 2008
Anal about having to buy new controllers? How could we? Don't we all want to spend $40usd per controller again?


New member
Dec 24, 2012
I'd just like to point out that the Wii U is fully compatibile with all Wii controllers.

Sigh. It's truly sad that I've become a Nintendo fanboy.

Good job MS and Sony.


New member
May 19, 2009
How can it look worse and even more uncomfortable to use.
Seriously whoever was the engineer of this whole fiasco (I guess there was few) and the industrial designer of this things deserves to be buried under the amount of painkillers people are going to have to take in order to use that.

Also Xunum has USB 3.0 slot - and last time I looked at my controller (just now) it has USB-plug.

Also I been going trough the info I been handed about it. I cant use Xprima in my apartment. My apartment is not LONG ENOUGH! Well if I install a screen in-to my closet and the play it diagonally from the kitchen it should work. And I need to move the fridge trough my wall and remove the table.

So what audience is this thing targeted at again????


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Tank207 said:
Is it true that this controller still doesn't have built in batteries? Meaning that you still have to shell out the extra money for a play and charge kit(that have always been broken out of the box for me) if you want to use them wirelessly? And is there going to be a wired variant of this controller?

I'm honestly interested in whether this controller will work on PC. I wouldn't mind trying it out for the improved D-pad alone. But if there isn't I wired variant, I'm not even going to bother. I'll just stick with my old 360 controller.

ZZoMBiE13 said:
PS1 controllers didn't work on PS2, 2 to 3,
Actually, yes they did. In fact, I have a Dualshock 2 controller hooked up to my PS3 at the moment. Haven't tried it with a Dualshock 1 though, since I never owned a PSX.

NameIsRobertPaulson said:
ZZoMBiE13 said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Well, to be fair, of the two hardcore gaming consoles, one of them doesn't need an online connection, allows used games without a fee, doesn't come with Kinect, and uses a media system to allow some old games to be played. One of them doesn't. I wouldn't call the first one a "clear" winner yet, but it's hard to say they're even right now.
Sony's controller did have a sensor bar thingy. They showed it at the conference. And I only recall them saying that games designed to work on Cel processors were not compatible with the new x86 direction of the PS4. From where I sit, these consoles are dead even.

Sony has the hardware to limit used games built in as well, remember? We don't know enough about either of them to make any grand claims. They both sound like social media focused online "Cloud" boxes from where I sit. Quite even and neither of them appealing.

So far I see no winners. Only us losing more and more of gaming to unwanted features and social media obsessed corporations who have no idea who their target audiences are. So super focused on casting the widest net that they don't realize they've made the gaps too large to hold any of the fish. (sorry for the fishing metaphor. I hate the outdoors)
They also bought the media system from Japan that allows game streaming of previous titles. May not be reverse compatibility, but it is something more than Microsoft is offering.

Sony's CEO has also stated multiple times that Sony and GameStop have a great working relationship, and they've never entertained plans of blocking used games. That is leagues ahead of Microsoft's attacks on the used games industry.
All I'm saying is that details are scarce and neither has impressed me. You've clearly already marked out a spot on your entertainment center for a PS4 already, so good for you. But I'm not so quick to walk that path. Sony has a lot longer way to go before I believe anything they say after this past gen where they tripped up so many times. Even if I conceded your point that they are ahead out of the gate, they had more ground to make up in my eyes. Still, dead even and no one is impressing me enough to start talking them up on a forum.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
ZZoMBiE13 said:
Yeah, there is an adapter that lets you connect the controller through the USB ports. I haven't used it much(a friend gave it to me), but it does work. I played a bit of Mega Man X4 with it and if I remember right MK9 when that first came out.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Oh, that's nice. Because everyone wants all their multi-player gaming to be done with people who aren't in the same room and/or have money burning holes in their pockets to get a new set of wireless controllers with their own rechargeable batteries.

The "it's because the technology is so much better" spin-doctoring is a cute touch, too.

Sgt. Sykes said:
I'm curious whether there will be a PC/Windows version like with the 360 wireless controller.

If not, that indicates what MS thinks of PC gaming.
I think there's already ample evidence of what Microsoft thinks of PC gaming. The elegant and much-beloved interface of Windows Live, the swift port of every version of Halo and Gears of War to the platform, their tireless ambassadorship towards making XBox Live titles available on the PC, not to mention world-class offerings like Shadowrun... [/heavy sarcasm]


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Whilst there are many problems with this console, the fact that the old 360 pad won't work is a silly thing to get worked up about. I mean, how many consoles in the last 2 decades have allowed older console controllers to work on their devices? The Wii and I Wii U?


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Reaper195 said:
Sgt. Sykes said:
I'm curious whether there will be a PC/Windows version like with the 360 wireless controller.

If not, that indicates what MS thinks of PC gaming.
Actually, what would be the point? If you already have a 360 controller, why would you use the Xbox One controller for PC gaming with a controller? They're near on the same. Unless the controller has something secret yet to be revealed that benefits PC gaming, there is no reason to bother upgrading.
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Yopaz said:
bug_of_war said:
Oh for fuck sake people, there are a lot of things that you could point out as being a poor choice on Microsoft's end, but come the fuck on, this is a controller, are we really that anal? I mean, geez, I get that people are disappointed/livid at the Xbox One and it's features but this is just 1 tiny little controller. You get one when you get the console (please let me be right about that future events) and that's the way every console has been. Can we please stop being angry at such miniscule things like this? Yeah, controllers are expensive (nearly the same price as a new game last I checked), but with the way things are going split screen is becoming far less frequent, so the need for multiple controllers is no longer as necessary as back in the PS2/1, Gamecube, 64, you name it.

So in this whole huge mess of Microsoft's war on used games, lack of BC (Which really isn't a big deal, just hold onto your old console), needing to connect to the internet once every 24 hours, more a focus on tv rather than games...ah fuck this is depressing, but beside all that, can we just take a deep breath and look at the crap that is actually a problem, and the stuff that isn't such a big deal.
You are asking people on the internet to relax. The same kind of people who has already decided that the PS4 wont next generation because it will provide the best console, the best service and the best games. Yeah, your words are wasted.

Just like with backwards compatibility this kinda makes sense. They make some changes which makes the the old software and hardware incompatible. While I would have liked to use my old controllers on the new Xbox I understand the problems with that. However with all the other news I have heard about it I see enough reasons not to get a Xbone anyway so I don't really care if my controllers are compatible or not.
Well, to be fair, of the two hardcore gaming consoles, one of them doesn't need an online connection, allows used games without a fee, doesn't come with Kinect, and uses a media system to allow some old games to be played. One of them doesn't. I wouldn't call the first one a "clear" winner yet, but it's hard to say they're even right now.
Umm.. It doesn't require an online connection (at least all the time, its still unclear but its not defined as a fact yet). The PS4 isn't backward compatible and the Wii U is shit, and why the Kinect hate? Its free with the system? Only REAL argument you have is the used game fee and that will change by launch...

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
Oh hai that PC. What's that? You accept pretty much EVERY kind of known controller ranging from keyboard+mouse to joysstick/gamepad/steering wheel/etc? That's nice, oh do go on you sexy thing...

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
You could make the connection that the Xbox One is incompatible with gamers.

Seriously, with what (admittedly little) we know, this is what we in the tabletop RPG circle call "botching the roll."


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Terramax said:
Whilst there are many problems with this console, the fact that the old 360 pad won't work is a silly thing to get worked up about. I mean, how many consoles in the last 2 decades have allowed older console controllers to work on their devices? The Wii and I Wii U?
Well, the original Wii and the Gamecube, but I agree with your point. The Dual Shock 3 won't work with the PS4. The 2 didn't work with the PS3, and on down the line. The Xbox didn't work with the 360. And so on and so on and so on.

I'm getting sick of gamer entitlement... Backwards compatibility has never worked well, other then with Nintendo, but they do everything else wrong so there you go. The PS3's initial cost was so high because it had PS2 hardware in it, then they tried emulation, and then they just gave up and the newest won't play PS1 or 2 games. The 360 backwards compatibility was hit or miss depending on the game.


New member
Apr 24, 2011
Brockyman said:
Umm.. It doesn't require an online connection (at least all the time, its still unclear but its not defined as a fact yet). The PS4 isn't backward compatible and the Wii U is shit, and why the Kinect hate? Its free with the system? Only REAL argument you have is the used game fee and that will change by launch...
The way I see it is if I'm required to go online AT ALL it's not worth it. I've never owned a Xbox, but I do have a PS3 and even though I'm perfectly capable of taking in online (I already did at one point) I just can't be bothered with it. The also the looming fact that you can't play ANY of your games if you don't check in with mommy Microsoft every few hours/day/weeks is crazy if you don't stay connected all the time.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Brockyman said:
The Dual Shock 3 won't work with the PS4. The 2 didn't work with the PS3
Even though it did. As I just got done explaining a couple posts above you.