That's not really a problem.GiantRaven said:The problem is that if you don't have the upgrade then you can't play the games that require it. With your expansion pak example - having an N64 but not being able to play Perfect Dark, Majora's Mask and Donkey Kong 64 would be pretty damn shitty.
Look at it this way. The PS3 came out in 2006. What if, from the start it had the capability to have the RAM upgraded? Lets just say $50 for 2 GB of Playstation RAM.
Then in 2008 Konami releases Metal Gear Solid 4 but decides that the RAM pack is required. Massive panic ensues. But you know what, because it's f-ing Metal Gear Solid, people bite the bullet and buy the damn stick. Over time more games come out that require the expanded memory but it's hardly news as most PS fans have already upgraded.
Then when the PS3 slim gets released it already comes with the expanded memory. From then on, every game released could require more memory. Anybody who is still rocking the Fat model can play all the new games as long as they had upgraded the RAM.
So yes, it would be annoying having games that require additional hardware, but most of us are adults and can afford it.
If I could have spent $100 to upgrade my PS3 and make it into a better gaming machine, I would have done it no problem.