Xbox live ban hammer...


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I hear this problem constantly and have seen it when playing XBL at friends' place. I don't encounter this on the PSN I think because the headsets are much more expensive.

It's because they are idiots and try to use words they know will get a reaction. Curse words though overuse have lost their shock value. So people use slurs now. With no regard to if you are the actual race they are targeting because even if you aren't jewish or black it'll still get a rise out of you.

I enjoy good trash talk where you say something like "Yeah, how'd you like that rocket up your keister? Was it good for you too?" I'm find that funny or "Does something smell funny? No? It must be the sniper bullet lodged so deep in your brain all you can smell is how badly you suck."

Not exactly 'clever' but they make me laugh.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
iJosh said:
2. Because he's a virgin.
Come now, so am I, but you don't see me going through outbursts like that.

Maybe your assumption that "hurf durf virgin angry lolz" is in fact quite false. Some of us aren't interested in sex at all, and indeed, are quite content without it.

Anyways, as to Microsoft: they'll avoid banning if possible. He's paying them money, and while he's annoying he's not really stopping other people from playing, so as far as Microsoft's concerned, there simply isn't a problem.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
People like this rarely get banned or even so much as warned, sadly. Its all about how many complaints of a similar nature accumilate within a set amount of time.

As for why they keep doing it, god knows. i kinda feel sorry for those who need to justify themselves with streams of insults.


New member
Jun 3, 2008
1. Don't know anyone, and I don't know whats going on, sorry.

2. He is to into the game, a lot of people are. I don't get that involved, I would only start insulting someone if they are one of my friends, and then they know I am joking, but I would never say something like that no matter who I am talking to. I hate racial slurs, there just so stupid.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
wgreer25 said:
Use the avoid player option. Really, it works.
I'm not entirely sure about that. Yesterday I played a game of Halo 3, a guy left the match early so I gave him negative feedback for being a quitter, then after the round ended I went back to matchmaking to find a new game, and ended up in a match with the very same guy. So I'm beginning to wonder if 'avoid player' is just like 'file complaint', something they put in to make us feel we can do something against players who misbehave themselves, but which in reality doesn't do a whole lot.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Pi_Fighter said:
In your case, OP, it looks a lot more like trolling than getting worked up over the game.

I don't have a 360, and consequently I have only played XBL a few times at a friend's house.
The other players were by no means the nicest people in the world...
The root of the problem appears to be the fact that there is no way to actually stop someone from making racial slurs and flinging every cliche insult under the sun at you.

Perhaps racial slurs should result in points coming out of their Gamerscores...

P.S. Is there actually a way to mute other players on XBL?
Yes it is quite easy to mute anybody. All you need to do is find there GT (which is rather easy if you just played with them) and click on it to get a list of options. Send messages, friend requests and mute them. Then they will never hear you and you will never hear them. Though they can still invite you to parties and whatnot. You just won't hear them.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
bjj hero said:
I play on Xbox live quite a bit. I have people I regularly game with who are good people, I meet plenty of others who are great too.

Having now said that, there is a lot of douchebaggery.

The other day I was playing Endwar over live and managed to kill a couple of enemy units (this is worse than defeat but didnt warrant the response). When the game ended I was greeted by a not so friendly American with the following response:

"You fucking ****** jew, Ill rape you and your whole ****** family"

When I asked him what was with the race hate he replied:

"What so youre British now? Fuck off back to England and stay off American servers"

Odd as I was sat in the middle of England at the time, so middle that the area is known as "the Midlands". He later messaged me with further racial slurs. Ive reported him as I do anyone throwing around homophobic/racist remarks. I have have 2 questions.

He might get band if a lot of ppl conspire against him but its hard to say. I sometimes cuss ppl out using various 4 letter words and ethnic slurs,(this is reserved only for the d-bags who are cocky or who r obnoxiously dumb) and I've never been band or reported(to my knowledge) but my friends all around me get banded from PSN and Xbox live

1: Does anyone here know anyone whos been banned/warned/suspended from XBL for racism etc? Do MS really act on complaints?
2: Why the hell would you get that worked up over a game?

Patiently awaiting your sage like input...


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Flushfacker said:
On topic, in l4d countless times Ive stumbled into a game where the other douchbags think its 'OMGZ soooo LULZ!!!!1' to shoot at Louis and leave him to die (played by me) because he is black. The level of intelligence and general ignorance on Live is quite low and high respectively.
it wasn't because he was black, it's cos he's useless!
cpu controlled louis walks through fire then complains he wants healed.
he also has the highest friendly fire rates of the cpu controlled...


New member
Jun 27, 2008
He won't get banned, I've met a lot of people say how much black guys suck (and I don't mention I'm black I just wait it out). And he is to into it and he should stop playing cause those guys ruin the fun.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
bjj hero said:
I play on Xbox live quite a bit. I have people I regularly game with who are good people, I meet plenty of others who are great too.

Having now said that, there is a lot of douchebaggery.

The other day I was playing Endwar over live and managed to kill a couple of enemy units (this is worse than defeat but didnt warrant the response). When the game ended I was greeted by a not so friendly American with the following response:

"You fucking ****** jew, Ill rape you and your whole ****** family"

When I asked him what was with the race hate he replied:

"What so youre British now? Fuck off back to England and stay off American servers"

Odd as I was sat in the middle of England at the time, so middle that the area is known as "the Midlands". He later messaged me with further racial slurs. Ive reported him as I do anyone throwing around homophobic/racist remarks. I have have 2 questions.

1: Does anyone here know anyone whos been banned/warned/suspended from XBL for racism etc? Do MS really act on complaints?
2: Why the hell would you get that worked up over a game?

Patiently awaiting your sage like input...
No, he won't be banned because Microsoft doesn't care about 1 report.

But, Microsoft bans people for people's profile that has the word "suck" in it; and I am not talking about the sexual inuendo.

It's quite ridiculous, really. I get banned for having a song with the word suck (as in, not skilled, and it was easily shown that way), yet people like this guy get to do whatever they want.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
ninonybox360 said:
because all Americans are stuck up rude and racist American so i should know
You sir, should run for office. Welcome to the Escapist.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
RikSharp said:
Flushfacker said:
On topic, in l4d countless times Ive stumbled into a game where the other douchbags think its 'OMGZ soooo LULZ!!!!1' to shoot at Louis and leave him to die (played by me) because he is black. The level of intelligence and general ignorance on Live is quite low and high respectively.
it wasn't because he was black, it's cos he's useless!
cpu controlled louis walks through fire then complains he wants healed.
he also has the highest friendly fire rates of the cpu controlled...
Ok, aside from the fact I was playing louis and the morons playing were saying things like 'make him be our slave and get him collecting all the stuff' etc etc. Also I highly doubt any of the AI is any different from character to character but that's another topic entirely.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
The complaint system for XBL (from what I have heard) seems to be like the stereotypical non caring boss' in that its just a box with a shredder on the other side.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
Radelaide said:
Trendkill6 said:
GodsOneMistake said:
Damn I hate that people like this will most likely give people a misunderstanding of americans in general
Yeah, not all of us are douchebags.

but here's a tip if you wanna get him banned.
Make multiple accounts, play matches against him, complain of verbal assault and racial slurs. Repeat.

you can rid Xbox live of jerks one by one :D
Together, we can make a difference?
well i can't, sold my x-box

But you can!


Good news everyone!
Jun 9, 2008
Antiparticle said:
I'm not entirely sure about that. Yesterday I played a game of Halo 3, a guy left the match early so I gave him negative feedback for being a quitter, then after the round ended I went back to matchmaking to find a new game, and ended up in a match with the very same guy. So I'm beginning to wonder if 'avoid player' is just like 'file complaint', something they put in to make us feel we can do something against players who misbehave themselves, but which in reality doesn't do a whole lot.
Well, yes and no. Aviod player doesn't mean you will never "accidentally" find that person. It is supposed to be that that is the last game if will connect you to. So if you just ended a game and tried to join another, so was he... there may not have been many other games starting at that time. It is done that way to not completely discourage the "avoid" player button. i.e. if you avioded everyone you met, you eventualy not be able to join any games. This justs puts games with them in it at the bottom of the list.

Now this is how it is supposed to work. Weather it actually does, I don't know. I do know that avoiding/complaints will lower your rep and a low rep can get you banned.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
I think that MS try everything they can to avoid banning because everyone they ban means less money for them.

So it's better just to say 'mute them' because if they banned everyone who was mouthy on XBL they would lose a fair bit of revenue.

And I know plenty of people like that.. They do it because they think mouthing off to someone over the internet is cool.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
Valiance said:
How does being a virgin affect my demeanor? :(
You have yet to realise how trivial everything is when compared to having sex with your significant other... not to mention how much it sucks to be single...
Sir, I'm not a virgin. Just saying not being one doesn't change how I act in an online game. AT ALL.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
They focus more on hacking for gamerscore and inappropriate things in profile/name. Glitching I wish they cared more about though. *dreams of half of Gears players being banned and smiles*