Xbox Live is "More Juvenile" Than PlayStation Network


New member
Aug 29, 2009
A little late on that observation...
Considering how bad my internet has been lately, I wouldn't get MAG even if I had a PS3.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
In my opinion XBL has better online service. Also in my opinion, both XBL and PSN are just as bad as each other in terms of online assholes. Jones either needs to stop taking bribes or stop being a fanboy.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Now, while I do think Mr. Ben jones is looking for a punch in the daddy bag, he does raise a question. is one multilayer based system more "mature" than the other? well the answer is yes. and no. Now, Up until recently, iv been an Xbox 360-er . iv played plenty of Cod6, Halo, and such, and iv heard a lot of annoying, whiny, bitchy 13 year old nasally voices on it. Iv also played games like l4d in which I developed complex, intelligent strategies with fellow tacticians. and I occasionally encountered a whiny snob who complained when I took the only Auto shotty in realistic mode.

But, due to my brother leaving for university and taking the Xbox with him, I went ahead and bought a PS3 (from the advice of my several of my friends) and recently played Metal gear online. It certainly isn't as big as say Cod6, but It was an online experience, and do you know what I heard? nothing. no annoying kids, no tacticians of the battlefield, absolute silence. There was no one using a headset. we all ran about the battlefield, trying desperately too work together against a group of enemies who, most likely, are facing the same problem.

And so, I can't really say that one multi player group is more mature than the other. I do suppose I might have had a more "authentic" PSN experience if I had played a more mainstream game like CoD 6, but my position stands. your gonna find dumb asses who won't shut up were ever you go. PSN, or XBL.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
I've ran into morons on both XBL and PSN. They are both pretty balanced, in my opinion.

Every community has its fair share of idiots.