Xbox One DVR For Gold Subs Only, PS4 Recording Free For All


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Machine Man 1992 said:
Except PS+ actually gives you stuff in return ie PS 1 classics by the truckload. Or something, information on these things has been such clusterfuck, I may just say fuck it and abandon gaming altogether.
PS+ gives discounts all the time (on everything), a handful free games every month, cloud save storage, exclusive beta access, and downloading game/system updates while in standby mode.

PS+ is cheaper than Gold at this point, right? I think I heard that somewhere...

Anyway, PS+ is a pretty great service, and I for one wouldn't be subscribing to it for the multiplayer access. That'd just be another bonus. (Also, MP on Vita/PS3 will remain free for everyone, and F2P games won't require Plus.)


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Trasch17 said:
You know, sometimes, I just can't help but think, that MS desperately wants the Xbone to fail...
Or their marketing sucks...
I think it's the latter.
Must be a Producers style accounting scam. It's spring time for the XBone.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
TerribleAssassin said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Considering how MS (and now Sony) has suckered an entire generation of gamers to pay for MP that doesn't actually go the devs or any multiplayer servers, this isn't really much of a news...
Not like the servers that they use for the actual service need upkeep, maintenance and heaven forbid, updating.
Not like MS doesn't get any money when games are sold on their platform. Not like digital distributors (who don't host the multiplayer servers themselves, just like MS) on the PC haven't let you play MP without without paying an additional subscription fee (for games and their severs you've already paid for) for almost a decade.

It's bullshit cost only console makers and Apple can get away with.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
I hate to say this but after watching my friends have to buy MS brand things for the X360 and pay through the nose for any kind of added feature...

Seriously MS. Enough. We get it. You don't wan our money that's fine but please for the sake of your own business stop trying to force your foot through your entire digestive tract!


Jul 2, 2008
Its a minor thing but still a negative, its hard to care about MS's madness anymore. Hey one lad i know is getting one due to being a ***** for Halo... he has no other reasons. Everyone else PS4 or screw it off to PC.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Machine Man 1992 said:
Neronium said:
Machine Man 1992 said:
Oh goddamn it Microsoft, you just had to be a dick one more time didn't you?
While I do indeed despise the Xbox One, there is one thing that has been announced that they have over the PS4:
it will support external video capture.
This means those with an HD PVR 2, Elgato, Roxio HD Pro, or AverMedia can still use their expensive cards on the machine. However, Sony has been tight-lipped about their caputre system so it is possible that they can announce the same thing as well, although in my case it doesn't matter because Hauppauge actually has designed an easy way to get around HDCP with their newer model of HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition and getting around HDCP encryption is really easy when it comes down to it. Whole reason why it's implemented in the first place is because it's required by law to have HDCP encryption placed on any device that can play Bluray movies; so apparently MS at some point found a way to have the Xbox One distinguish game from movie, which with how games are nowadays I wonder how they did that. XD

One other things is that the DVR for the Xbox One will only capture for 5 minutes at 720p and 30fps which I find odd.
Sony won't do it because they've learned that instant praise and adoration comes from not doing what Microsoft's doing.

"DRM? Subscription fees? Fees for multiplayer? No video capture without a subscription to a service? We don't have any of that! And we're $399!"

"Shut up and take my money!"
Except you DO have to pay fees for multiplayer... don't know what PS4 you are talking about. Unless you suddenly mixed up PC and PS4 :p


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
clippen05 said:
Except you DO have to pay fees for multiplayer... don't know what PS4 you are talking about. Unless you suddenly mixed up PC and PS4 :p
In all honesty though I don't really know anyone who goes online constantly with their PS3, Vita, or even PSP who don't have PS+ already, and it's already way cheaper than Xbox Live. They've also been having sales on the cards for the year subscriptions and 3 month subscriptions the last couple of weeks too actually.
For me I don't play multiplayer games on my PS3 and still subscribe to PS+ for the deals and because it's so cheap. For me multiplayer would just be a bonus I guess. :p


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Neronium said:
clippen05 said:
Except you DO have to pay fees for multiplayer... don't know what PS4 you are talking about. Unless you suddenly mixed up PC and PS4 :p
In all honesty though I don't really know anyone who goes online constantly with their PS3, Vita, or even PSP who don't have PS+ already, and it's already way cheaper than Xbox Live. They've also been having sales on the cards for the year subscriptions and 3 month subscriptions the last couple of weeks too actually.
For me I don't play multiplayer games on my PS3 and still subscribe to PS+ for the deals and because it's so cheap. For me multiplayer would just be a bonus I guess. :p
Yeah, it is worth it, no doubt with all the added value PS+ gives you. But if you are like me, with extremely little money due to college, every dollar counts. $40 bucks a year could pay for a lot of Steam Sale games.

One thing I will say Microsoft wins in this regard, however, is that their "Games with Gold" program allows you to keep the games even if you stop paying for the Gold Subscription. But, of course, the offer less games on a slower schedule than PS+.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
clippen05 said:
Neronium said:
clippen05 said:
Except you DO have to pay fees for multiplayer... don't know what PS4 you are talking about. Unless you suddenly mixed up PC and PS4 :p
In all honesty though I don't really know anyone who goes online constantly with their PS3, Vita, or even PSP who don't have PS+ already, and it's already way cheaper than Xbox Live. They've also been having sales on the cards for the year subscriptions and 3 month subscriptions the last couple of weeks too actually.
For me I don't play multiplayer games on my PS3 and still subscribe to PS+ for the deals and because it's so cheap. For me multiplayer would just be a bonus I guess. :p
Yeah, it is worth it, no doubt with all the added value PS+ gives you. But if you are like me, with extremely little money due to college, every dollar counts. $40 bucks a year could pay for a lot of Steam Sale games.

One thing I will say Microsoft wins in this regard, however, is that their "Games with Gold" program allows you to keep the games even if you stop paying for the Gold Subscription. But, of course, the offer less games on a slower schedule than PS+.
Well yeah I'm in college as well, but a lot of the time people don't have computers good enough to play the games they want to play on Steam, and while there are the "cheap" computers now people would rather pay $40 for online for something that will still guarantee them free games from time to time.

Another thing is we don't know if the "Games with Gold" program is continuing after the initial date is, and while yes it does suck that those games are gone, if anything was purchased with the discounts that PS+ had you keep everything. Not to mention that Microsoft made the abomination that is Games for Windows Live...>.>


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Sony, please stop bullying Microsoft. At this point, they've rolled over into the submissive position and yet you keep pounding them like a red-headed step-child.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Ed130 said:
Well that was totally not surprising.

Is there anything you can do with the Xbone that doesn't require a Gold subscription besides singleplayer?

well, i think a new change for the system is coming to fix this problem.

rumor for next week is that all single player functions will require a gold account, however you will be able to sit at the game's main menu


New member
Oct 18, 2008
I love how they put the Ambassador program behind the gold pay wall. I've been an ambassador for a long time and now MS wants me to pay them to help people for them.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
I find it amusing to watch people flock to Sony as if it were their salvation knowing full well that A: Sony wishes they had thought of it first and B: will eventually jump on board the gravy train the moment they think they can get away with it without causing a riot.

I guess Kudos to Sony for exhibiting patience.


New member
Dec 18, 2003
So I'm confused was this not an official source? It's hard to figure out who is saying what and if they know enough to actually say it. Very confusing stuff. Before it was multiple people saying different things. I'm still not sure what was family sharing thing was about. Doubt I ever will. I'm not too concerned about video sharing. Most times I play for fun and rarely hope to replay my blunders.


New member
Dec 20, 2012
Seems like I'm one of the few people that have no issue with this. Now, hear me out, the reasons why I have no problem with this are as follows:

-If everyone is capable to upload videos we will be flooded with a fuck load of shitty videos of people thinking they are cool for doing something (we already have enough of them).

-A lot more variation can come from multiplayer (which for both systems costs money) and this variation can be more interesting to watch than watching some random person doing a poor let's play. Single player campaigns are usually similar for each person (depending on how you play) so what's the point of having heaps of videos doing the same damn thing?

I know some people have a problem with it but I don't see why it's a big issue.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
No netflix or skype either it seems. People may have already read this article but:

"The webpage shows that, as with the current Xbox 360, a Live Gold account is needed if owners want to use their new console for online multiplayer gaming, watch Netflix or similar streaming services and to browse the web via their TV."


Machine Man 1992

New member
Jul 4, 2011
clippen05 said:
Machine Man 1992 said:
Neronium said:
Machine Man 1992 said:
Oh goddamn it Microsoft, you just had to be a dick one more time didn't you?
While I do indeed despise the Xbox One, there is one thing that has been announced that they have over the PS4:
it will support external video capture.
This means those with an HD PVR 2, Elgato, Roxio HD Pro, or AverMedia can still use their expensive cards on the machine. However, Sony has been tight-lipped about their caputre system so it is possible that they can announce the same thing as well, although in my case it doesn't matter because Hauppauge actually has designed an easy way to get around HDCP with their newer model of HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition and getting around HDCP encryption is really easy when it comes down to it. Whole reason why it's implemented in the first place is because it's required by law to have HDCP encryption placed on any device that can play Bluray movies; so apparently MS at some point found a way to have the Xbox One distinguish game from movie, which with how games are nowadays I wonder how they did that. XD

One other things is that the DVR for the Xbox One will only capture for 5 minutes at 720p and 30fps which I find odd.
Sony won't do it because they've learned that instant praise and adoration comes from not doing what Microsoft's doing.

"DRM? Subscription fees? Fees for multiplayer? No video capture without a subscription to a service? We don't have any of that! And we're $399!"

"Shut up and take my money!"
Except you DO have to pay fees for multiplayer... don't know what PS4 you are talking about. Unless you suddenly mixed up PC and PS4 :p
Hey, did I mention anything about optimization or anti-aliasing, or console gaming casuals? No? ;D


New member
Jun 30, 2009
And the ship continues to burn around the Microsoft crew. What's next? Required sodomizing to boot the thing up?

OT: They really can take their users for granted more, and more, can't they? Embarrassing.


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Someone made a point elsewhere that was actually depressingly logical; in the case of folks who might be inclined to buy both consoles during their lifespan, they might be more inclined (assuming they only decide to pay for one subscription) to pay for Xbox Live Gold instead of PS+, under the idea that more of the Playstation 4's features don't hinge on paying that cost. I.e. if you can already use DVR, Netflix, Internet Explorer, etc, etc, etc on the PS4 for no sub, and not on Xbox One, as a multiplat owner you're more likely to just invest in Xbox Live Gold, because teeechnically you get More Bang For Your Buck, even if it's largely because most of the Bang is locked behind the paywall.

It won't really apply to me; though I might get an Xbox One in a couple of years, it's going to be my exclusive-only platform, and I won't really be doing much online gaming on it, not enough to bother paying the sub at least. But I can imagine that folks who own both consoles, on measuring what the sub 'gives' them, could very well end up giving Microsoft the lion's share of the money in the long run, which means the miserly approach would actually turn out to be the financially crafty approach.

That being said, I don't know the numbers in terms of how many people owned both console this generation, even, so I couldn't say whether it would really make a difference in the long run. Of even that number, in many cases it probably would still just come down to which was the Exclusives-Only platform, and which was the preferred multiplat system.

It also hinges upon Microsoft's evident expectation that the policy wouldn't lose them a number of console and software sales that offset that benefit which, considering the atmosphere still seems a bit, er, charged, could backfire if enough prior Xbox owners have jumped the proverbial ship.

...anybody else find the economics and social behavior surrounding the console launches slightly more interesting than the consoles themselves? xP