Actually they never lied. They told everyone their vision in honesty and its just that people HATED that vision. I don't understand about the Kinect and DRM part. They were mandatory because Microsoft wanted them to be mandatory, not because it was a "no choice" kind of thing.CriticKitten said:Yes, because all of the hatred against the Xbone was clearly unjustified. Oh wait, no it wasn't, and anyone still arguing that has no leg to stand on.TomWiley said:-snip-
Microsoft directly lied to its customers about several things in regards to how their console works. They stated that the always-on connection was mandatory. Turns out it wasn't. They stated that the Kinect was mandatory. Turns out it wasn't.
And yet, by your logic, simply because they removed all of these shitty policies that we didn't want, we should reconsider buying from Microsoft even though they were originally telling us a load of bold-faced lies.
Imagine if I offered to sell you a new computer, but I told you that you couldn't use it unless you checked in with me once per day and unless you attached a webcam to it so that I could watch you. And that both of these things were required in order for the computer to function properly. You'd tell me I'm a damn liar, and I'd retract my claims and remove the mandatory restrictions. So now you'd buy it from me even though I've proven myself completely untrustworthy? You are far too generous (and far too naive) if you think that way.
Forgive me and everyone else for not being willing to trust someone who has already been caught lying to me so many times before they even released the product.
Sorry I can't help but stand up for a guy, who is sharing his own opinion, getting jumped on by creeps who hurl insults for their arguments. If you want to do that, there's a religion and politic section. Want a link?