Xbox One Users With Bad Reputation Will Lose Privileges


New member
Oct 8, 2012
So uh... welcome to the real world? You meet rude people everywhere. Public transit, restaurants, work, school, any random public place you might happen to be. I could understand like aiming to reduce cyber bullying or some such but what the heck? Revoking so called privileges that you PAID MONEY for because you don't play well with others? This is what the world has become.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Karadalis said:
Remember that they planned to ban used games and game ownership in their initial release plan for the xbone?

Anyways... yeah not gonna lie people.. that system is going to be abused as hell.

Look no further then at meta critic and how well their "algorythm" for false ratings works out so far.
... And in its place, they had a pretty darn sweet digital distribution system that had features even Steam could only dream about. HOWEVER, it doesn't take away the fact that 'murica just isn't ready for a fully digital system yet.

I've read about the new rep system too and it's MILES better than the one in place for the 360. For one, they have safeguards for pretty much everything. And besides, not counting this most recent bit of news, the purpose of the new rep system is to match players with other like-minded players, not to measure how likely they are to be banned.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
Spacemonkey430 said:
So uh... welcome to the real world? You meet rude people everywhere. Public transit, restaurants, work, school, any random public place you might happen to be. I could understand like aiming to reduce cyber bullying or some such but what the heck? Revoking so called privileges that you PAID MONEY for because you don't play well with others? This is what the world has become.
Think of it like this. If you go into a restaurant and pay for a meal, you are NOT allowed to, for example, sexually harass servers or other customers. You are also not allowed to cause a disruption or yell at people for no reason. It doesn't matter how much you paid them, you will be asked to leave or have the cops called on you. Same thing. When you signed on to Microsoft online service, you signed an agreement that would use their services properly. They have every right to revoke their services if you break that agreement.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
I'm surprised they're not fining anyone who gets to "Avoid Me" status by putting their bill up by 20% until they get back to "Good" status and imposing an astronomical cancellation fee on "Avoid Me" cancellations.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I'm sure that absolutely nothing wrong, biased, broken, abused, or just plain horseshit will happen here. After all, people are such courteous and proper users online, right? As are the people running a business? (Heh heh heh...)


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
All aboard a 4chan trian to downvote all the popular broadcasters so they loose theira bility to bradcast and their income to feed their families!
this is so going to work.

Whne will microsoft understand that just because some idiot does not like me does not mean im doing anything wrong. i remember on one forum there was a karma system and i suddenly got like -100 in a week. i knew one of the mdoerators there and he investigated, turns out some guy kept making new accounts and downvoting me. So i was sitting there with deep red karma for quite a while because somone got into trolling mood.
Now imagine if that meant i would not be able to make new threads ect because of it. because thats basically the system microsoft is doing.
Actually i even saw a website dedicated to showing abusive posts on Xbox that was meant for its users to gang up and all give him bad rep. not sure how much of that worked though as i never been part of it myself. But if its anything like reddit witchhunts its supereffective.

Also, how about stop policing internet and only punish people that, you know, break the law. not just those that arent popular.

Then again, ill be gaming on PC where no random idiot can make me loose features. Good luck to all poor people that bought an Xbox.

rasputin0009 said:
Ya, it's obviously gonna get abused, but it's highly unlikely it's gonna be abused to the extent you think it will.
heres the thing: IT ALREADY IS.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
In all seriousness i think it's nice to see efforts being made to clean up people's behaviors online. Although it seems like there's also room for some poor griefing in there since apparently the reputation's gonna be based on community feedback...

We'll wait and see if it helps, i guess.

Durti M0n3Y

New member
Apr 19, 2014
Statute of Limitations & Zombie Rep

Many social sites enforce bad rep policies without a statute of limitations (or period of relevance) which could otherwise restore credibility to a user's online account. On the contrary, rep comments seems to linger indefinitely on most social sites' user accounts even if they are written-off as ?zombie? rep. Imagine how penalizing premium subscribers for ?zombie rep? could reduce the overall credibility of any online "reputation" system which would be ironic, indeed.

Personally, I started using the Xbox360 together with Microsoft's Xbox Live online membership in 2007. Within the first month using Xbox Live, another premium user gave me a scathing review, or bad rep, after relentlessly kicking his butt in COD4-MW online. Until 2014, the bad rep comments made by this user were the only ones ever recorded -- but still listed in my account 7 years later. Why?

In the end, I switched from online multiplayer Console Gaming to PC Gaming without regret. I certainly don't miss giving Micro$oft money for product & service that was never fully hatched before release.