I honestly wasn't expecting to like it really, but it was really kind of fun. Since I used to play WOW way back in the day when there were no expansions, it was fun to read a spoof of that kind of environment. It's not exactly great literature, but then I wasn't expecting it to be, it is Yahtzee not Hemmingway.
That said I probably won't be buying it, might try getting it from a library at some point but definitely not buying it. Because I just don't think he can stretch out that kind of humor into an entire book. Even in the few pages of the sneak peak they gave us, after the novelty of the humor and setting wore off there isn't really much left. The characters, what there were of them, weren't interesting or even vaguely involving. And if there is any semblance of a coherent plot I didn't really pick up on it.
Maybe the finished product has that, but like Yahtzee once said back in his review of the Darkness demo on youtube, the point of the extract was to get me to buy the book. And in that it failed. Maybe when I read some reviews of the finished product I'll change my mind.
That said I probably won't be buying it, might try getting it from a library at some point but definitely not buying it. Because I just don't think he can stretch out that kind of humor into an entire book. Even in the few pages of the sneak peak they gave us, after the novelty of the humor and setting wore off there isn't really much left. The characters, what there were of them, weren't interesting or even vaguely involving. And if there is any semblance of a coherent plot I didn't really pick up on it.
Maybe the finished product has that, but like Yahtzee once said back in his review of the Darkness demo on youtube, the point of the extract was to get me to buy the book. And in that it failed. Maybe when I read some reviews of the finished product I'll change my mind.