Meiam said:
Seth Carter said:
Saelune said:
Remember when PC gaming didn't have its own 'console wars'?
Uhhh... Windows v Mac vs Linux. One sided as all get go for gaming generally, but definitely there.
Also both Intel v AMD, and Nvidia vs AMD. Never to the point of exclusive software (that I'm aware of. Although I got Far Cry 1 because my nVidia could run it and college buddies whatever flat out couldn't, despite being equivalent cards), but definitely getting major support priorities and bug fixing or exclusive features.
I mean... not really, the most significant exclusive to mac must be something like... I dunno marathon maybe? I don't think there's ever been any significant exclusive for Linux.
You can just google "Mac Exclusive Games", it'll give you a fairly big list just immediately to scroll through, and a wikipedia article.
As to significant? Depends who you ask really. I wouldn't call most Xbox v PSwhatever exclusives significant personally. A lot of tech demos and a shit ton that are basically mirror equivalents of each other make up the bulk of it.
Linux is a tricky one, because there are Linux "exclusive" games. But Linux is open source, and you can run Linux on either of the other two pretty easily as a result. I think its even an automated function in Windows where Microsoft will literally install the Linux emulator or whatever because its open source so they have free access to it.
Other then a few die hard anti-corporation developers, there's also no real incentive to only develop on Linux. Its a niche market, none of the for-profit purveyors of Linux distros are exactly rolling in cash to throw at them, etc. And a lot of general tools you might want to use to create your game are Windows or Mac based themselves, so you end up in that ecosystem anyways.
As Apple goes, if they did start actively pursuing the gaming market, it'd basically be what Steamboxes should've been. Which is one or two spec sets and certifying that X game(s) will run on those hardware. And probably not anything easily modifiable. Which I'm sure they probably could do, but don't seem to have any interest in trying to. I'd guess that a decent chunk of developers might have issues adapting to whatever restrictions or concepts Apple puts out as well, in the same sort of struggles Nintendo's had over the years and probably that would eliminate it as well.
Nvidia is the probably main culprit of course. From having their own console, to throwing money at developers for priority support or showcasing Nvidia only features, and "Made for NVidia" stickers and splashscreens. They might not manage actual exclusivity as of yet, but they sure push that illusion as hard as they can.