Yes I smoke.. So I'm the devil now?


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
So long as I never get a single whiff of that smoke I'll live and let live (or die since, y'know cancer and all that). I've grown a distaste for smokers however as a quite popular spot to smoke in my college dorms was down at the bottom of these outdoor stairs outside of the main entrance.

Still had to walk through them to get to certain places. Still annoyed me as I walked through that awful, dangerous, foul air.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
I smoke because I enjoy it. I'm aware of all the problems it causes but I like the taste and the feeling of smoke in my lungs.

When I'm in public and someone walks past I hold the smoke in and put the cigarette behind my back so they don't have to put up with it. When someone walks past, sees me smoking and does a big fake cough while glaring at me I will make an equally big deal out of blowing smoke in their face.

I try and respect other peoples dislike of smoking by not forcing them to put up with it, I expect others to respect my right to smoke. I don't think it's a lot to ask.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Non smoker here, and I agree with what I believe is the general consensus of this thread, that you can do whatever you want with your body and your life.

That being said, I still reserve my right to think you're an idiot if you smoke. That may be blunt, but it's really as simple as that. I've yet to hear a reasonable explanation from any smoker as to why they should or need to smoke something that's scientifically proven to reduce your lifespan, in the case of lung cancer especially.

As long as you aren't a tool about smoking and keep to yourself I won't shove my beliefs down your throat, but you can bet I'll still judge you for it.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
nbamaniac said:
No, I never "smoke people in the face", I consider it rude anyway and don't worry I strictly follow "no Smoking" policies.
There, stick to that and I have no problem whatsoever with people smoking. As long as people don't bother anyone else with it, I really don't care what they get up to.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Now this is awkward cause I'm kinda anti smoking

I dont hate smokers (unless its the inconsiderate fucks who exhale smoke into my face) I just consider them weak due to their dependance on tobacco. A silly habit for silly people, thats it basically.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Teshi said:
This is an excellent example of #firstworldproblems .
Considering the amount of smokers in third world countries is higher than in first world countries, you just come off as an idiot who's trying to sound smart.

OT: I quit smoking 2 years ago, and live with 2 smokers. Cigarrette smoke has never bothered me, so puff away my friend!


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Go nuts buddy, I don't care. But if you smell fuckin bad and come sit next to me on the bus then, so help me god, I WILL whine about it later on facebook.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I don't like it cause it smells. And retards (not necessarily the OP) drop their butts everywhere (ahahaha) which is disgusting, cause its something that has poisons of various sorts and has been in someones mouth.


Dec 3, 2010
nbamaniac said:
It's not even addicting; I can stop smoking at a whim for long periods of time but when I do smoke, its like something refreshing happens to me.
If you're not addicted(four a day...) then I think you should quit. Don't bullshit yourself into thinking it's not, because when it does get a hold of you you'll wish you didn't start to begin with. I've been smoking/snuffing for nine years and while I don't have any desire to quit, I would never have given in to peer pressure if I had the chance to turn back time.
I don't care what you, or others, do to their own bodies, but stupid comments like that annoy me.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I never hate anyone at first glance. And hating people for just smoking is silly.
However, I can give an example where smoking immediatly turns one into a jerk.
I was in an amusement park a while back, and while standing in line waiting for the rollercoaster, almost half of the people in line were smokers, all puffing away around all non-smokers but more importantly, around kids.
It was a clear sunny day, and the queue was completely blue and grey because of all the fumes.

If you can smoke somewhere without the smoke landing underneath someone else's nose, then I have no quarrel with you. But smoking in a situation where non-smokers are 'forced' to endure your habbit, that's unacceptable.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I don't think it exactly qualifies as being evil, it's more of just a stupid habit.

I'm just telling you that so you can get a general idea of why the Escapists hate it here. I think you got the wrong idea.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
The devil? No, I dont believe in the devil... but you are stupid. What? You think poisoning yourself is smart?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
There is nothing immoral about smoking tobacco. It is stupid, it is addictive, incredibly bad for you, and doesn't even get you high


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Yes, you're the devil. Well, that might be a slight exaggeration. But stupid? Yes.

I hate it when I have to interact with people who smoke, I get headaches from the smell.

Remember it's not just yourself who you're fucking with, it's all the people around you too.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
Of course You are. Are You trying to claim that you didn't notice the horns when they showed up?
Seems deceitful, methinks.

But yeah, the smoker debacle has gotten pretty witch-huntery.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Andrew Pate said:
1. You will have some moments when you want a cigarette, really badly. I keep my hands busy (take that however you want) and chew some sugar free gum, eat a small piece of chocolate, beleive me it helps. I even have a single cigarette in my works van, just sat there so that i can always find the willpower not to smoke it.

2. You will notice as the smoke smell leaves your clothes that holy crap your body stinks. Buy some deodorant nad have a fresh wash, wash all your clothes as well or if you can afford it buy new ones, trust me its a reward, incentivise it :D

3. Brush your teeth, a long term smoker like myself notices a few things, your gums will start to bleed most likely, no idea why but for 4 weeks my gums bled every time I brushed.

4. Money in my pocket this is the single biggest incentive for me to quit. over here in the UK, my brand of cigarettes was £7.60 or so a pack and I smoked a pack a day which is $11.81. so times by 7 for weekly and you are looking at 77 bucks a week saved... i say saved. more usually spent on other things. That is potentially 350 a month saved in a 30 day month thats a grand in 3 months !!
Let me just agree with everything you'vve said, and thank you for bringing up the bleeding gums thing. I quit about 5 weeks ago, now, and it was starting to worry me (though initially I thought it was some side-effect of my wisdom teeth coming through).

In terms of the topic, I certainly get less dirty looks walking down the street, now I've not got a fag hanging out of my mouth nigh-on constantly.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'm an ex-smoker myself for about a year now. Smoked about 11 years at least a pack a day. I sometimes noticed the silly things non-smokers pull of just to get in your face, like one day an older lady was coming to stand next to me to cough very loudly and wave her hand (probably she had no other place to stand then there!!:S). I am trying to prevent myself from coming over as a self-righteious prick regarding how much your body and mind gives back to you when you quit, but it sure as hell feels nice!! Though I became to resent the smell of tabacco a bit during time, I still remember that there was a moment that *I* lit up that smoke and move on.