Yes I smoke.. So I'm the devil now?

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
No, not at all. However if you're going to do that do it far far away from me. I can't stand the smell of those things. XÞ


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I've never understood why you would smoke. There's nothing good about it and there are so many health hazards it's not even funny.

I don't hate the person who smokes, I just hate the smoke, the smell and the way some people (I said some people) are so ignorant about it.


Not that it matters, but a friend of mine is a heavy smoker, but wont go out to smoke unless he has someone to do it with. He actually Paid me to stand next to him.

For those of you who smoke, is it nessesary to have someone with you in order to smoke, like my friend?


New member
Dec 8, 2011
nbamaniac said:
I have always wondered before why people smoke, but I never even looked down on them. That was 2 years ago; now I'm a regular smoker of at least 4 cigs per day. Cigs have this eloquent taste, and because of this I smoke if I'm doing nothing just to remove my boredom (Nothing like a good ole Marlboro to liven up my day). During these 2 years, I have discovered one thing: There are a lot of self-righteous pricks who think lowly of me and our certain category.
To paraphrase the late, great Bill Hicks: You little wimp. When I smoked I went through two lighters a day.

Joking aside, I don't smoke anymore but I have no problem with those who do, although - as with everything - a little consideration goes a long way. So long as you're not blowing smoke in my face I say puff away.


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
Eh. See, you seem like you're an okay guy, trying not to smoke around people, and you're doing it while you're aware of the risks (not sure why you'd continue while aware, mind, but that's up to you).

I only really care about those people who smoke in crowded areas or other such places, the ones who seem determined to smoke in ways that are sure to annoy others.

As for the "eloquent taste", I had 1 or 2 cigarettes with a few friends (well, okay, it was a "punishment" for a game we were playing, and I happened to lose epicly that round :p ), and I have no idea where you get the idea that they taste good... To me, it just tasted like smoke. I generally have a pretty good taste for most foods, wines etc, and yet I never got (nor will ever get) how some people could say that cigarettes taste good.

But hey, maybe that's just me. As for you, if you really don't care that you're putting yourself at risk for no reason, and don't annoy others with your smoking, then I say go for it.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Vancleef said:
For those of you who smoke, is it nessesary to have someone with you in order to smoke, like my friend?
In my experience, I can do it alone but yes it's a better feeling on my part when I have a fellow smoker beside me (a friend, not just some random person).

TriGGeR_HaPPy said:
As for the "eloquent taste", I had 1 or 2 cigarettes with a few friends (well, okay, it was a "punishment" for a game we were playing, and I happened to lose epicly that round :p ), and I have no idea where you get the idea that they taste good... To me, it just tasted like smoke. I generally have a pretty good taste for most foods, wines etc, and I never got how some people could say that cigarettes taste good.
It is eloquent enough for me (I use those 'menthol' and 'chocolate' cigs). Tobacco smoke is easily recognizable for me. If I just take it as some other smoke (e.g. from exhausts or incinerators), then no I would definitely not smoke again even if I would try to like it.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
You're not a devil, you smell like shit. I'm going to treat you the same as people who don't shower or put on too much cologne. AKA cough and gag when I walk by. It's always funny because the only people who react are the ones who know they stink.


New member
Sep 13, 2011
It's not the fact that people smoke that bothers me. It's /where/ they smoke that makes me want to start inserting boots up asses.

My campus has a 40 foot rule. You can smoke anywhere as long as you're not within 40 feet of a building or an airvent for a building. This sounds like a lot, but really it isn't. Campus is freaking huge, there is no shortage of spaces both sheltered and non-sheltered for people to finish up their cigarette before they head to class.

So where do they do this? Right in front of the damn doors. Who walks out into a cloud of smoke? Me. Who already has rather troubling lung problems? Me. So who spends the next 30 minutes coughing? You guessed it, me.

I don't begrudge anyone their comforts, and I realize anyone who smokes in this day and age is probably already well aware of the side effects. No big deal to me. I might think it's stupid, but hey their choice. What is a big deal is when they start subjecting /my/ lungs to it and risking /my/ personal health.

I am going to assume you are a nice person, and obey the nice "do not smoke" signs when you see them and don't smoke indoors or in crowded rooms. So consider this not directed at you. But "it only affects me" really only holds up if... well you take pains to make sure it does only affect you.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
There is no nice way to put it, smoking is a disgusting habit partaken in by those too useless or lazy to preserve their own lives.

The only smokers I know are emotional basket cases.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
I honestly think smoking should be outlawed.
But that's just me, I don't hold it against a person if they smoke, but if I cared for them I wouldn't want them to smoke.

It's kind of like religion in a way, you can do whatever the hell you want just don't impose it upon others.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
TheGauntman said:
nbamaniac said:
I have always wondered before why people smoke, but I never even looked down on them. That was 2 years ago; now I'm a regular smoker of at least 4 cigs per day. Cigs have this eloquent taste, and because of this I smoke if I'm doing nothing just to remove my boredom (Nothing like a good ole Marlboro to liven up my day). During these 2 years, I have discovered one thing: There are a lot of self-righteous pricks who think lowly of me and our certain category.
To paraphrase the late, great Bill Hicks: You little wimp. When I smoked I went through two lighters a day.
Haha tell that to the real chain smokers that I know. They usually smoke up to 3 packs per day. 1 pack = 20 cigs o_O.. Even I would choke on that lol.

Or maybe I just didn't get it. xD

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011

Just be aware of the risks and benefits of everything you consume.
DalekJaas said:
There is no nice way to put it, smoking is a disgusting habit partaken in by those too useless or lazy to preserve their own lives.

The only smokers I know are emotional basket cases.
That could be seen as a pretty big insult to smokers, to call them useless and lazy.

I don't care what you eat, smoke, breathe, absorb or watch as long as it doesn't hurt other people.
The problem lies in determining who is hurt by you smoking, and why.

Just be aware of the risks and benefits of everything you consume.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Yeah, you're the devil, dude. You might as well accept it; it's popular (and easy) to vilify and ostracize smokers today, because from the non-smoker's perspective you're just a walking smog chimney, one that's either willfully and maliciously smoking to bother other people or suffering from a mental illness, like a pedophile or something.

It sucks harder than a blow-job dispensing octopus, it's not fair or even smart, but that's how it is.

Really, I'm surprised you don't have thicker skin about it; you say you're aware of the dangers and risks of smoking but you're not prepared for the ridicule?


Not a Premium Member
Sep 17, 2011
No, there's nothing wrong with smoking. It's what you want to do, simple as that. I don't smoke (and don't plan to) and if I overheard some guy relate you to an ex-convict because you smoke cigarettes, a little part inside of me would rage. Hard.

We unfortunately live in a time where all lifestyles are not treated equally and with the same respect as we'd like them to be, but that doesn't mean you have to feel bad about your choices. I say keep smoking if you want to. If someone has a problem with it, do like I do and laugh in their face for being an unreasonable prick and continue doing your thing. It's your life choice, not theirs. And unlike, say, talking loudly during a movie in a theater (which they have every right to be able to do, but also disrupts your life and therefore you have equal right to try and stop it), smoking doesn't do anything except make the air around you smell different. I don't find the smoke smell to be pleasant, but I'm not about to tell a crowd of people to stop doing what they like doing. I could just walk away. Problem solved.

tl;dr: No, you are not in the wrong by smoking. Keep doing it if you want to.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Cigarettes? Tools of the devil!

I tried smoking for six months, then stopped because I couldn't be assed it I was getting nothing from it aside from 'that look' from my mother. Haven't had one in nearly a decade now. As for others...I don't care. Do whatever as long as your not a wanker about it.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I don't smoke but my dad and several friends do and I don't mind.
If you want to smoke go ahead, I have several reasons why not to but if you want to then just smoke. As long as you try not to piss people of intentionally that's just rude, but so can many other things be.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I don't have a problem with smokers- but like everyone else in this thread, I prefer to not be around said smoke due to smell (and it makes my eyes sting.) The smell really is bad... I bought a card deck carrying case on ebay that apparently belonged to a smoker/was taken to a place where people smoked regularly. It took days to febreeze out the smell. I used the bad for 1 trip after the inital febreezing- the smell got onto my deckboxes. I had to wash them. It's pretty bas when you can mail something cross country and have the smell still be srong enough to transfer to a plastic box.

Out of curiosity- how did you even start smoking, anyway? I've always wondered that. We know the health risks, we know it stinks,we know it's expensive, we know people hate it and we know it's illegal in many places (around here it's no restaraunts, no bars, 20 feet from any door, and several apartments don't allow it either. I cannot fathom why it would be appealing to try.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
DuelLadyS said:
Out of curiosity- how did you even start smoking, anyway? I've always wondered that. We know the health risks, we know it stinks,we know it's expensive, we know people hate it and we know it's illegal in many places (around here it's no restaraunts, no bars, 20 feet from any door, and several apartments don't allow it either. I cannot fathom why it would be appealing to try.
Coincidentally, I started smoking due to your very first phrase.. "Out of curiosity". Why do people smoke even if it stinks ass? I had to try one.. My first few cigs were very unpleasant, thus my question wasn't answered at first. Then blam, I don't know, I just started to like the smoke. It's not even addicting; I can stop smoking at a whim for long periods of time but when I do smoke, its like something refreshing happens to me. It's quite an intangible so sorry if I couldn't explain much better than this. I do hope that I answered your question though. :)


New member
Apr 9, 2010
i smoked from the age of 17 to the age of 39 which is my current age. Ismoked on average 20 a day with peaks of 40 or more if I was drinking and lows of none when a)skint and b) couldn't be bothered smoking that day/had run out. I have stopped smoking several times in this period and have always started up again. So lets have a littkle look at a few 'facts' from my experiences.

1. People who have never smoked, and act as thought you are a demon because you choose to smoke a cigarette near them (coughning, gagging etc are self righteous pricks)

2. Ex smokers fall into one of two categories a) Don't care, they understand the pleasure it can bring and will happily stand nearby for a little secondary nicotine. b) Rabid haters who cannot stand within 100 metres of you without claiming they can smell it.

3. Smokers, act as though they are welcoming a fellow intto the brotherhood/sisterhood when you smoke together.

I quit approx 6-7 weeks ago now, I don't remember the exact date because I don't care, I don't remember my anniversary either so sue me :D. I finished a packet and just didn't buy another one, no big deal no announcing to the world I just stopped. Girlfriend noticed first obviously, followed by my workmates. followed by friends. Observations on this quitting.

1. You will have some moments when you want a cigarette, really badly. I keep my hands busy (take that however you want) and chew some sugar free gum, eat a small piece of chocolate, beleive me it helps. I even have a single cigarette in my works van, just sat there so that i can always find the willpower not to smoke it.

2. You will notice as the smoke smell leaves your clothes that holy crap your body stinks. Buy some deodorant nad have a fresh wash, wash all your clothes as well or if you can afford it buy new ones, trust me its a reward, incentivise it :D

3. Brush your teeth, a long term smoker like myself notices a few things, your gums will start to bleed most likely, no idea why but for 4 weeks my gums bled every time I brushed.

4. Money in my pocket this is the single biggest incentive for me to quit. over here in the UK, my brand of cigarettes was £7.60 or so a pack and I smoked a pack a day which is $11.81. so times by 7 for weekly and you are looking at 77 bucks a week saved... i say saved. more usually spent on other things. That is potentially 350 a month saved in a 30 day month thats a grand in 3 months !!

So I stopped, still miss it, but hey my pc rig is looking better already :D


New member
Jul 11, 2011
If a stranger does it? Whatever, just don't come within X feet of me or my partners because A) They both have lung issues and B) it smells like shit and damages peoples lungs.

If someone I care about does it? I stop them. I'm sorry, smoking is a deadly, gross habit. I don't look down on them for doing it, because I care for them. I stop them because I have already lost a family member and a really close teacher (she was like a second mother to me) to them. It frustrates me when someone I love does something when they don't understand the risks, it kills ME when they do it knowing full well it will kill THEM unless they stop. This is seriously one of the only life choices people make that I ACTIVELY HATE. Not because doing them makes you a bad person, but because doing it makes you DEAD and I don't want people I love dead just so they can feed an addiction that, quite honestly, has 0 to No positive effects.

So no, you aren't the devil. A prick if you do it around people? Yes. Selfish? Probably. But for all I know you're a very nice person. I'm not saying hunt down everyone who smokes and hit them with rocks until they stop. I just don't think smoking is one of those things that should be legal. *shrugs*