You are killing PC gaming. (Updated)


New member
May 10, 2009
I don't download games, but I do obtain them for multiplayer at lan parties.

I'm not proud of it, and I always tell myself I'll buy it if I like it, but I never do.

When I get a credit card though, I'll start buying stuff off steam. I guess at least I've purchased all my Valve games legitimately so far! The Orange Box was the best deal of my life.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Well I pay for my own games, and I don't see what's so damn hard about it for everyone else. If you can afford a good gaming computer you can certainly afford a few games, and it's not like you need every single new release 2 weeks before it comes out. Still can't? Get-a-job.

On Steam alone you can get CSS and TF2 which will keep you occupied for months at only $20 apiece (even cheaper when they have discounts).


New member
Jun 8, 2008
The Bandit said:
Ahhpple said:
btw building a computer isn't expensive, you could build a solid machine today for around the same price as a console and it would last you a good three years at the very least.
Shit like this really, really pisses me off. Do you people not go outside? Not everyone knows how to build a computer. Not everyone knows someone who can build a computer. In fact, I'd say a vast majority of people don't know either of these things. Even if it were true, your argument is still shit. A console lasts 5+ years (and the current generation is expected to last longer). You said a good computer can last 3. Why bother?
I agree, not everyone knows how to build a PC, BUT, its extremely easy to get a good dell thats really capable, and then from there its easy to upgrade for cheap. and computers last a lot longer than 5+ years, if people actually, dare I say, TAKE CARE OF IT FOR ONCE. THe possibilities are endless, great controls, mods, lag free dedicated servers, no bullshit payin extra for internet that you already have, you can browse the internet, take advantage of mouse and keyboard, watch movies and play music, all from ONE MACHINE, GOOD LORD! instead of having a laptop and an xbox, which is expensive combined


New member
Nov 14, 2008
In the future, I wonder if having miniature keyboards for consoles will be commonplace. That should entice a few PC gamers.

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
I hate it when people say "I pirate games I wouldn't pay for anyway." If you aren't going to pay for it, you should not get to play the game.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
i do not pirate, i dont play pc games very much. but i so have a modded xbox origional, cant pirate anything but you can rip games

Crystal Cuckoo

New member
Jan 6, 2009
Quick question:

How did these people pirate Modern Warfare? Cracking a game for its online capabilities is extremely difficult, as most people tend to use the same CD code, and thus cannot play together on a single server.

Btw, I own a legit copy of Modern Warfare. I hardly ever pirate, and if I do it's because I can't find it in a store, or on Steam (as Australia doesn't actually get the full catalogue of Steam games). Or if I've lost one of the CDs for the game I want.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
What's the debate here? Apparently I'm not allowed to just type " I'm getting free games!" but that really is the only other side of the argument.

silicon avatar

New member
Aug 3, 2009
Some games deserve to be pirated. ie mass effect for pc you can only install it 3 times before having to buy a new copy.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Dommyboy said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
What makes you think I care?
I don't play games on the PC anyway.
Nor do I pirate.
You're the PC gamers, you fix the problem.

It certainly isn't my concern.
Why do you post in the thread then if it doesn't concern you? Wasting time or adding to your post count? Your contribution was pointless. If you're going to add something, make it provide a bit better assortment of contribution, please.

The countless piracy upon piracy threads on the Escapist always end the same. There's the majority that hate digital pirates, the majority that raise arguments over how bad it is, and there's the pirates who don't care about what they do.
The title of the thread said that I was to blame.
I'm not going to have my name bashed like that.
He could have said pirates were doing the damage, but no...

OT: Pirates will always find a way to pirate. They are a cunning people. There won't be any true way to stop them until the government develop something that breaks their PC completely.

Red Albatross

New member
Jun 11, 2009
To present a counter-argument to the OP, the piracy isn't the problem, it's the falling quality of games. We PC gamers are used to depth, we're used to interesting games, and now, with developers trying to develop for PC and the consoles at the same time, they're just using piracy as an excuse for making shallow garbage.

Now, before anyone jumps all over me, I'm not saying I'm right. It's just a different viewpoint.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
I don't download or copy games i buy my games for my xbox 360 and computer but still i'm not happy to sometimes pay 700 crowns for um... borderlands or... MW2 is probably expencive now and ofc brütal legend are expencive new games but that's mabey why ppl download and copy they have no money i'm not sure but 700 crowns is around 75-80 dollar but i'm not good on economy so don't bust my balls for saying rong about how much crowns is one dollar