You are making a game based around a School Shooting. How would you design it?


New member
Mar 12, 2012
The option to use own face textures would be important. Since almost everybody today got his own Facebook page today it should be easy to get some decent face textures. Also a slider system for body height and weight would be great. A simple pick and drop leveleditor for the recreation of your own school is necessary and here you are ready to go nuts. Sounds like an awesome mod idea for Soldier of Fortune2.

Next up: "the two try twintower highscore chase" with the pentagon expansion and the little fun game "storm the cockpit".


New member
Jul 10, 2012
I wouldn't make it, because that topic should not be shown in games, at all, period. I mean, it could be referenced, but it shouldn't ever be the focus of the game. That's my opinion.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
ThriKreen said:
You'd notice a lot of professional made games tend to either not have them or make children immortal...
I'm pretty sure that this trend started due to UK versions having to be different for some games, since you can't sell videogames that show children dying in them. That's why, for example, Fallout 1 & 2 didn't have children on the UK versions, although a fan patch can fix that.

OT: If I've gone that morally bankrupt, I'd probably do it as a Plants Vs Zombies style tower defense game (Gunmen Vs School children??). You have different types of gunmen such as snipers, machine-gunners, bombers, etc. and different types of school children like runner, helmet-wearer, helium-balloon-wielder, etc.


New member
Dec 2, 2012
Man, you guys are nuts. The combat in Spec Ops was as fun as any other shooter, and the death animations and damage models were very, very satisfying. The shotguns were even useful in it. Yay!

I'm not a fan of arbitrary value judgements so I'll give it a go.

Shooting unarmed students isn't very challenging and so I don't think that would make a very good game by itself. There might be a place for that, but only at the very end. I'd spend most of the game exploring the motivation for a mass shooting by putting the player into the mind of the would-be murderer and, after thoroughly examining their reasoning, allow the player to make the decision to either abort(commit suicide) or proceed as planned based on what decision they believe the character would make.

I'd also use the game to explore what it means to be "mentally ill." Is it mental illness in the colloquial sense that someone is at the fringe of normality, or does it describe a legitimate break with reality in the vein of psychosis? Pushing the fat man in front of the trolley might be ugly, but it's not inherently "wrong," either.

I like the idea of the psychological horror twist, by the way. I've always wanted to make a game like that, although I always imagined it as someone eluding the authorities rather than someone going on a killing spree. I think the sense of the player as prey would add another layer of delicious intensity.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
aguspal said:
Damn man, look how far we have gotten, now games dont need to be fun...

Sigh- In those kind of times I actually miss the older gaming.
Saying games need to be fun is the equivalent of saying books need to be informative, or that films need to be action-packed.

All they need to be is interesting and engaging in some capacity.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Katatori-kun said:
blazearmoru said:
To make things worse, I highly doubt that the shootings were entirely the fault of the shooter and those at fault such as bullies and stuff are probably either dead, or definitely not going to own up to their responsibility and tell the truth... this makes a legit story very difficult.
Whenever anyone escalates a conflict, they are entirely at fault for the escalation. When you respond to bullying with mass murder, you are 100% to blame.
I think saying that the shooter is always "100% to blame" is a rather sweeping statement to make.

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
There are two ways to go down this street, neither of which make a "fun" game.

1. A first person escape the room survival horror through the eyes of a're in a classroom all the other kids and the teacher are terrified and all you hear are gunshots and screams from other places in the school, slowly getting louder...use noise like Slender does in order to build tension have genuine children's voices in fear cowering. Make it terrify you, try and escape the classroom or hide successfully. After that phase you have to run out of the school, through halls and corridors of blood, bodies and people crying. You have the option to help people out or run and take care of yourself. The ending will be determined by how many kids you save and which kids you save/get to know. Be careful because you can only save a certain amount of people before you draw the attention of the gunner. Here I will use a noise meter in order to judge how prominent your noise is and how the gunner can hear you. I just ran away with that eh.

2. Controversial but...through the eyes of the gunner in a FPS. This isn't Call of Duty, this isn't glorified violence or a good thing, it's a psychological look into the mind of a killer and the mind of yourself. You won't like it but you are the killer, planning and carrying out the shooting bullet for bullet until the police catch you. There will be a weird filter showing the insanity of the player over his eyes, not in a cheesy way but in a subtle way. Characters that are around will be manipulated and designed in the mind of the player to look more monstrous or human depending on the choices the player makes. You will be able to see your own character change in the mirrors and windows of the world as your plans become more evil or as you kill all the while the main character's thoughts provide exposition. You have to find the gun, make the plans, survey the school and do the shooting. When you get to the shooting bit the people die realistically and the gun shot noises are not over-edited or over done, everything sounds horrific all the while your character is telling you he is doing the right thing, trying to persuade you what you're doing is just and right. You watch each and every person you shoot die in front of you, no censoring.

god I think I've just created a monster of a game there, ...I've really depressed myself writing the ideas for these two games, now to think of one where bunny rabbits save the world from evil foxes by ear-slapping their way to victory...also rainbows, lots of rainbows...


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Yeah, this is just.... There is no way this could possible be done with any kind of sensitivity and oh my god Lollipop Chainsaw Massacre is about a school shooting. Oh my shit.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Pandalink said:
Katatori-kun said:
blazearmoru said:
To make things worse, I highly doubt that the shootings were entirely the fault of the shooter and those at fault such as bullies and stuff are probably either dead, or definitely not going to own up to their responsibility and tell the truth... this makes a legit story very difficult.
Whenever anyone escalates a conflict, they are entirely at fault for the escalation. When you respond to bullying with mass murder, you are 100% to blame.
I think saying that the shooter is always "100% to blame" is a rather sweeping statement to make.
If you kill innocent kids then you're 100% to blame. No excuses. No rationalization. Fuck me, if you kill kids, you stop being human.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I would make about %90 of the game about the protagonist's decent into madness. It would be kind of like the Heavy Rain story, but without stupid gimmick controls. Basically it would be third-person and chronicle all the shit the guy has to go through in the weeks leading up to the incident. A few hallucination stages to add to the turmoil, and probably mask the buying of the weapon as something else, a christmas present or something. Maybe justify the end by having him come to the conclusion that life is difficult to go through and he thinks he's saving them the trouble of having to suffer. Then in the end it switches to an FPS and basically looks like the No Russian level, except I would make a tear effect on the hud. Maybe the world would keep switching to blowing bubbles on cute animals or something.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
I'd make it a game that tried to tell the story from as many different points of view as possible. I'd try to help people understand the situation as best they could. In a way, it would be an educational game, but with actual gameplay. What that gameplay would be, I'm not sure of. Maybe even like a social sim. Dunno, the idea has potential, I think.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Katatori-kun said:
Pandalink said:
Katatori-kun said:
blazearmoru said:
To make things worse, I highly doubt that the shootings were entirely the fault of the shooter and those at fault such as bullies and stuff are probably either dead, or definitely not going to own up to their responsibility and tell the truth... this makes a legit story very difficult.
Whenever anyone escalates a conflict, they are entirely at fault for the escalation. When you respond to bullying with mass murder, you are 100% to blame.
I think saying that the shooter is always "100% to blame" is a rather sweeping statement to make.
He had a choice to pull the trigger or not pull the trigger. Barring clinically diagnosed insanity indicating he was not in control of his actions, there's no way around that. I will not accept any attempt to blame his bullies as having any ethical validity. Yes, bullying is absolutely wrong, and schools need to take much stronger steps to stop it. But the moment you choose to retaliate with murder, you are 100% responsible for your choices. Period.
I suppose it comes down to what you define as being deserved of "blame". There are multiple reasons behind the actions of a school shooter, and whether you choose to place blame there or not is, in my view, down to individual opinion.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Where you play as a SWAT officer that kills the kid before anyone dies.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
ThriKreen said:
Anyway, boring answer, I'd do it from the perspective of the responders. Be a short but intense game playing first as the responding officer, then EMT's, then the SRT team going in to take down the shooters dead or alive.

I wouldn't even consider doing a game as the shooters.
Damn, you read my mind there. You could also add an L.A. Noire style investigation sequence after, trying to find motive or more about the killer, interview the heartbroken parents etc. It could actually be quite powerful if handled well.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Dreiko said:
I'd make it a survival horror game where the person is seeing monsters and stuff and he's not comprehending he's in a school but in some abandoned hotel or something, then by the very very very end, I'd reveal the protagonist was actually shooting children.

That's bound to mind**** a few folks. :D
which would be excellently combined with a minimalistic UI, so the mechanics of fighting doesn't detract from the effect of what you are seeing and doing.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Katatori-kun said:
Pandalink said:
Katatori-kun said:
Pandalink said:
Katatori-kun said:
blazearmoru said:
To make things worse, I highly doubt that the shootings were entirely the fault of the shooter and those at fault such as bullies and stuff are probably either dead, or definitely not going to own up to their responsibility and tell the truth... this makes a legit story very difficult.
Whenever anyone escalates a conflict, they are entirely at fault for the escalation. When you respond to bullying with mass murder, you are 100% to blame.
I think saying that the shooter is always "100% to blame" is a rather sweeping statement to make.
He had a choice to pull the trigger or not pull the trigger. Barring clinically diagnosed insanity indicating he was not in control of his actions, there's no way around that. I will not accept any attempt to blame his bullies as having any ethical validity. Yes, bullying is absolutely wrong, and schools need to take much stronger steps to stop it. But the moment you choose to retaliate with murder, you are 100% responsible for your choices. Period.
I suppose it comes down to what you define as being deserved of "blame". There are multiple reasons behind the actions of a school shooter, and whether you choose to place blame there or not is, in my view, down to individual opinion.
I cannot conceive of a valid ethical system where a person who does not murder is deemed to be in any way to blame for themselves being murdered. It simply doesn't work. This is just victim-blaming, akin to saying that rape victims shouldn't have dressed provocatively. Now yes, the bullies at Columbine shouldn't have bullied and authorities at the school should have put a stop to it, but at the end of the day they didn't decide to murder 12 people who may not have even been involved in the bullying. Two boys made that choice, and they are 100% responsible for it.
Fair enough, if that's your view.

David VanDusen

New member
Feb 18, 2011
I actually think the idea of such a game isn't "repulsive." It was interesting to see topics in here which actually seemed on par with what I believe was Silent Hill 3.

This conversation should be had in my opinion. People take the ultra violence in media for granted and more so in Video Game where they actually have a hand in it. I've spoken both on the internet and in real life how I find the arbitrary line of violence and morality to be placed when it comes to video games. There were huge uproars over games like RapeLay and yet we're seemingly content with the likes of Grand Theft Auto.

I guess somewhere there is the disconnect in mentality that when you can kill hookers or bystanders on a street in something like GTA it's "ok" because they're adults and it isn't a necessity or primary focus of the game. On the other hand you have war sims which seem to be the most popular franchise holder currently who completely disconnect focus away from what the violence would leave the rest of the populace having to deal with, or they just forget that not all of those buildings taking artillery shells or bullets are empty.

As a gaming culture goes, we're seemingly "comfortable" with violence as long as "we" are left with the sense that "we're" the bad guys, and to me that is just a form of delusion and hypocrisy.

On the topic of this game idea, in any form, I would support it's creation for both the freedom of expression and or the option that it might actually educate. To complain in any form that it might "influence" or even "be distasteful" or "insensitive" is to create a moral high ground that hasn't existed for a long time.