You first "**** This" Moment in Gaming


New member
Dec 23, 2007
MisterDyslexo said:
Trying to tow-cable an AT-AT.
Whereas I've managed to do that solo, switching myself between the gunner seat and pilot seat. Died twice trying, and when I succeeded, the game crashed trying to award a checkpoint capture to no-one and kill-assist to me. Worth it though.

One of the levels in Jedi Knights II made me give up on it though. May have to try it again soon.

Malty Milk Whistle said:
heh, i usually don't get rage'y at games. UNLESS SOME BLOODY SPAH SAPS MA SENTRY >:E then i go on a fail shotgun rampage -_-
Star Wars Battlefront is effective at teaching you how to track targets and keep a steady aim while moving. Skill in doing that is directly translatable into Team Fortress 2 shotgun usage.