You have the power to bring back one cancelled TV show...

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Polarity27 said:
I've got one that hasn't been mentioned so far: Threshold. I really wanted to know where they were going with that, and it had a fantastic cast.

Also, Space Above & Beyond and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Especially T:SCC, that it died and that horrid Dollhouse kept on is a sin against television.

....ugh, why? Have you seen season 2? Honestly what DID you enjoy about it? If it was for the John Connor and Cameron romance then just...don't speak to me.

Tom Milner said:
robot wars. my god that show was epic. anyone else agree?
Never even saw it but played one of the video games. Hell yes I agree.
Lionsfan1986 said:
V I wanted to see what was gonna happen next!
So it's cancelled then? I had a feeling the season 2 finally was written a bit... suicidally. And by that I mean they went completely insane when they wrote it and killed the series for me.
Seriously, that sh## was creepy.

Anyway. Who would I choose to return....

Oh right, Invader Zim.

Smurf McSmurfington

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Kind of torn between Firefly, Stargate: Universe and Pushing Daisies.
Firefly would be the most obvious answer, though also the best one since it only got one goddamn season... though it did get a badass film the other two didn't.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Ieyke said:
Better Off Ted - This show was brilliant. Easily one of the funniest things ever put on TV. How this show didn't become a colossal success...I dunno. It's not even like you had to watch a whole episode or understand the characters to appreciate how funny it was.
My first guess is that it was sort of outspoken, it realy hammered home some touchy oppinions and because people are to fucking sensetive to take a joke they lost viewers, just a guess mind you.


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
Either Firefly, or Air gear or D-Gray man. On top of all of them is black books, but I don't think that it could capture the magic of the original three series.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
The Sarah Silverman Program or human giant. If you didn't like SSP, I'd get it, but the reason I want it back was that for the first like 2 seasons it was allright, but with the last one, it was FANTASTIC. Human giant, because we that's our generations great sketch show, specifically our, 'the state'. Rarrw.

Oly J

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Ilikemilkshake said:
Heroes. I'll admit it did take a dip for a while after season an awesome first season.. but it had just started to get really good again when it got cancelled which is a shame :(
this...exactly this...I loved the last season of Heroes and the set-up for the next season was looking good, too bad it was cancelled