You wake up in 1991

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I'd get into magic from the very begining, go to concerts, and would probably enjoy lower inflation.


New member
May 17, 2010
thaluikhain said:
Crashing airplanes into buildings sounds like a problem in theory, but didn't seem like a real threat people really had to react to, so the preventative measures failed.
The biggest reason 9/11 happened was that people in power didn't really care to have it not happen. It was a boon for the Bush Administration, making it way easier for them to achieve their foreign policy. The very people responsible for preventing it to some extent care about the lives of Americans, but they also care about their careers - rocking the boat by criticizing the way intelligence work was conducted in the American government may or may not have saved 3,000 American lives but it may well have gotten the criticizer fired.

The same thing is happening on a smaller scale right now in Gaza. The murders of three Israeli teens allowed the Israeli state to achieve their policy objective of a military assault on Gaza, killing over 150 Palestinians so far. This corresponds to the 3,000 American deaths leading to the deaths of over a million Iraqis, displacement of millions more, and many more deaths and destruction across the Middle East.

I don't agree with "eye for an eye" justice, but even the most staunch Old Testament advocate can't possibly agree with "burning a town down for an eye". This is a bit tongue in cheek, because neither the American nor Israeli state cares about revenge or justice - they care about their degree of power and control. Everything that happens, whether it's 3,000 dead or a mere 3, is an excuse to implement another power move.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Short some airline stock before 9/11. Become a professional spoiler of movies at every single premiere. Try to woo some women who are too middle-aged for me now. And to not make it a competition, I'd invest in Nokia.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Get myself some double denim outfits.

zen5887 said:
I'd jump in to all the cool subcultures I'm too young for, grunge, hardcore punk, goths, skateboarding, all that cool stuff.
On a similar note, I'd seek out the Riot Grrrl scene, put on a pair of ripped tights and break stuff. :D

Get upset that I have to wait 14-15 years to see the new season of Sherlock.

Also, obligatory boring do the lottery and invest in companies answer.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Ohhh... soooo not good.

Dat moment when you realize, "Hold on... if the math checks out, my girlfriend's 2 years old". -__-

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
First thing I will be kicking myself for not learning certain detail like the stock market and other vital details that can make me rich other than taking measure before 2005 when the recession hit. Actually I probably make some cash by putting stock in Apple, Microsoft and Pixar.
In saying so I will somehow try to find a way to prevent 9/11 which I would probably hitch up with a conspiracy nutter to make this happened.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
If I don't just sit and cry over the fact that I'm around in the year my sister was born and have to wait over twenty years to get back to where I was, I'll do the obligatory money making schemes. Try to buy shares in Microsoft and Apple like everyone else is doing.

If in doubt, write down the lyrics to We Belong Together before 2005, stalk/find Mariah Carey, get writer's profit.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
delta4062 said:
Boris Goodenough said:
Keoul said:
-2001 help in 9/11
Why not prevent it? Avoid decades of war and misery and hopefully make a more peaceful relationship between the west and the middle-east?
I don't think it would be that easy. Some guy from the future tells you that a bunch of terrorists plan to fly planes into the World Trade centre on a specific date and time? He'd be locked up in a psyche ward for 10 years.

well as one of those people that think theres a better than average chance it was a false flag op in the first place i wouldnt say or do a damn thing.

as for the op i was 18 in 91 the first time around so got no interest in going through all that again, id just sit back get a job and start to invest heavily in google


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
I would be a mentor for myself so that I won't become the lazy, mistake-prone, game-compulsive disappointment that I've become.

Don't you feel that way too? Maybe it's just parental pressure, but I don't like myself.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
mistahzig1 said:
- Learn Guitar and steal all future songs that rock
Depending on how early you arrive in 1991, you might not even need to learn guitar. Just steal "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Often wanted to do that, see how much you needed good PR, or if the songs were filling a cultural void or something.

briankoontz said:
The biggest reason 9/11 happened was that people in power didn't really care to have it not happen. It was a boon for the Bush Administration, making it way easier for them to achieve their foreign policy. The very people responsible for preventing it to some extent care about the lives of Americans, but they also care about their careers - rocking the boat by criticizing the way intelligence work was conducted in the American government may or may not have saved 3,000 American lives but it may well have gotten the criticizer fired.
There's that, the intel was there, spread out amongst different agencies, but there were rules on who could talk to who.

I don't believe it happened because they wanted it to, just that they weren't doing their jobs properly.

briankoontz said:
I don't agree with "eye for an eye" justice, but even the most staunch Old Testament advocate can't possibly agree with "burning a town down for an eye".
IIRC, "an eye for an eye" was intended to promote proportional responses, and avoid burning down the whole town.

briankoontz said:
This is a bit tongue in cheek, because neither the American nor Israeli state cares about revenge or justice - they care about their degree of power and control. Everything that happens, whether it's 3,000 dead or a mere 3, is an excuse to implement another power move.
Certainly...find few states that don't work that way. Could even be argued that they are supposed to do that, to take every opportunity to try to better their power, and thus (in theory) better their country and things for the people living there.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
I was 5 years old in 1991 so if I went back then I'd re-buy all the Ghostbusters stuff I couldn't get my hands on back in the day and any other awesome things from my childhood :D


New member
Jan 28, 2013
Make money betting big on the winner of each years Melbourne Cup, Caulfield Cup and Cox Plate.

Invest those earnings into Google Shares (I won't support apple, no matter what)

Send money to Trey Parker and Matt Stone to help them start making South Park episodes sooner so I don't have to wait until 1997.

Ensure Justin Bieber's parents don't give birth by any means necessary.

Build up enough money to buy any and all of Marvel's outstanding movie rights including Spider-Man and X-Men and sit on them until Ironman debuts. At which point I gladly give them back to Marvel.

Find Mark Zuckerberg, give him the idea and offer to bankroll the whole start up in exchange for a percentage of stock (not too big though so he doesn't feel the need to screw me out of it)

Buy the controlling stake in EA and fire Peter Moore and other corporate douche bags Ari Gold style with a paintball gun on stage, live, at E3.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Boris Goodenough said:
Why not prevent it? Avoid decades of war and misery and hopefully make a more peaceful relationship between the west and the middle-east?
Because of the killing Hitler rule. Surely you've read enough sci-fi to know that meddling in time to prevent a tragedy always causes a chain of events leading to an even greater tragedy.

Anyway, buy Apple shares, bet on Michael Schumacher winning over 90 Grand Prixs, buy a stake in JK Rowling's publishing deal, set up a Bitcoin farm, y'know, make myself richer than Croesus.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Be completely unemployable due to my social security number belonging to an infant.
Assuming I could find work somehow...
Buy real-estate in my neighborhood.
A brownstone in my neighborhood used to cost like $50,000.
Now it costs 2-4 million.
Buy stock. Microsoft gets progressively more valuable before hitting a peak in 2000. From that point on Apple starts rising in price.

Addendum: Unless of course my very presence creates a butterfly effect rendering all my future knowledge worthless.


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2012
I'd really be in the shit. I won't be born, and will have zero valid documentation with which to set up a bank account, which most jobs need (as, I imagine, does buying shares). So I'm restricted to cash only work unless I somehow forge some documents.

I guess I could try and use my future knowledge, but it's a really tricky period. It's not long enough ago for there to have been documentaries about the era yet, and my own recollections are really vague and either really specific to my home town, or about childrens TV. It wouldn't start to be useful for at least 5 years.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
To everyone planning on buying stock in Google, um, bad news guys. Google didn't go public until well after it was known just how valuable their company really was. Much like Facebook did. It was less a seeking-venture-capital thing and more like mortgaging property in Monopoly.

Besides, why waste money buying stock in an existing company when you could start it yourself a year or two early using your knowledge of future technology? You'd know exactly which potential partners to back, which of their products to adopt, and exactly how to beat your competitors to the punch every single time. You could create Google, Amazon, YouTube, AND Facebook and run them how YOU think they should have been run from the very beginning.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
zen5887 said:
Sometimes I think about dumb shit like this.

Imagine if you wake up in a strange bed and you eventually realise the year is 1991. You remember everything about your life up to this point, but you don't know where you are.

What do you do?

I think apart from creeping everybody out with my uncanny predictions of the future ("check out these dudes called Nirvana. They are gonna be HUGE"), I'd jump in to all the cool subcultures I'm too young for, grunge, hardcore punk, goths, skateboarding, all that cool stuff. I'd try to jump into the emerging gaming scene, maybe try to code or do art or something.

I think I'd get pissed off at the shitty internet speed pretty quickly, though.

One word: Stugle.

Get it? Like google, but with my name instead. Because I'm going to find the blokes who made Google, become their best friends, steal everything I need to fuck them over, and get that shit done.

I'd change the motto slightly though. Remove a word.

Also, being really really pissed off that I can't remember what teams won what championships in what years, so my ability to amass a fortune on sports gambling is fucked.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Probably find my parents. I was born in 1991, so it would be hilarious to see the reactions of my parents when I tell them that I'm their son from 22 years into the future before I get to be born.

Odds are though, they would think I'm a mad man and call the cops.


Aug 3, 2008
Oh, that would be amazing! I loved the nineties! I'd definitely go see my mum and siblings at that age and spend some time with them. I'd definitely try my hardest to look after them and keep them out of trouble. I was born in '92 so after I'm born I'd go and kill my dad (personal reasons).

I'd get a job (much easier to do back then) and get into gaming. I couldn't afford the old consoles when I was a kid so I'd love to play on the old Gameboys and SNES's. Getting into Pokemon when it gets massive again would be awesome.
I'd love to go into my town and see how it used to be back then. There was a part of it they knocked down in about 2005 and I can't for the life of me remember what used to be there.
I'd invest in Microsoft or Apple and dazzle everyone with my modern fashion. I might even scare a few people with my current phone.

Oh I could also get a job predicting the future 8D

I'd love to get into the 90s dance/grunge scene too but I'd probably spend most of my time dancing to shitty 90s pop music.