Your biggest "Fuck you" to the audience


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Shoggoth2588 said:
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II uses cloning as a plot-mechanic to force the series to have a direct sequel instead of letting the series be an anthology.
Agreed, then again if you'd have asked me a year ago I would have just moaned about never getting closure on the whole Starkiller story, now, having given up on the whole saga (expanded universe not cannot f*uk you Disney/Lucas) I just don't care.

My answer, hardly original but it still hurts as much as the first time I saw it, I refer of course to the end of Mass Effect 3.

CAPTCHA: live long + prosper ... f*uk off captcha, now you're just mocking me!


New member
Dec 7, 2009
The ending to Spec Ops: The Line.

Not in a bad way mind you. I mean it's a literal "Fuck you" for playing the game and it genuinely can make you feel like a horrible person for playing.



New member
Dec 8, 2010
Quantum Star said:
For the uninitiated, this a summary of the lead-up to the last alternate ending of a game called Drakengard:
To unlock this ending, you have to collect every weapon available in the game, which number upward of 60. Many of these weapons require you to complete bullshit difficult challenges, run around playing guessing games, exploring every last nook and cranny of the often huge maps, and in some cases, waiting around doing nothing for up to 20 minutes until one spontaneously appears.
After you manage all this, you finally get to fight the boss, and in this hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors type game, the final boss is a bullshit hard rhythm game which requires 100% perfection, or else you have to try again from the start. If you managed to win against that, you earn this:

And Drakengard 3 had something similar as well, which is both better and worse.
Oh it's worse. Way, way worse. In Drakengard 1, the camera would at least let you see what was happening. In 3, you have to do a lot of it blind, and the final button prompt appears after the music has stopped, and the screen has faded to black.

Quantum Star

New member
Jul 17, 2010
Daggedawg said:
Quantum Star said:
For the uninitiated, this a summary of the lead-up to the last alternate ending of a game called Drakengard:
To unlock this ending, you have to collect every weapon available in the game, which number upward of 60. Many of these weapons require you to complete bullshit difficult challenges, run around playing guessing games, exploring every last nook and cranny of the often huge maps, and in some cases, waiting around doing nothing for up to 20 minutes until one spontaneously appears.
After you manage all this, you finally get to fight the boss, and in this hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors type game, the final boss is a bullshit hard rhythm game which requires 100% perfection, or else you have to try again from the start. If you managed to win against that, you earn this:

And Drakengard 3 had something similar as well, which is both better and worse.
Oh it's worse. Way, way worse. In Drakengard 1, the camera would at least let you see what was happening. In 3, you have to do a lot of it blind, and the final button prompt appears after the music has stopped, and the screen has faded to black.
Oh I know, I'm stuck on it right now. It's so much more dickish than Drakengard 1's.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Now that I think about it Mahoromatic had one of the biggest bullshit endings I've ever seen.

The whole show is a light-hearted, nonsensical harem comedy, and then suddenly presents you with some overly dramatic, extremely far-fetched and convoluted "Gainax" ending. For no fucking reason at all. God, fuck that show.

It's like Gainax thinks, 'Oh yeah, we made Evangelion, let's give every show we make from here on out a similar ending, whether it fits or not.'
A thousand times this. I totally loved Mahoromatic back in the day, in fact it was shaping up to be one of my favorite series... then the last episode came around, and the bullshit just kept on flooding.
The show is about a powerful female android warrior, Mahoro, created with alien technology to fight against said alien invaders in secret in space. She is ridiculously powerful, however using her powers cuts into her lifespan, so when she only has one year left she asks to be relieved to duty and becomes the maid of this boy. The reason for that is that he is the son of her dead commander who died during a mission and she feels guilty about it, so she wants to atone and make amends to the boy as the las thing she does.

After this the first 90% of the series is wacky comedy, with a large number of supporting characters and a very lovable core cast, interspersed with a number of short fight-scenes every here and there when Mahoro's past catches up with her. However, during all this time there is a ticking clock, and at the end of each episode it tells us how many days she has left. Overall it was a fun, lighthearted and very engaging story with a few darker edges.

And then in the end it all turns into a clusterfuck, it turns out that the aliens willingly gave the tech to humanity to build Mahoro because they deemed that human culture would be more accepting of them if they fought first or something, then another group steals this technology and starts building their won androids, culminating in a final battle where Mahoro sacrifices herself in a giant explosion... and then we cut something like thirty years later in the future, where the planet turned into a dystopia and the male lead became a forty-something years old alcoholic bum who goes around hunting down the remaining androids of said organization, and then gets impaled at the end... at which point the alien queen just coincidentally decides that they have spent enough time on Earth already and it's time to look for other intelligent life, so they leave, but before that she resurrects Mahoro, because why not, and the whole show ends on an ambiguous WTF note...


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Little Woodsman said:
It was presented to me that the fifth book would conclude the "Song of Ice and Fire" saga, and that the books coming after would be a new/different story line, set in the same world.
Ok, i guess you know now that that's wrong and that the sixth and fith book will still be of the "Song of Ice and Fire" Saga.
There are allready other books about Westeros like the Tales of Dunk and Egg, or something like that. But no huge sagas like SOIAF


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Round 2 for me:

-Persona 4: No, I don't mean the game. The game is awesome, 10/10. I just hate the milking of this game. Specifically I was yelling like "Jason-Heavy Rain" a million times after I saw this:

Persona 4 Dancing All Night

Man, I hope to be a good game, but man, after I saw that, I wanted to take a shotgun an blash the f*cking brains of this game while I dacing the Death Dance with a big crazy smile over my face.....

-Deadly Premonition: Yep, the game is glorious they said. It will be fun they say..........well, yeah, I like the characters and the crazy plot, but I was yelling "No-Heavy Rain" why the f*ck is a game and not a movie!!!
Btw, I love Heavy Rain.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Shoggoth2588 said:
The ending of season 2 of Rosario + Vampire. A brief summary:

Harem following main male character: "Which one of us do you chose as your steady girlfriend?!"

Main Character: "I just can't chose a single one of you. I like you all too much to do that!"

Harem: "Hoo-raaay!"

This harem included a pair of mothers and, a girl who couldn't have been older than 12. This scene happens after the main character kicks the ass of the main female's father who it's heavily implied he'll end up with anyway.
To be fair, Rosario + Vampire was a harem show to begin with, the whole shounen-battle aspect only gained traction later, and I would hardly call a harem-series ending with a harem really a fuck-you to the audience. In fact, taken how deep the series explored the implications of the love-dodecahedron (or at least much deeper than any other harem show I have seen), the protag ditching all the girls for Moka alone would have been arguably an even bigger fuck-you to the fanbase.

Also, I have just realized that most of these "fuck-you" moments are related to endings, so I decided to bring up a non-ending example: Sasuke Uchiha's heel-face turn during the final stretch of the series.

You see, Sasuke has been repeatedly shown to be a complete monster, not above sacrificing his friends for the sake of power and revenge, all the while constantly whining (and I am not even saying that as some kind of hyperbole, just look up his actual dialog! I dare you to find a chapter prominently featuring him that doesn't have him moping about something).

Then, out of the blue, it is revealed that his revenge was misguided so that he immediately decides to stop trying to destroy his hometown and instead he want to become its leader, so he suddenly turns around and starts helping the heroes. And just to compound the bullshit, it turns out that his broken eye-powers are the reason for his acts, since they create eeeeevil chakra that in turn make him eeeeeeeeeevil himself, effectively absolving him from all the morally bankrupt bullshit he had done along the years, because you see kids, with wasn't his fault, it was the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil chakra all along!

I don't know what developed from all this, so what I just described might be out of date and he might have did a face-heel turn since then, but this bullshit author saving throw was the reason I dropped reading Naruto, so there's that.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Whenever a game doesn't give you the REAL ending unless you buy a DLC. I'm looking at YOU Dead Space 3.

Otherwise, its when a character dies in a stupid-ass way that could have been easily avoided.

Oh yes, Mass Effect 3 with it's "YOUR CHOICES NEVER MATTERED, PICK AN ENDING!", or that Katana wielding fuckwit Kai Leng with his indestructible plot armour. Goddammit BioWare. Please don't screw up Dragon Age: Inquisition.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
YuberNeclord said:
Now that I think about TV shows, I'm gonna have to say Dexter. I personally didn't mind the
death of Rita
at the end of Season four, but I felt that the last four seasons of Dexter were gradually more and more of a fuck you to the fans leading up to the biggest fuck you of all, the last episode.
The last episode even could have represented an interesting twist in Dexter's character development (though one seemingly directly at odds with the books [as much of the series is]), if they hadn't had the last scene. I totally saw the thing you spoilered coming though -- it was a match to the first victim of a cycle and it was too easy of a choice for a victim that the viewers had some connection to.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Quantum Star said:
For the uninitiated, this a summary of the lead-up to the last alternate ending of a game called Drakengard:
To unlock this ending, you have to collect every weapon available in the game, which number upward of 60. Many of these weapons require you to complete bullshit difficult challenges, run around playing guessing games, exploring every last nook and cranny of the often huge maps, and in some cases, waiting around doing nothing for up to 20 minutes until one spontaneously appears.
After you manage all this, you finally get to fight the boss, and in this hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors type game, the final boss is a bullshit hard rhythm game which requires 100% perfection, or else you have to try again from the start. If you managed to win against that, you earn this:

And Drakengard 3 had something similar as well, which is both better and worse.
The most important question is this: Are any of the Drakengard 3 endings likely to spawn a spin-off game?

NieR could be argued to have it's share of Fuck You's too.

It's a game in which you are a man trying to save his daughter. The main villain is essentially the soul of the guy you were cloned from (to serve as a vessel for him, no less) who is trying to do exactly the same thing -- save the "soul" of his daughter by merging her with the person cloned from her.

Also, the "true" ending deletes your game save, and every ending results in man going extinct, because by stopping the antagonist you shut down the cloning process and the clones are sterile. That this would happen is not evident until the last 20 minutes or so of the game, at most.

Also, in new game +, you can hear the monsters for what they really are -- the scared and confused "souls" of people who aren't quite right because people don't keep that well without bodies.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Pretty much every single patch to Europa Universalis 4 has been a giant middle finger to everyone playing the game.


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Now that I think about it Mahoromatic had one of the biggest bullshit endings I've ever seen.

The whole show is a light-hearted, nonsensical harem comedy, and then suddenly presents you with some overly dramatic, extremely far-fetched and convoluted "Gainax" ending. For no fucking reason at all. God, fuck that show.

It's like Gainax thinks, 'Oh yeah, we made Evangelion, let's give every show we make from here on out a similar ending, whether it fits or not.'
If you want to see a real 'fuck you' from an anime, look no further than every second of "This Ugly Yet beautiful World" and the final episodes of "Air TV". For me those two anime combined were pretty the final nail in the coffin for anime in my life.

The World Famous

New member
Mar 1, 2010
The ending of Blackest Night.
Everyone, and I mean goddamned everyone, who has ever died in DC gets a white lantern ring and comes back to life, including losers and nobodies like Vibe and Maxwell Lord. But the Elongated Man, who has a 40 year history with the Justice League and a sizable fanbase, does not. This is acknowledged, too, as the Flash looks around trying to find him, only to be disappointed.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
I can't help but feel like every time they kill off an awesome character in Walking Dead but then I have to remind myself that it's a show with zombies and their tagline is basically "anyone can die" which it probably why I was ten times more crushed than angry after Walking Dead: Episode 5.

Also Survival Instinct seems to be a "fuck you" to people that like the series as a whole and Daryl fans. "Ohhh there was a MUCH BETTER Telltale game that wasn't based on the show? You like Daryl Dixon? Here, have a really shitty game that maybe can be salvaged for money." I mean.... Yeahhhh I gave them money to own it and Michael Rooker DID sign my copy but that doesn't make the game itself less money-grubbing.

The very end to the first Insidious also gave me this vibe, if for no other reason than the fact that I HATE "sequel hook shots". like a "HA HA THERE'S GONNA BE ANOTHER ONE, SUCKA" and they just really frustrate me.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
People have already mentioned the entirety of Mass Effect 3, which as I agree, honestly was more of an accidentally fuck you.

The real fuck you is if you have downloaded the Extended Cut DLC, and if you try to shot the stupid kid, it immediately ends the game and makes that your refusal choice. The kid shouts in a big angry, masculine, deep tone, as if Mac Walters himself is saying to the player, FUCK YOU FOR NOT LIKING MY CREATIVE GENIUS!

Someone got pretty angry at the youtube videos posted featuring Shepard shooting that stupid kid.


Dec 1, 2011
PsychicTaco115 said:
I can honestly say that Call of Duty:Ghosts had the biggest "FUCK YOU" moment for me, specifically the ending

Now, I know that CoD isn't known for it's stories but this ending...

This isn't your average, run of the mill hate

I agree, the ending to Ghosts was complete bullshit. Anyone who says otherwise is probably getting paid handsomely to do so.

EDIT: I'm surprised no one has mentioned Capcom's reason for canceling Mega man Legends 3.

Austin Manning

New member
Apr 10, 2012
Hochmeister said:
Pretty much every single patch to Europa Universalis 4 has been a giant middle finger to everyone playing the game.
How so? I haven't played it, but I'm really enjoying EUIII and was considering picking this up after all the expansions were released.