Your Bottom 5 Of Gen 7?


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Why not?
What are you 'Top 5 Games That You Didn't Like/Disappointed You/Sucked Hardest Of All'?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Aww I thought it was going to be top 5 games I hate but never played.

Demon's Souls is the only purchase I didn't find worth it and it was only $7. I'm usually pretty good about judging games.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Ok, I'll bite.
-Iron Man 2(don't ask). Horrible controls. Bad, bad game. Reason I don't even glance at Sega superhero games(c'mon Marvel, stop giving them the chance to ruin your good name)
-Clive Barker's Jericho. Got it b/c a friend loved it and because Mr. Barker's Hellraiser series kicks alotta ass. Also, the premise is still pretty great. The execution, not so much
-Heavy Rain. I tried to like this game. I tried hard. The controls were just THAT obtuse. Some silly shit like holding L1 to walk or hitting triangle to look down(not actual controls from the game, just examples of how farcical it was)
-Remenber Me. Not for being horrible, but for wasting pretty great things. The build-a-combo system and the messing with memories, if handled better could have been damn revolutionary. Instead it was(yeah, I'm going there) forgettable
-Assassin's Creed Revelation. Worst in series so far. Yeah, we all love Ezio, and it's great to see him get a happy end after all the bullshit, but what was the point of this game? There wasn't even a big bad to make it interesting


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I'm surprised by how few people have posted on this thread...I think I can fill out a few top-5's!


Trinity Universe - ...What even is this? I was promised a classic JRPG...
Heavy Rain - Good for one viewing but only if you can get past the weird controls.
Afrika - You're trapped in an ugly box trying to photograph ugly animals...


Sonic Fairy-Tale Collection - Both are terrible...just terrible
Madworld - Which is repetitive and, kind of ugly
Fortune Street - I thought hyper-advanced Monopoly would be OK...I was terribly mistaken.
Skyward Sword - Which has abhorrent controls and, an equally abhorrent guide-NPC


Final Fantasy XIII - can't control party members, horrible new combat mechanic, Shiva is an incestuous-motorcycle.
Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2 should not exist. I refuse to touch it

...I guess this is mostly a rant on the Wii

edit - I played through the entirety of Clive Barker's Jericho and I didn't hate it. I feel like the only person who can unironically say I had fun with it...I also had fun with Duke Nukem Forever but it's more common to find other people who like that one, if only a little.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Farcry 2- The potential was there, it had a great story, a great location, and a great concept. It was destroyed by the most boring and repetitive missions I have ever played. The game was way longer than it should have been too. Just felt like never ending missions of killing some random guy for some random reason.

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War- I was so excited when I played the demo for this game and found is was pretty much a Japanese version of Kingdom Under Fire. To bad after the first couple missions the difficulty shot up faster than a rocket and the missions became very dull.

Clive Barker's: Jericho- I only played the demo but I did read the strategy guide from a library. The enemies were awesome, the story wasn't bad. But the gameplay was god awful when I finally got to play it. I couldn't even finish the demo it was so bad. Really bummed me out.

Dead Rising 1-2- A somewhat open-world zombie game with a high amount ways to kill zombies? Count me in! To bad the game decides to throw random OP survivors into the game and gives you a time limit to do anything. Ruined the game for me.

Killzone 2-3- The games' first missions are always the best. You have dozens of soldiers from both sides in epic battles with tanks and air support flying in and blowing shit up. To bad you become a secret super spy after those missions. Ruins the game for me. When I played the demo to Killzone 2 and 3 I was in love. Epic battles with explosions and gunfire everywhere. When I bought them I was let down an hour in. From the looks of the trailer Killzone: Shadowfall or whatever it is, is going in the exact same direction.


New member
May 8, 2013
1. Just Cause 2. I fucking hate this game, and I hate that I was suckered into buying it. The main character is a ****, the physics are fucked and the controls are so god-awful I couldn't play for more than 10 minutes before getting frustrated and playing something else instead. The biggest waste of my time this generation, easily.

2. Far Cry 2. Absolute fucking misery. Seeing the scores it got made me lose faith in the reviewing business.

3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Atrocious story that I never finished. At least MW2 was fun, if moronic.

4. Grand Theft Auto 4. Those fucking missions, those fucking vehicles physics, and that fucking cousin.

5. Assassin's Creed 2. Only barely making this list, I actually really liked the main character and story, but the combat was so bad I just stopped playing.


New member
Jan 29, 2013
1: Dungeon Siege 3. I never actually quit a game out of hatred before then. Not even Call of Duty.

2: Nothing else, really. I like the games I hate most times too. Assassin's Creed 1, with all its repetition and bullshit, is still my favorite.


New member
Dec 5, 2013
ThreeName said:
3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Atrocious story that I never finished. At least MW2 was fun, if moronic.
No one plays Battlefield games for the single player! I get that they were starting to try to compete with cowadoody, but MP has always been where BF shines, and BFBC2 was probably the last decent BF game.


New member
May 8, 2013
sparafucil said:
No one plays Battlefield games for the single player! I get that they were starting to try to compete with cowadoody, but MP has always been where BF shines, and BFBC2 was probably the last decent BF game.
This is true, but it was there, and it was horrible. I lived at boarding school when it came out and couldn't even play online, so it was singleplayer town for me.



New member
Feb 15, 2010
Killzone 2-3: Something is seriously wrong with a shooter where the ostensibly "human" enemies can take an entire magazine of assault rifle fire to the torso and not die (on the easiest difficulty to boot). Combined this with the pointless cover system, and the game was a complete slog. Ugly visuals and generally sluggish controls just made it worse.

Ace Combat Assault Horizon: A arcade flight combat game trying to rip off Call of Duty and H.A.W.X with pointless turret sections and a gameplay mechanic that turned dogfights into quicktime events. In an attempt to be "cinematic", it would intentionally prevent enemies from dying until they were close to a building or something so they could crash into it. An abysmal entry in an otherwise great series.

Fallout 3: I know some people really liked this, I couldn't stand it. The monochrome graphics, constant glitches, and the downright ugly visual design meant that I had no sympathy for the lifeless puppets the game claimed were humans. Every NPC was so deep in the uncanny valley that I found myself completely apathetic to their sidequests. Not to mention the gameplay was completely broken. I wanted to avoid being a thief, so I dumped all my upgrade points into Weapons and Repair. By the end of the game I had 23 fully repaired laser rifles that each sold for 3-4 times the amount of money any given shop had at once. Despite being underleveled, I turned the final boss into goo with a single headshot...

Mass Effect: Another contentious one. I liked the lore, but the gameplay was the worst combination of bad RPG and TPS. Combine that with the same uncanny valley problems from Fallout (not quite as bad) and the downright robotic main character, I sold it after about 10 hours. Also, worst GUI and Menu system I've seen in a long time...

Just Cause: I loved Just Cause 2 (some control and balance issues not withstanding) and wanted to see what the first game was like... that was a mistake. Terrible graphics and generally unpolished gameplay. Felt more like a bad GTA 3 mod than anything else.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
DO handhelds count because incredible for the DS sucked and I only payed 5 dollars for it.

Wolverine origins for the PSP. Nothing like the console version


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Sakurazaki1023 said:
Killzone 2-3: Something is seriously wrong with a shooter where the ostensibly "human" enemies can take an entire magazine of assault rifle fire to the torso and not die (on the easiest difficulty to boot). Combined this with the pointless cover system, and the game was a complete slog. Ugly visuals and generally sluggish controls just made it worse.

Ace Combat Assault Horizon: A arcade flight combat game trying to rip off Call of Duty and H.A.W.X with pointless turret sections and a gameplay mechanic that turned dogfights into quicktime events. In an attempt to be "cinematic", it would intentionally prevent enemies from dying until they were close to a building or something so they could crash into it. An abysmal entry in an otherwise great series.

Fallout 3: I know some people really liked this, I couldn't stand it. The monochrome graphics, constant glitches, and the downright ugly visual design meant that I had no sympathy for the lifeless puppets the game claimed were humans. Every NPC was so deep in the uncanny valley that I found myself completely apathetic to their sidequests. Not to mention the gameplay was completely broken. I wanted to avoid being a thief, so I dumped all my upgrade points into Weapons and Repair. By the end of the game I had 23 fully repaired laser rifles that each sold for 3-4 times the amount of money any given shop had at once. Despite being underleveled, I turned the final boss into goo with a single headshot...

Mass Effect: Another contentious one. I liked the lore, but the gameplay was the worst combination of bad RPG and TPS. Combine that with the same uncanny valley problems from Fallout (not quite as bad) and the downright robotic main character, I sold it after about 10 hours. Also, worst GUI and Menu system I've seen in a long time...

Just Cause: I loved Just Cause 2 (some control and balance issues not withstanding) and wanted to see what the first game was like... that was a mistake. Terrible graphics and generally unpolished gameplay. Felt more like a bad GTA 3 mod than anything else.
But what about the Bolt gun in KZ3. That was the only reason I would go back and replay that game. A round that nails your enemy to a wall and exploded. It reminds me of when FPS use to be about fun weapons and not 50 shades of brown.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Dishonored - mostly because it got way hyped up and ended up being much more mediocre than promised.

Skyward Sword - as previously mentioned, bad controls, bad companion.

Final Fantasy XIII - thanks Square Enix, you made up my mind on this franchise. You're officially out of second chances.

That's all I can think of at the moment.


New member
Nov 3, 2013
1. Resident Evil 6: It wasn't the worst game ever or anything, but I was totally let down. I even loved RE 5, but this game missed the mark somehow. I liked the changes in some of the mechanics, but the inventory system was pretty awful. I think the game tried to recycle too many things from RE 5, and the plot got a little too ridiculous to be funny anymore. It was just an okay game, but I wanted to be great.

2. Silent Hill: Homecoming: This game got an "action make-over" like many other console horror games, and it really, really didn't work for Silent Hill like it did for RE 5 and Dead Space 1. The sense of tension is greatly decreased when your character has brutally effective finishing moves and great aim with a firearm. It seemed like very little of the grotesque imagery had anything to do with the story, which is one of the franchise's strengths when it decides to use it. It was very disappointing since I loved all of the previous Silent Hill games. It's been a fairly bleak generation for the franchise.

3. Perfect Dark: Zero: It almost made me regret getting a 360 so early.

4. Vikings: It seemed like a really cool concept, but the game play was very repetitive, and it felt generic/uninspired. I didn't even finish it.

5. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World: I loved Tales for the gamecube. It was a fantastic RPG, and one of the only multiplayer ones that I've played. The story was a bit slow, yet interesting with a few twists, and the game play was excellent. The sequel couldn't seem to get off the ground at all in terms of story. There was so much densely-packed dialogue, even after the first few hours, that it seriously hampered the pacing. This is especially unfortunate since the characters, story, and writing seemed far inferior in the sequel. My friend and I couldn't stick with it since the battles (the only good parts) were so few and far-between.

These are the ones that got me. They weren't necessarily the worst releases, but they were the most disappointing.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
From best worst to worst worst
5.Deus Ex Human Revolution. I found the story the dumbest thing ever.
4. Batman Arkham Asylum. Me no likey.
3. Lego Harry Potter. Was it too hard to just copy Star Wars?
2. Oblivion. I played it after Skyrim to be fair so that could be why.
1. Battlefield 3. Nuff said.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
1. Prince of Persia the 2008 remake it was good for a laugh at how incredibly terrible the combat felt, I found myself performing the exact same quick time event cinematic at the beginning of every fight to end it.

2. Guild Wars 2. I found myself in a dilemna in that the only thing I could think of to do which is exploring was made pointless by the fact that I both couldn't enter first person to enjoy the environments and it took forever to move from area to area on foot.

3. Final fantasy 13, I preordered a PS3 for this piece of shit and then it was both released much later than advertised and sucked tits.

4. Lair, I really wanted this to be a good game, it had fucking stellar graphics and the concept felt really fun to me but the controls were a complete game breaker.

5. Kingdom hearts Dream Drop Distance, the first three worlds were really fun but as you get later into the game the boss fights start to get longer and filled with shitty quicktime event battles and as they get longer you end up killing less enemies in the middle of the fight which means you have less time before your next drop at which point you have to restart the boss fight from scratch and it's actually pretty easy to end up getting stuck in a boss fight sandwhich where you can't technically finish the shitty quick time event minigames before you end up dropping meaning that you have to go grind some of the now boring and repetitve mobs for a couple of hours so that your drop gauge will be filled enough so that you can play the fucking game uninterrupted for 5 minutes incidentally making it so your way over the average level of every zone when you go to fight there making them boring and repetitive as well with no hope of a real challenge.


New member
May 16, 2009
1. Every Gears of War game. They're the epitome of the grey/brown shooter, with generic roid rage over compensating tiny dicked asshole characters. The gameplay was repetitive and increasingly dull.

2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - This was the game where they decided "hey, let's gimp the PC version with mere 18 player matches, peer to peer online, and instead of making the console better, let's make the PC version worse to make them equal". Oh there's also the ridiculously short 3 hour campaign. Don't get me started on teleport knifing either.

3. Sonic Unleashed - Hogwolf (the were in werewolf means man so werehog doesn't make sense). Those fucking hogwolf levels... They ruined the game.

4. Perfect Dark Zero - What were they thinking??

5. GTA4 - The missions are boring and monotonous. The characters are irritating as fuck. On top of that, I was stupid enough to buy the poorly made PC version. You know, the one that takes more system resources than it fucking should! Rockstar suck at PC games. On top of that, they haven't even updated it to work since GFWL was shitcanned, so I now have a shitty game that I can't even run. Good job Rockstar, you fucktards!