Shamus Young is not really qualified to be a professional journalist, he never had any training or school to be one. He is very good at writing, but he is very wrong.
Are you seriously going to pay to play every game out there? Then make your own decisions? No! You can't afford that. We(or the Media organization) pay people to supposedly "play" the games for us and give us a fair review of the game so we can form opinions to buy or not. Why do you think we have review critics. Critics are suppose to be fair, it is journalistic ethics, training that almost everyone with a journalist or media specialist has had if they gone to school for it.
Then there are critics out there that don't have those credentials. I mean if they are paying you to review the game, then you should have very well have played it.
Every game has a target audience, a professional reviewer has some understanding of the target audience and knows what is acceptable at graphics, gameplay, story, etc... Things that separate a bad, good, or great game, and if they are not doing this, they are doing something wrong.
Especially wrong if they are not doing the ethically thing, like being paid to write a non-fair review.
Yahtzee is a special case, he doesn't review games to sway people's opinions, it is parody sometime to the extreme for entertainment.