Your Favorite Let's Player


New member
Feb 7, 2012
I've recently seen a few discussions on how annoying let's players are, or how annoying and terrible let's plays are in general, so the question here is,

1. What are some of Your favorite Let's players?
2. Why?
3. Favorite style of let's play?

Personally i would have to say Nerd3 (Nerd Cubed) I find most of his jokes genuinely funny, and while i personally am not usually a fan of people that edit their videos, i find that he does so in a very compelling manner.

Personally my favorite style of let's plays are almost always blind, because a good let's player can turn a blind run into the most hilarious viewing, however i am aware that the exact opposite can happen with bad let's players.

So what about you?


New member
Jul 3, 2011
I like the Two Best Friends, because they have a similar sense of humor to me, and they know a lot of interesting trivia that gets brought up when they do videos. I love trivia. I'd have to say my favorite style of Let's Play is blind, but I almost never finish those because they tend to be long and dull at times. I don't like the knowledgeable ones as much, but it's a small difference and I always finish those.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
Not sure if it counts, but I love the Giant Bomb guys. Specifically the Jeff and Vinny Deadly Premonition endurance run.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Well my favorite let's players used to be Slowbeef and Diabetus, but they haven't really done an LP in a long time. So..

My favorite let's players are Chip and Ironicus. I find them hilarious, and they do really good on the production side of things. of them does, I guess.

Their style seems to be my favorite, the expert and the new guy. Seems to work perfectly for games imo.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Northernlion is probably my favorite, followed by Protonjon and Takarifreak. Props to NintendoCapriSun as well. And of course, Yogscast.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Two Best Friends Play has crept up the list after their playthrough of Heavy Rain. Love how they rip the piss out of that game, it's very much my style of humour.

Oh and someone actually made this. Awesome

Cry Plays: X is my all time favourite LPer, his videos are so classy with a clear amount of effort being put into them, if I ever decide to go into Youtube videos this guy would be my inspiration. Cry and Siv HD. OTP

Though Siv HD went to film school so his videos are unfairly good XD

Reverse Support HECARIM strikes again!

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
You know, I'm noticing a distinct lack of SSoHPKC, or Seamus [] of The Creatures.

Go ahead, check his youtube. Its got a little bit of everything, so there's stuff everyone can enjoy. Personally, its his dry, sarcastic wit that really makes him fun to watch for me.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
Two best friends (it's the hypest shit), A few of the SomethingAwful guys (including Slowbeef and Diabetus back when they actually did Let's Plays), Game Grumps (in limited doses), Northernlion (who manages to seem both highly competent and totally incompetent at the same time), and The Runaway Guys have their moments (though I'm pretty much over them now).

So, yeah, pretty much the same people everyone else likes.

Props go out to TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox purely for their Terraria let's play. It's not even very good or particularly funny, but God Damn if it didn't cheer me up when I was going through a rough patch.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
I generally watch the Creatures but only if they have something good on.

My favorite guys are...

Chilled Chaos (CriousGamers) because I love his voice and his personality...also because he connects with his fans and actually talks with me on twitter. xD

Also that he is terrible-ish at games and a floozy. :D

And ImmortalHD. I love his "I don't care" personality and his spookycraft series he does. He should do more though...

Also buy his t-shirt...(an inside joke).


New member
Sep 3, 2012
Two Best Friends/TheSw1tcher have been up there for a time, and I see others have similar tastes and reasons why. I hated the word "hype" before, now it's a permanent part of my vocabulary.

I follow Xcal as well. I like him for the absurd dickishness and knowledge of the games he plays.

AlChestBreach does cool Fallout New Vegas/Skyrim mods, and he lets me bring out my spontaneous and immature side, without being annoying and childish.

However I don't watch any of them religiously, I feel as though that makes them get old after awhile. I usually either build a series up or don't watch everything. Well, except Two Best Friends, I've been watching their Shitstorm of Scariness videos every day.


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
The ones I watch the most are Game Grumps (I love the both of them so very much), JefMajor (I find his immature jokes plain hilarious for some reason, and while he can be incompetent, he's never TOO incompetent) and Jesse Cox, or OMFGcata. They're my current favourites.

I used to watch a lot of Tobuscus, but I've fallen behind with his stuff as of late.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Reven said:
1. What are some of Your favorite Let's players?
Dilandau3000 is my very favorite.
He's extremely smart, he explains everything he does, he goes into cool hidden/background lore and trivia that even I didn't know about (particularly impressive in the case of the Myst series, since I'm an enormous fan), and he has a nice accent that is pleasant to listen to. Also I've been in a few of his Uru Live videos (as just another random participant), so I'm biased.
3. Favorite style of let's play?
While I like the comedy ones sometimes, they tend to get really boring really quickly for me; I watch a couple videos and then start doing other stuff while the audio runs in the background. So I prefer more informative ones that actually give me a reason to watch.

I also have a soft spot for LordVega's blind LPs of the Silent Hill games, though I'm not sure why. He just seemed like a lovable, easily-frustrated, easily-frightened doofus, and it reminded me of when I first played those games. And I liked how he called me "viewer" all the time.

Voidburger's Silent Hill LPs are great too, especially Shattered Memories. (ShatMemz! Screw that game.)

TwoBestFriends can be funny, but one of them is just such a jerk to the other one (I don't even know their names) that it makes me sad. I know that's how guy friends usually are, but it's so one-sided that it bugs me.

The only ones that make me laugh consistently are Game Grumps and Retsupurae, if that one even counts. The fact that Retsupurae doesn't usually do full games is a big help, since I can watch any of their videos whenever I feel like it and thus I don't get bored (though their Darkseed 2 videos are pretty much the best things ever).


New member
Nov 6, 2008
I don't watch that many LP's, but I could happily watch JefMajor play just about anything and be guaranteed that I'll enjoy it quite a lot.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Slowbeef and Diabetus are always good fun, as are Chip and Ironicus. Also enjoy watching Northernlion and the Pokecapn crew. I used to really enjoy Jefmajor's stuff but lately he's posting a lot less and when he does I just can't find myself enjoying it.


New member
Sep 2, 2008
The Freelance Astronauts. Just about everything they've done has me in stitches. Unfortunately, the one that had me laughing the most of the one's I've watched, New Super Mario Bros Wii, is nowhere to be found!

Still, though, with almost legendary Let's Plays like Majora's Mask and "The Kickboat Saga," they will always have a special place in my heart. It makes me sad that they seem to have broken up or something, as they've stopped making videos.

For those of you who haven't seen them, a summary:

Also, if anyone can point me to some sort of repository that still has all the NSMBW playthroughs, PLEASE do so! I never got to finish watching that one.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
ResearchIndicates. The guy doesn't produce very many, but what he does produce are of an immaculate quality. He doesn't talk too much or try to crack jokes, and yet he is informative, funny and there is something deeply sexual about his Southern accent. Basically, he knows you're there to watch the game, not listen to him, so he only says as much as is necessary.

See him here, describing one of the worst games ever made: Jurassic Park: Trespasser

That's probably my favourite style of Let's Plays: less talk and more play. If I want to see someone funny, I'd rather they do a quick overview of the game with gags instead of a let's play (like Bro Team Pill or Two Best Friends).


New member
Jul 18, 2011
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
Dilandau3000 is my very favorite.


I also have a soft spot for LordVega's blind LPs of the Silent Hill games, though I'm not sure why.
I definitely love those two, although LordVega doesn't do Let's Plays any more. I particularly love Dilandau's playthrough of the Longest Journey series. Another very informative Let's Player is DarkChiron. He has a fondness for Lovecraft, so he's played a lot of obscure cult classics.

As for me, my absolute favourite is Mangaminx, otherwise known as theRPGMinx. She's incredibly hilarious, and through her I've also found VideoGameCarnage. Both are amusing in the way that they can get really angry at the games they play, and tend to swear a lot. They also specialize in horror games, and indie games.

And of course, 666theheartless666, for general British humour. It's also astounding that he can get so angry and yet never swear once. I also adore it when he gets his mum to play through horror games.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
I enjoy watching Spoiler Warning on Shamus Young's website. Not sure what 'style' it is since it's pretty much the only one I watch.

Total Biscuit's Terraria... thing I also enjoy watching but it's more of a radio play than a lets play.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Yahtzee... Well Yahtzee and Gabe. There really funny although they talk over a recording of one of them playing a game and it's all old point and clicks so that may turn some off...