Along with being a new entry in the Double Dragon franchise, DD Gaiden is a spiritual successor to Secret Base's Streets of Red. You read that right.
A lot of those games actually do have sequels, remakes, spiritual successors (out or upcoming).Seems like this is a relevant enough thread. Elsewheres someone was asking me what games I would like to a remake/remaster/loose reboot/successor of. After some thought I came up with the following list (omitting some, like Castlevania which I could throw a rock and find direct successors (Hollow Knight, Salt ad Sanctuary coming to mind)
7th Saga, Actraiser, Battletanx, Black and White, Chrono Trigger, Command & Conquer (+Renegade), Crazy Taxi, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Descent, Dragons Dogma (see how its does with #2) Duke Nukem (pre-3d), F-Zero, Far CRy - Blood Dragon (as its own game) Final Fantasy 6 and 9, inFamous, Jazz Jackrabbit (sort of already happened with Hell Yeh WotDR), Halloween Harry/Alien Carnage, Heavy Gear, Hexen, Lords of Shadow, Populous, Prototype, Secret of Evermore, Heroes of Might and Magic, Maelstrom, Might and Magic, Perfect Dark, Raptor Flight of the Shadows, Secret of Mana (like, one that actually addreses a giant chunk of the game being cut), Shadowrun, Soulbringer, Thief, Tokyo Jungle, Tribes, Twisted Metal, Ultima(inc Underworldand online), Unreal Tournament, Xardion
Eh, if I'm gonna bother with a re-do of FF6, it'd have to be more then just an upscaling (basically)A lot of those games actually do have sequels, remakes, spiritual successors (out or upcoming).
Shadowrun Trilogy on Steam
It cribs from Hexen. There is also the C&C remaster, but its only the first game and red alert.Not sure what the fourth one is correlating too. Didn't know about the would-be C&C one (but probaby overlooked cause I don't PC game much, can't be bothered doing my job (tech support) to faciliate my leisure time.
With some elements of Perfect Dark as well. I can guess we can say it'll be the best 007 and Perfect Dark game in a long, long, long time.Seems someone is doing a Goldeneye inspired game
Also DORF. Very old school C&C, sprites and all.If we're talking about upcoming games, I can readily nominate Tempest Rising (as an SS to Command & Conquer) and Stormgate (as an SS to StarCraft/Warcraft).
Nothing fills the void!Dino Crisis SS. But looks pretty jank asset flip-y. Got the cheese tho
Also DORF. Very old school C&C, sprites and all.
I'll be honest, DORF doesn't look appealing to me. It seems to be harkening back to RA2 more than anything else, which is fine, just that my 'proper intro' to CNC was with Tiberium Wars.Snip
Nothing except a 7 mile asteroid, but who's counting?Nothing fills the void!