Your favourite cheesy, campy and silly movie?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Here are a few that come to mind:



New member
Feb 24, 2011
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
Tremors, all of the movies are great cheese and really fun.
I feel I have been denied critical... NEED TO KNOW... innnnnformation. -.- Absolutely love Bert. ^.^ 4th one was kindda meah though. :/

Imma say... hummm. Wrongfully Accused just feels cheap because it's a parody and Kung Pow is in the same boat. And so many of mine have already been said. Urm, fuck it. Wrongfully Accused.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Rabbitboy said:
The Fifth Element, it's just a great movie that doesn't take itself all that seriously. Although I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure.

Agreed, it's not a guilty pleasure for me, it's just a damn fun movie that focused on fun, and didn't give a fuck about anything else. xD I can respect that when it's done well.

I think my other favorite would probably be Bubba-Hotep. Geriatric Elvis(or impersonator), battles the redneck cousin mummy to the true mummies of Egypt, in a nursing home. With a black JFK in a wheelchair, and a Lone Ranger in a walker. The premise is so beyond insane that it orbits back around and reaches this level of divine wonderfulness. And the ending makes me cry, every...time.

Bizzaro Stormy

New member
Oct 19, 2011
The Producers the 60's version. A con artist and an emotionally unstable accountant team up with an ex-Nazi to put on the worst play in the world. The prize is that they asked for more money than they need to make the play. When it flops they keep the excess! This movie is very silly and features Gene Wilder, Zero Mostel, Kenneth Mars, and a dancing swastika.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
The correct answer to this question is Big Trouble In Little China, although the evil dead and escape from series are also acceptable substitutes.

It genuinely amazes me how often I see people quoting these movies or enjoying things referencing that reference these movies without having actually experienced them themselves.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
HardkorSB said:
Here are a few that come to mind:

Ninja'd, damn it!

But seriously, "Big Trouble in Little China" is probably my favorite movie of all time, I think I watched it about 200 times when I was a kid. It had everything: monsters, kung-fu brawls, a smart-alec hero (who, hiliariously, isn't really much of a hero), a young Kim Cattrall, wacky Chinese mysticism, the 3 Storms, humor, and was just pure entertainment. Watching it now, you can see how many ideas "Mortal Kombat" borrowed from it.
Dec 10, 2012
Ahh, this thread has reminded me of some great movies. Escape From New York, Big Trouble in Little China, Army of Darkness, Shoot 'Em Up. Fricken Bubba-Hotep! I can't believe I forgot how much I love that movie. Cleopatra does the nasty indeed!

But I think my favorite is one of the original wacky nonsense comedies: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It is truly genius in its nonstop silliness. It's the definition of 'so stupid it's great.'

Little Woodsman

New member
Nov 11, 2012
Put me down for Big Trouble in Little China as well... it's been waaay too long since I last watched that movie.

"China is here Mr. Burton."

"What does that mean? I don't even know what the hell that means."


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Airplane, anyone? The movie (and Stephen Stucker...ESPECIALLY Stephen Stucker) revels in its gloriously hammy absurdity.



New member
Jun 15, 2013
Asita said:
Airplane, anyone? The movie (and Stephen Stucker...ESPECIALLY Stephen Stucker) revels in its gloriously hammy absurdity.

YES!!! Damn right. Its the perfect, silly, insane, comedy, screw your sensitivity, let's introduce the tribe a new game with a ball but within 2 minutes they are the Harlem Globetrotters, fun.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
I nominate the Austin powers series for sheer quoteability and every 'the naked gun' movie. And heck, throw the police squad series in there as well while we're at it. They're just more of the same anyway.

Emanuele Ciriachi

New member
Jun 6, 2013
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Oh, come one! Cinematic videogames on rails qualify, right?

Metal Gear Rising - Awkward Smile Mash-Up []

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Robocop and Total Recall are good contenders. Shoot 'Em Up and Escape From New York too, now that I see them mentioned in the thread.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I found myself genuinely liking a lot of the scenes in Howard the Duck, even if it was clearly a wildly misguided overall movie. (The new comic is really great, though.) I've also loved The Legend of Billie Jean, featuring a young Yeardley Smith (Lisa Simpson) stealing every scene she's in.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
Probably Small Soldiers, but that's just because it's one of the first goofy movies I watched during pizza night.



New member
Sep 26, 2008
Alright, I'm just gonna come out and say it: Street Fighter: The Movie.

It always bugs me when people harp on this movie for being a "bad video game movie", because it makes me want to reach through my monitor to grab them by the shoulder and start shaking them while shouting "IT'S NOT TRYING TO BE GOOD!" That movie is very blatantly trying to be campy, but so many people seem like they're trying to take it seriously. It's like when people go on about the 60's Batman series being way too silly to take seriously by today's standards. That was the idea! If you think that people in the 60's took that show seriously, then you are way off. It was always meant to be campy, so to judge it by the same standards as Tim Burton's movie or the recent Dark Knight movies just doesn't work. You might as well watch Legally Blonde and judge it on the same scale that you'd use for The Avengers.

Anyway, back to Street Fighter. Was it a "good" movie? Absolutely not! It wasn't trying to be. They knew they were working with a silly premise, so that's what they did. Raul Julia absolutely knocked it outta the park as a megalomaniacal M. Bison, and Jean-Claude was awesome as uber-patriot Guile. It's a fun movie to watch; not because I'm looking for a good story or necessarily even good action scenes, but because the movie takes itself not seriously enough that the over-the-top everything is just fun.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I've always answered "Hudson Hawk" to this question. "Army of Darkness" is a fairly good answer as well. I see lots of people mentioning "Big Trouble in Little China" and I actually disagree there. It has its cheesy and silly moments, but I consider BTiLC actually to be a good movie. Not in any way "bad movie that I just enjoy for camp fun." It's a really clever deconstruction of the classic hero story. Because its seen from the viewpoint of the main character not being the hero, but his comedy sidekick, it does go a little over the top with the silly. But I can't really consider it "so bad it's fun" because I just think its damn good.

Someone mentioned "Bubba Ho-Tep." Same problem, except one thing. It's back-of-the-box blurb, 1 sentence synopsis may be silly. But the basic premise is the only thing "silly" about Bubba Ho-Tep. The actual run-time of Bubba Ho-Tep is nonstop dark comedy and bleak, oppressive, and confined atmosphere. I went into it expecting goofy and campy, and the second it was over I was headed to the library to check out every book by Joe R. Lansdale I could find. Heavy, DARK stuff, even the comedy. Going into Bubba Ho-Tep expecting silly camp is like watching Magica Madoka's first pair of episodes and expecting it to continue on as "this is as twee as Sailor Moon." It's THAT much of a shock to your expectations.

"Shoot Em Up?" Ehhh, I can't argue that it was bad. It was realllllly bad. It was so bad I couldn't even "ironically" enjoy it. The shootouts were silly, but the script and the dialogue were SO bad that a running commentary by Mike Nelson couldn't have kept Tom Servo's brains off the wall had they been forced to watch it. Between "Shoot em Up" and "Monster Man" I'm surprised the moron directing isn't ACTUALLY Clayton Forrester trying to make a movie so bad he could take over the world.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Fat_Hippo said:
It's so 80's. I love it. Do you happen to know any movies in a similar vein?
There are two that immediately spring to mind. The first is The Warriors. takes place entirely at night, and has an almost identical feel to Escape from New York.

Beware though- there are two versions. If you get a version with freeze framing and captions that makes the film look like a comic book (the director's cut), turn it off immediately. I'm not joking. That version is horrible. Watch the original version that tells the story in a much more fluid, down to Earth and gripping way.

The second is Assault on Precinct 13, another night film from John Carpenter, about a decommissioned police station coming under siege by a vicious gang, and the handful of cops inside debating whether to let a notorious criminal out of custody to help them fight the invaders off.

There's also a 2005 version of this film that ~might~ be good too, but I haven't seen it.